Monday, March 05, 2018

Blind Item #11 - Oscars

This B+ list celebrity offspring of a permanent A++ lister was wasted when she arrived solo at an after party. She thought she was attending with the celebrity she has been seeing, but that celebrity is already hooking up with other women. Our offspring is constantly just used and thrown away like trash and one of these days something is going to snap inside her.


  1. Paris Jackson/Cara D?

  2. Paris Jackson, maybe with Cara D as the person she's been seeing.

  3. Paris Jackson. Looked a mess.

  4. Poor Paris, doesn't anyone care about her?

  5. Paris Jackson, who was her Peter Pan?

  6. Obviously Paris. I feel bad for her, but at some point she's responsible for not learning lessons.

  7. When you push away people that truly care about you and gravitate to those who destroy you, you look like her. She's on a path carved by a very weird upbringing by a self loathing caricature.

  8. She is looking for love, security. Probably two things she has been deprived of.
    I thought she looked gorgeous last night.

  9. Her Tink dress is bangin'. Absolutely adore it.

  10. So many beautiful lesbians, why Cara? She is very childish and not even so pretty as this.

  11. no wonder she looked so out of it on the carpet

  12. Donatella Versace recently posted on IG a pic of Paris in one of her gowns, a gorgeous green number. Paris looked fantastic. She really is beautiful, and for being so green in the industry, she isn't too shabby in her role on Empire. She's young, & finding her way by the long road according to you folks on this site. I hope she matures well, as her upbringing thus far has been fairly traumatic.

  13. Donatella Versace recently posted on IG a pic of Paris in one of her gowns, a gorgeous green number. Paris looked fantastic. She really is beautiful, and for being so green in the industry, she isn't too shabby in her role on Empire. She's young, & finding her way by the long road according to you folks on this site. I hope she matures well, as her upbringing thus far has been fairly traumatic.

  14. Was Tiffany Trump there?

  15. Paris pushed her mother away. Didn't get back in touch with her until mom stated she had breast cancer, but would only text her. Mom said at that point, she'd take what she could get. Older brother, Prince Michael, had chastised her for wanting a relationship with their mother and pushed her away, so, she doesn't seem to have anyone close who she can trust who won't use her.

  16. She needs someone who will make her PB&J sandwiches and not expect anything from her.

  17. This is obviously Sophia Richie. She was there with Lionel and she looked miserable

  18. How can anyone else take Paris seriously if she doesn't take herself seriously?

    That said, what a gorgeous young woman. Wish she could forge a trustworthy connection with someone, but then her father raised her in a fog of paranoia and child worship. No wonder.

  19. Maybe it's time for Paris to hook up with uncle Macaulay

  20. Paris is an overdose waiting to happen. I don't see her living to age 30.

  21. What celebrity is Paris seeing? Gotta be Sofia.

  22. Saw the pictures of Paris arriving and then leaving. You could absolutely tell she was out of it, but really looked alone when she left, she is young, learning lessons is very hard, especially when you were sheltered for most of your life and lived in a fantasy land. Even us normal folks at times have struggled with needing and finding real love and a connection.
    I feel really bad for her, she is stunning, though, even though i LOVE tattoos and support them, she has done way to many that do not tie in on her arms. It makes me think she is using the tattoos as a way of self harm to prevent her from doing it again herself.

  23. Is she simply alone in the world, alienated from the family and all on her own? That sounds positively terrifying. To be so so young and isolated, without mentors, teachers, I can see why enty seems to have a soft spot and an eye on her. A crying shame that for all their father went through, he didn't push them into being formally educated, just one adult like Brooke Shields around as a role model and positive example could make all the difference. I recall the oldest brother graduated with honors. They all need MBAs and JDs for what they are going to face in life. Sigh.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. I can't stand Cara D. When I first saw her I thought she was beautiful in an edgy an unique way, but her face annoys the heck out of me now. She has only one expression. Even a smile won't wipe that smugness and arrogance off her face.

    And she tries way too hard to be edgy. She has the manners of a pubescent boy and treats interviewers like trash.

    I don't care if she claims to suffer from depression, wanted to kill herself as a teen or whatever. I have a mental illness, too. Lots of people have mental illnesses. No excuse for asshole behaviour.

    Unfortunately, Paris is very young and probably naive and impressionable, thus falling fast and hard for Cara's 'edginess'.

  26. Paris Jackson & her hookup Cara D already hooking up with another woman.

    an interesting study I read - after legalizing gay marriage federally in the U.S., divorce rates were measured.

    gay men had divorce rates the same as hetero relationships.

    lesbian marriages were SUPER HIGH rates of divorce. it kinda cracked me up bc I think of the whole '2nd date = bring a Uhaul' joke in the lez community. maybe that contributes to it. either way, Im not surprised.

    1. @beebop Or, lets compare apples to apples.

      First, the studies you’re citing didn’t find “SUPER HIGH” rates. They found lesbian couples were just under twice as likely to divorce.

      So what’s the problem? The problem is that the studies are highly flawed in that they were incomplete (not all jurisdictions track same vs opposite sex pairings) and didn’t take into account the people who got married because they could when it was made legal where they lived. The studies also included data from other countries to make up the lack and then compared it to the US divorce rate but left out other forms of long term commitment (common law marriage, civil unions, domestic partnerships...)

      So, here’s a study that didn’t do all those things, although it was also done too early in the legal same sex marriage game to give us a real picture.

      Basically, wait 10 years, and then we’ll have a better picture of the landscape.

      Until then, you just keep enjoying your lesbian stereotypes, BeeBop, as it all has nothing to do with you.

  27. Paris needs to leave the showbiz world far, far behind. There is not much hope for a long or happy life for her there.

    She's the poster child for the misery of surrogacy/donor-type conceptions. Unfashionable as the idea is right now, the safest and happiest place for most children is with their married, biological parents.

    I really do wish her well. I've felt for her ever since her suicide attempt a few years ago.

    1. @Short Nice story, but actual scientific research disagrees with you.

      Paris is far more a poster child for the dangers of extreme fame, growing up under a microscope, being too protected from reality, and being orphaned young and suddenly left with money and a very thirsty world and no idea how to handle it.

    2. Harrumph, harrumph, @Han Niam. Couldn't agree more.

  28. Poor Paris. I didn't know she was gay or hi. I thought she just got out a hetero relationship? Am I completely wrong? If so my apologies.

  29. Paris and cara definite possibility but maybe Sophia and Scott disick .
