Saturday, March 03, 2018

Blind Item #1 - Dancing Boy Update

There is going to be a dancing boy short too - pretty much as it's told in the blind (albeit in a style that apes/riffs on 40s noir: voiceover, montages, double exposures - that sort of thing). We've got in mind and are reaching out to particular actor to do the v/o (dancing boy as adult), or at least direct it. He is a former kid actor turned primarily voice actor most known for a certain role in a movie (written) by the late icon of coming of age flicks. He wasn't in one of those, but it's still one of my favorites (of the icon, I mean). The character he played and I share a first name.


  1. John Hughes for the late icon?

  2. So an actor who was in a John Hughes movie, but not a coming of age one.

  3. I'd say definitely John Hughes for the late icon.

    I'm confused about the known for a certain role in a movie by the late icon of coming of age flicks, then it says he wasn't in one of those. Wait, what??

  4. Oh, think you straightened that out for me Sal, thanks!!

  5. Culkin. He is mostly doing v/o stuff now according to IMDb, his most well known role is Home Alone which was Hughes. And he has the General look of dancing boy (blonde, fair complexion).

    1. I was just listening to his Bunny Ears podcast. It’s pretty funny, and he’s likeable.

    2. I'm with you Melissa and he did dance in Home Alone!

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  7. That would mean his name is Kevin then!?!

  8. Maybe not even a John Hughes move - just one written by him.

  9. Mr. Mom was written by John Hughes. There is a character named Kenny played by Taliesin Jaffe, who is a voiceover actor now. It has been written on here that the Dancing Boy’s name is Kenny.

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  12. Off topic I know, but did anyone watch Frontline on PBS last night? It was about Harvey Weinstein. Nothing new, but it was interesting.

  13. So does this mean Dancing Boy is an actor named Kevin, born in the early 70s or so and would have a resemblance to Rick(y) Schroeder? Am I understanding this correctly?

    I don't know how well he fits all the other criteria and I can't find a really young picture but here's Kevin Connolly at a younger age. He definitely has the look and was born in '74.

  14. Liking the Kenny guess.

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  16. Michael Hall is iconic on his own and great on anything he does. He's been really busy lately, too. Love him.

  17. On previous thread someone figured out Dancing Boy was Kenneth Hempel. There is a Kenneth Hempel another sleuth found on FB . The date of a long DB story The Long Shadow of Abuse was Feb 8. That same day KH put a public post about watching Billy Eliot (story of boy who loved dancing) he commented- haven't seen it in years still delightful. Coincidence?? I am convinced the guesser of KH first nailed it. He looks like a nice guy too. Wish him much success and blessings especially after what he went through in the past. Brave to share his tale too.

  18. Taliesin Jaffe makes perfect sense, he is a voice director and voice actor. That would kind of confirm dancing boy is Kenneth (Kenny) Hempel.

  19. Taliesin Jaffe is probably friends with Dancing Boy. When I was looking up Young Artist Awards from around the era of the blind (since DB mentions attending awards), Jaffe is ALL OVER them. He was real big around thatvtime, apparently.

  20. If they are not friends, I'm sure their paths have crossed on occasion. Would not be shocked if they had similar experiences.

    Anyone guessing anything else should go back and read the other blinds lol.
    Jaffe is 100% the answer.

  21. Kenny is the kid in Mr Mom with the wubbie. So cute. Definitely memorable. 😊

  22. Clearly Hughes and Macauley for the pair.

    Sounds like his first name is "Kevin"? Culkin's character name.

  23. Ya, this is becoming more clear although still skeptical its all a bit of a con.

    John Hughes icon, mr mom is the film, Taliesin Jaffe is the kid who is now doing mostly vo work. He played Kenny...and we all know who Ken is in real life.

  24. I don’t know what it is, but it feels to me like something is ‘off’ with the dancing boy blinds. I can’t put my finger on what or why, just a gut feeling. Not suggesting that the blind isn’t real but just that something doesn’t quite sit right with me.

  25. @Sal T,

    I understand your discomfort. My belief is the writer of the blinds is struggling to come to terms with his past abuse, which is affecting the tone of his blinds. He is probably suffering from PSTD, which anyone who has been sexually abused or raped can relate to.

  26. To me the Dancing Boy blinds sound as if the person writing them enjoys telling that awful story - a little too much for my liking. But I gotta say, I get the same kind of feeling from many of the more crass blinds.

  27. Google the dancing boys of Afghanistan

  28. John Hughes. Home Alone MAC Culkin player Kevin

  29. If you take a look at Kenneth hemples friend list, I spied none other than Gabe Hoffman! Maybe a link!?!

  30. One of his likes s Brett Easton Ellis who was mentioned in part of a blind related to this... I think?

  31. *wakes up* KEVIN!
