Monday, February 26, 2018

Your Turn

Oscar week this week, so will go through one major category a day. Who do you think should win?

Best Supporting Actress

Mary J. Blige – Mudbound as Florence Jackson
Allison Janney – I, Tonya as LaVona Golden
Lesley Manville – Phantom Thread as Cyril Woodcock
Laurie Metcalf – Lady Bird as Marion McPherson
Octavia Spencer – The Shape of Water as Zelda Delilah Fuller


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Alison Janney beyond a doubt.

  3. Last night, Wolfie said I never make him feel wanted.

    So this morning, I called the FBI and told them he was dealing drugs out of the CNN Executive bathroom.

  4. It's a toss-up between Janney and Metcalfe. If I HAD to pick, Metcalfe. Lady Bird is one of the only movies that has ever made me ugly-cry in the middle of a theater.

  5. Alison Janney ....its a lock

  6. I see once again the Academy picked roles from movies that 80% of the box office paying audience didn't watch, good show old men. Really looking forward to your ratings this year.

  7. Metcalf. Janney did an amazing job, but she basically did an impression of LaVona. Metcalf (along with the writers and director) created a character that was so subtle and realistic and perfect for the movie.

  8. Don't have an opinion and don't care.

    Channel surfing a moment ago, I stopped for a few minutes on Renegade S2E6 (1993). What lucky, er, um, who ran the casting couch for that show?

  9. Janney...because she was robbed of an Oscar for her performance in Drop Dead Gorgeous as was Ellen Barkin

  10. I like Mary J. Blige, Allison Janney, Laurie Metcalfe, and Octavia Spencer. It's a tough one.

  11. Alison Janney had the easier role because that mother was freaking nuts. Laurie Metcalfe had more nuance and sensitivity in her role. And she ROCKED it.

  12. I agree with Laurie Metcalfe...her portrayal of the bitch mom was very realistic whereas Alison Janney's was more of a cariacture. Octavia Spencer should win a special Oscar for playing basically the exact same role in every movie.

  13. Mary J. Blige - because groups get outraged when they’re disrespected with no acting awards...

  14. (Unfortunately I know a thing or two about bitch moms.)

  15. Blige will win Best Song. Janey will be back again and again. But I say Metcalfe takes this one.

  16. Either Allyson or Laurie will get it.

  17. I don't care. they received their huge paychecks. Isn't that enough?

  18. Allison Janney is the only one I've seen, and she was a total RIOT. She deserves the award for sure. Although I do not intend to watch.

  19. laurie metcalf because she's a genius and very under-appreciated.

  20. Oscar movies look to be 90% junk. I got some bootlegs from a Brooklyn celestial of most best picture noms, and haven't cared enough to view them.

  21. Funny that we, or maybe it was just me, used to think this category was a curse for young actresses. Now we know what we know about Harv, we see that it was HIS fat ass that was ruining careers (Sorvino, etc). Not really a violent dude but I would like a shot with him for a few minutes.

  22. Maybe it's just me, but I feel like you're on the wrong site if you have no opinion on Hollywood awards.

    I hope Laurie Metcalf gets it. Janney is amazing always, but I agree with the other commenters about how well put together Metcalf's role / character is.

    Has anyone here seen Phantom Thread? Looks so boring. Wish Daniel Day-Lewis would go out with another film.

  23. It will be Janney but hoping for metcalfe

  24. Allison Janney - most definitely! This is the first year I've seen more than one movie with any sort of nomination in decades. Allison SLAYS it.

  25. Wow. Tough crowd. They're all good choices and I was very surprised at how strong a performance Mary J. Blige gave. Great job. But that Manville lady seemed to do a good job and worked hard so maybe she might get it, or something. She was kinda awesome, maybe. I mean, since Enty asked and all. Just IMHO. ;-)

  26. I thought MJB was wonderful in Mudbound. Octavia was good but not Oscar worthy. I always thought Metcalf chewed the scenery in BBT and Rosanne so I'm going with Janney cause she is awesome as well.

  27. Alison Janney will get the Oscar. And she deserves to.

  28. I have only watched 'I, Tonya' of the list, so I am going to say Alison Janney.

  29. Haven't seen even one of these performances.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Torn between L. Manville and MJB.

  32. Allison Janney, long overdue

  33. Janney was wonderful, but I'd have to give it to Metcalf.

  34. Lesley Manville.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Allison Janney should win but have a feeling woman from Lady Bird might get it.

  37. Damn, they were all great! Hard choice!

  38. Alison Janney was amazing. She pulled off white trash as if she'd been born in a trailer.

  39. Allison Janney – I, Tonya as LaVona Golden

  40. Did anyone see "Get Out?"
