Friday, February 23, 2018

Your Turn

Do you believe in horoscopes?


  1. My new trainer said he wanted me to do something to "feel the burn".

    So I ordered Mexican take out for us.

  2. I love reading charts!

  3. I believe that the people who consider themselves professionals in that field have studied enough people under each sign to be able to get a bead on personality types, so there may be something to that part of it.

    As for the fortunetelling part, horoscopes are fun to read, but I don't take them seriously.

    1. I think Sun sign astrology is sort of pointless and makes little sense. But I've seen how universal energies manifest.

      What I find fascinating, though, is when companies run by people who seemingly would be the type to shun astrology function in sync with it? Either they secretly believe in it and won't admit it, or it just works (I doubt it's the former).

  4. No, and it's so annoying.

  5. Not on a day-to-day basis, but as a whole...most definitely!

  6. I believe one day there will be a scientific explanation for this all. I just know it. 🗽👩🏻🚕🍂💛

  7. As an Aries, I think they are pointless.

    1. Unknown: Don’t be so stubborn. Tell us how you REALLY feel, eh?

  8. It's bad luck to be superstitious

  9. As an Aquarius-of course I do.
    The Cosmos is far more -intricate and mystifying than most of us can imagine-and it’s both big and small at once. The more we accept it/believe in its power, the more it yields its magic

    1. I find it interesting that you say it's "both big and small" because I believe astrology only works in two different extremes: When it's very large-scale (like a whether report) or when it's personal (which would require an exact birth time/place).

      The "weather report" stuff, do manifest energetically in my experience. Like yesterday, the Moon in Gemini squared Mercury in drunken/woozy Pisces because Neptunian, right? So someone misunderstands me on Twitter and I misunderstand Jessorella on the Bond blind item yesterday. I'm comfortable enough to ascribe energies/events to it being "Aquarius/Pisces season", etc.

      The personal stuff that's down to the degrees is also scarily accurate (I do check myself just to see if it's confirmation bias, by running every variable, and it checks).

      It's the "middle ground" Sun sign stuff that gives astrology a bad name, IMO (it's like a dumbed-down version). Even proper pro astrologers know it's bullshit because how many billion people on Earth and their destiny's supposed to be divided into 12 archetypes/fate? The fact is: Only 4 people are born per second (yes, I did my homework—I happen to be writing about the subject) so statistically only that amount of people could share the same fate.

      I get that there's demand for a paragraph of monthlies for the Sun signs on a very general magazine like Vogue and whatnot, but it does such a disservice to field, you know? If astrologers really want to teach people something, maybe the magazines should run articles that analyse people's charts, and goes into detail (Vice did a cool one on the White House last year—written with a sense of humour).

      Also, Sun sign astrology is abused by bigots (like Bill Nye Sun Sign Guy) who enjoy bullying people for their beliefs. The irony being, his "debunking methods" aren't even scientific. I find that sad. When HRW Film Festival promoted his film, I emailed them and gave them a piece of my mind—there are plenty of climate change advocates who don't persecute people for their beliefs (it's incredibly messed up for an organisation like HRW to consider a person like him a "friend").

      Anyway, I've been low-key semi-stalking Marvel's social media (who I'm sure are the type to shun the system seeing what their idea of a good PR stunt looks like) and noting how that company's behaviour syncs with the Universe. I might post my findings here some time. Like, they released "Black Panther" during an Eclipse in Aquarius season (as a Leo IC, this is what I notice the first) and it's about a hidden kingdom coming into the spotlight ends up opening up at the UN.

      Either Marvel have secret in-house astrologer à la Nancy Reagan (I doubt it) or this stuff done right actually does work.

      Damn. That was long. Sorry. I'm very passionate about the Science & Nonduality (because I do believe there will be a scientific explantion for all this one day). It's just small-minded celebrity "scientists" seem really defensive about it (see: Neil Kardashian-Tyson's dog-whistling tweet during the August 2017 eclipse) because being wrong (and so loud about their narrow-mindedness) puts them in a very bad place.

  10. As an Aquarian, they say we're independent thinkers and skeptical - so based on my Horoscope - I'm skeptical.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I agree about the skeptical part. I have so many placements in Aquarius that I feel like I need to double check EVERYTHING I believe in.

      I remember reading "The History of God" (Karen Armstrong) in high school. I was about 16 when I started "shopping for beliefs".

      I'm not just going to agree the positions of planets doesn't affect life on Midgard just because Carl Sagan tells me so. I'm not going to let some man tell me what to think. LOL. I can think for myself, thank you.

  11. Me leo and yeah, I do believe in horoscopes! Everything mystical and magical is fine by me.

  12. I only believe my horoscope when it says positive things! But I've always wanted a personalized chart done on myself...

  13. People who believe in horoscopes are Satanists. It is part of the Occult.

  14. Anonymous11:17 AM

    I became a believer the day someone told me Scorpio’s have giant dongs and are sex maniacs. I thought to myself “that explains it”.

  15. I wondered for a while if it was seasonal, but then what would explain equatorial people or opposing hemispheres?

    I dunno. I like horoscopes in that they give you generally decent advice to focus on that day regardless of your sun sign.

    Kind of “pick your daily advice out of a hat” type thingy. And they’re broad enough to often enough be “right.”

  16. No but they're fun like fortune cookies.

  17. Everyday horoscopes?
    Not usually although I do believe in tenets of the Zodiac.
    I do believe the Sun, Moon and Stars
    are heavenly spiritual bodies
    who have influence over our lives and world.

    Santos Bonacci on YouTube is an incredible resource
    for fascinating info on subjects like
    the power of the Celestial Bodies, Zodiac, Syncrecity
    and the truth about Christos = The Christ Within.
    And no, it's not about Jesus Christ.
    Fascinating stuff.

  18. I believe there is something to astrology and I am no satanist, I assure you. The day to day horoscopes are interesting but I place no credence to them.

    A true professional astrologist, however, is definitely worth listening to. Not for the distinct and minute predictions--which a professional will rarely, if ever, make--but for guidance about the best time to do certain things, when something new and worthy may enter your life so you should pay extra special attention, when it's good or bad to start a new project or wait.

  19. I hate to say it but all the compatibility stuff is true. It works. I've known lots of execs who secretly are into it.

  20. yes I definitely dabble in astrology! less obsessively than in my youth but I definitely follow. do I believe? I look at it moreso like I look at the Ten Commandments, merely a guideline..

  21. Yup. One time it said I will meet a man with the same name as mine and I did. Also I pay attention when it says to watch out f or conflicts or bad days. It usually happens so i keep a low profile. Some times it's a miss but most of the time it is accurate

    1. Horoscopes and fortune telling/ “clairvoyants@ are not the same. You can ascribe to one and not be an “occultist “ ffs 😉. In its simplest recognition,it’s just knowing a bit about yourself that is less conventional,and more -intuitive

  22. for the naysayers and non believers and even those who are into it. check out this site. I found it to be fairly accurate with correct information input .here is what you do! go to astrodienst dot com there along top you will see series of clickable options
    “home . horoscopes. shop ect”
    select horoscopes and from drop down menu select “personal portrait” (believe it to be fourth or fifth option down, ..few beneath SHORT HOROSCOPE option)
    you will then be directed to data entry page . I of course only use initials for name but enter all birth info correctly and it is huge bonus if you know time of birth as few hours variance does indeed make difference. I welcome you to try even if you don’tknow time ,not as accurate not as fun! it will then spit out all planetary alignments at time and day of your birth and reveal, albeit brief, synopsis of You. scroll down and prepare to be amazed! ..then you must immediately come back here and rank accuracy. happy reading!

  23. As to the daily sun sign horoscopes, they have no real historical significance, and are a modern contrivance. As to the full horoscope interpretation, I love the symbolism employed but don't believe that there is any significance to them beyond common human experience.

  24. Enjoy reading them, yes, run my life according to them , no.

  25. Absolutely. I never buy anything other than gas or food when the moon is void of course, not making any aspects. Also, never buy a computer, anything with wheels or moving parts when Mercury is retrograde. It will save you aggravation if you don't buy a phone/ipad then.

  26. Astrology says that us Aquarians are the least likely to believe in mystical pseudo-scientific baloney. I think that is probably true. ;)
    (tee hee!)

  27. hellll no!
    dat some vooduu shizz right there!
    like dat mistrizz cleo? she a lyin azz skan azz hoe!
    if yall believe in dat shizz? yall need u sum jesus!

  28. Nope. While it's entertaining and can be fun, there's no science behind it.

  29. Here's a really cool, open-minded, and unbiased recent article on it:

  30. Intresting how the trolls are suddenly being super nice (and playing 'sane') today... New orders/direction from the client?

    What gives (I bet it isn't anything astrological).

  31. Based on their answers, I'd venture to guess that Aquarian @Tricia13 is ruled by Uranus, while Aquarian @SpiderRico is ruled by Saturn.
