Tuesday, March 06, 2018

Blind Item #13

A director of some episodes of this pay cable show that needs to be 100% drama free according to the cable network that airs it has been trading sex for small roles on the show. The show barely survived one scandal and it won't survive another.


  1. Westworld? They were requiring extras to perform sex scenes last time around.

  2. The Deuce. First Scandal was Franco.

    1. It's pretty good, but it looks like they think the actresses really are porn stars.

  3. The Girlfriend Experience? Lots of nudity on there.

  4. Is Bassmasters a pay cable show?

  5. House of cards I think. Oh dear, that operation is a real Clusterfuck, isn`t it? They should`ve just ended the whole thing. And then start an investigation to figure out how this madness was allowed for so long.

  6. I think it's House of Cards. They should just cancel that already. Should have done that like two seasons back.

  7. +1 Deuce. They are already keeping Franco on

    House of Cards would be almost TV

  8. Franco directed two episodes of the Deuce and has a reputation for this stuff.

  9. The show that had Kutcher/Masterson in it on Netflix? Random guess because hardly anyone seems to have heard of it, I have Netflix and the first I heard about the show was when Masterton was fired so I'm taking the "barely survived" comment as a clue. I don't remember the name of it though.

    1. @Beck It’s called “The Ranch” I think, Which is extra creepy if you know about Scio’s “the ranch” and Scio kids.

      I tried watching one episode when I was especially bored, and I just couldn’t stay focused on it. Zero relatability for me, so I can’t even judge it’s potential objective qualities if it has any.

  10. The Deuce only had two repeat directors, one was Franco who would be described differently and the other was Michelle MacLaren, who did two episodes. Franco also directed two.

  11. @Tim, I was just about to post that, but I'm not sure they would describe him differently. Could be him still. Enablers.

    Also, it could be whoever is doing season 2, if they've started filming yet.

  12. House of Cards is not pay cable; its almost tv

  13. This was planned to be the last season of House Of Cards even before the Spacey thing, so that shouldn't be the answer.

    Not to mention it's "almost television" in entyspeak, not pay cable.

    The Deuce does sound more likely.

  14. 'The Deuce' is terrible with or without Franco being a prolific rapist. David Simon needs to stop.

  15. @ Han Niam - The Ranch thank you. *Sends you an imaginary cookie*.

  16. David Simon is too much of a control freak to let Franco have a say over casting. Plus, I don't think that Franco is on tap to direct any episodes this season.

  17. Netflix isn't pay cable

  18. Calling Franco a rapist is pretty harsh . You better be sure before just throwing these terms around . Getting a blow job in a car from a girl that your seeing does not a rapist make .

  19. If this is the Deuce, then the director is James Franco. He is the only director who directed more than one, i.e., "some" episodes.

  20. The Deuce would have to be good in the first place, the only time I hear about is in regards to the scandal. HBO should use the scandal as an excuse to scrap the show and make something people want to watch. They're starting to look like they just stumble into shows that AMC didn't want.

  21. @Christine

    I don't know what one calls abusing his students at his official school where they were promised contacts with real Hollywood players but instead were told to strip for his "experimental" films, but it's something, maybe not rape, but it's something less than kosher.

  22. @ Lurky Mclurster are you sure? I pay to watch the rubbish (Netflix) so they are pay cable as far as I'm concerned. I always forget the enty ratings with pay cable free to view to view so I'm unsure.

    1. It's not cable. Paid streaming, or "almost television."

      Streaming is killing cable. So, yes there is a big difference.

  23. I think "barely survived one scandal" is a bit of a stretch for The Deuce; the Franco thing hardly registered, they basically just said he hadn't done anything wrong on that show and moved on. It was never in jeopardy.
    But what other pay cable shows have even had scandals?..

  24. Anyway, my guess is Divorce.

  25. Why hasn't anyone pressed charges against Spacey yet?

  26. The Ranch on Netflix is the Kutcher / Masterson show. It's a really good show.
    My thought was House of Cards

  27. HoC is ending after this season... did something happen with Billions or the show about the affair? Those are on Showtime. I am assuming that shameless is in the clear.

  28. Definitely The Deuce

  29. http://deadline.com/2015/09/westworld-sex-scandal-sag-aftra-scolds-hbo-1201562295/

    don't know the director, but Jonathan Nolan is the creator and directs some episodes

  30. Master of None. Aziz Ansari

  31. Not a Netflix show guys... pay cable would be like HBO, Showtime, etc. I like The Deuce guess. Less obvious would be Silicon Valley; showrunners have been making the rounds explaining the whole T.J. Miller fiasco.

  32. My family pretty much only watches Netflix lately but I have to say the fact that they don't cancel these shows is worrisome .

  33. It's not the Deuce. If the only directors who have repeated are Michelle MacLaren (straight female) and Franco (he would have described differently), it can't be The Deuce. Probably Westworld.

    @Brayson87 The Deuce is a great show. I don't know how is performing commercially, but the Wire performed poorly (it caught fire after the show ended and became a cult show), Treme also performed poorly. It has nothing to do with quality. The three shows are great and Maggie Gyllenhaal is amazing in her role.

    @Geeljire I strongly disagree.
