Thursday, March 15, 2018

Blind Item #14

Apparently, that new organ is not working so well for that A-/B+ lister because of the abuse it has taken and she may actually need a replacement for the replacement. How about just changing your life rather than getting ones that other people would love to have and cherish.


  1. Replies
    1. and her kidney.....

    2. Anonymous12:43 PM

      Sounds like a band. Selena & The Kidneys

    3. “Haha true-got a “Katrina and the Waves “flow.... but due to her “lupus” in this case its-“shes hiding from Sunshine yeeeeaahh”

    4. B-side Siouxsie and the Banshees vibe
      "piss that kidney I have more schoolmates"

  2. Selena "Where are my drugs???" Gomez ..

    Pitty she used a friend for keeping her spiral down

  3. My SO has been on dialysis for nearly a year after he got food poisoning. This shit makes me so mad.

    1. Sorry to hear that@Lexi.... itvwoukd make me as well I think 😰

    2. @Lexi . So sorry to hear about your so. What kind of food was it? Shrimp?

    3. Sorry to hear about your SO, Lexi (and sharing how he got it—had no idea good poisoning could lead to a year of dialysis). I hope your SO gets better! 💛

    4. Ty for your thoughts it was a questionable taco place. He ended up getting sepsis from the bacterial infection which is how he ended up on dialysis.

  4. Once upon a time Mickey Mantle was very sick and close to death. He received a liver transplant to save his life. People were furious! First he was sick with liver disease because he was a fucking drunk and abused his body his entire life and got cirrohis. Second, because of who he was he was moved to the top of the transplant list, which made the angry people even more mad, saying he had no business even being considered for this because of his lifestyle. But he made it through the operation. Unfortunately the cancer in his old liver had spread into other parts of his body and he died anyway--a third reason for people to even be angrier--he was too sick to be saved.😥 So if Selena got a second chance and wasted it fuck her!

    1. I hated him and David Crosby for getting top pic while my mother died waiting for one.

    2. Lexi- prayers & love to you & yours...

  5. Farrah Abraham had a pooper transplant?

  6. Wouldn't you think that if you had been such a good friend, you would've had some kind of clue that Selena has drug issues?! No way in hell would she have gotten my kidney!!!

  7. I'm confused. Hasn't Enty implied in other blinds that Selena never had a transplant? And I keep wondering, is there a photo of the scar where you can also see Selena's face? Anyone?

    1. I don’t believe she had a transplant. I personally have a genetic kidney disorder and i’m familiar with transplant follow up protocols because of my job.
      There’s no way she had a transplant & you’re right. No scar, no recuperation time, no nothing.

    2. @Kno & @Virginia And on the day this hits the blinds, her “donor” is in the DM showing off her scars.

    3. The freakin irony. Mmmm i don't believe she had the surgery either. I thought i did see a blind that suggested she didn't have the surgery to.

  8. @Virginia Mayer, I don't believe she had the transplant, either. It really didn't seem like she was out of pap photos for long enough for the surgery to happen and for her to recover from it.
    I'm no expert, and it might be something that can happen quickly, but it just seems like it would have taken some time.

    1. Some “pap” content is embargoed for instances like this. When a celeb goes to rehab or has a surgery and wants to stay in the lime light they have content purchased from pap agencies and photographers that they can feed to outlets whilst away. She had the surgery..

  9. The most relevant question is- What on earth is a POOPER transplant?

  10. She had the transplant and Francia Raisa would not have made up all the physical suffering she went through post transplant. Let's put the train back on the track people. This blind is definitely Selena..

    1. Maybe Francia went through the process and the Kidney was not given to Selena but someone else.

  11. Put Selena on dialysis for a year and maybe she'll appreciate the next one.

  12. Why would UNOS allow someone who hasn't been sober for at least 1 year to receive organs and tissue unless they were the only match for said organ or tissue?

    As someone else pointed out, a friend ALLEGEDLY donated the kidney but wouldn't the surgical team have checked Selena for drugs in her system?

    1. There is an elaborate work up/screening process for organ transplants & an elaborate follow up treatment protocol that doesn’t include frolicking for paps on a beach with no scar 2 weeks later.
      Her friend just happened to be a genetic match & Selena received the donated kidney in a magical procedure that produced no scar visible while wearing a two piece swimsuit in public a couple of weeks later? No. Nope.
      Her kidney failed to such a degree that she required a transplant before even undergoing dialysis? Nope.
      Selena went through apparent zero recovery time? Nope.

    2. @kno won uno - +1 million

      I have seen what dialysis can do & my heart breaks for these people. Many of them will never receive a kidney.

  13. Her friend did a interview and showed her scars from the surgery and discussed her depression after the surgery.

    1. Yet Selena has no visible scar. Weird, isn’t it?


  15. It was inserted vaginally.

  16. Haha, what if Selena tricked her friend into giving up a kidney, then sold that kidney on the black market for coke money?

    I'm tellin' ya, it's the dumb seeming ones you have to watch out for ;)

  17. People manufacture lies all the dayum time to stay relevant yet some of y'all balk that she'd make this up.


  18. Re: selena maybe not actually having had a transplant

    It wouldn't be the first time Enty has done conflicting blinds. Depends which source/ writer is writing that day.

  19. How do you know she had the surgery, only because you like her music and "acting"?

  20. Some transplant recipients are very grateful, and others have the attitude that they can always get another one. Their lifestyle and habits should be reviewed before letting them get an organ, they need to prove that they'll take care of it. Micky Mantle and Larry Hagman were examples of abusing their privilege.

  21. Any reason why the descriptor is different than usually used for Selena? Could it mean someone else like Sarah Hyland, though that's been a few years?

  22. BTW, the Crypt Keeper himself, Dick Cheney was SECRETLY given preferential treatment, when he was too old to even be eligible for a transplant.

  23. Are you kidding me? You get a organ replacement and don't do your best to keep what you got in good condition? ... If you're not going to make an effort, then that is on you.

  24. Stevie, I feel for you. I know how frustrating that has to be and to see these rich celebrities just walk all over protocol to get theirs first maybe even if they dont or shouldnt deserve one....

  25. Selena Gomez interesting the mainstream media did not probe the story further. I think People magazine probably had some deal with Selena Gomez to put a spin on the story.

  26. I saw a picture of Selena in a bikini and there was a large scar. I agree with Steve. It could be Sarah Hyland .She looks really frail.....but it could be Selena. We will see.

  27. Makes me rethink the young couple breaking up because one was going sober and the other was still using blind. Maybe it's not Zayn and Gigi but Selena and Justin--with Justin being the sobering up one? Before you laugh, let me tell you that you can never predict who's going to be able to overcome addiction. And the hardest users tend to be the ones that live all holier than thou in public.

  28. And yes food poisoning can cause kidney issues, as can of course diabetes, and real lupus not the Gomez type, and other diseases. High blood pressure also can. I've been wary of Selena's lupus story from day one because my mom has lupus and while it varies between people, there are little things (like the rash and skin problems Michael Jackson had) that all its sufferers share. Not once have I seen the rash on Selena.

    1. @delete I haven’t seen it on her either, but I wouldn’t use that as a litmus test. It’s less common, but a significant subset of lupus patients never get the butterfly rash (and don’t have the discoid form either).

  29. I have sympathy for anyone suffering kidney disease, dialysis, waiting for a transplant. Recipients of donated organs should be thankful and careful. I am on the organ donor list. Glad I am not in LA. Wouldn't want my organs used to perpetuate some Fame whore's substance abuse and dysfunctional relationships.

  30. Scars can be created with makeup.

    I'm not saying she did or she didn't, but nothing and I mean nothing would surprise me.

  31. All the film talking about UNOS wouldn't approve it an the related screenimds. UNOS isn't involved in directed donatioms. All these that would stop it would be tissue type mismatch or excessive surgical risk to either donor or recipient that would make the transplant center refuse.

    So, that not a reason to think the transplant didn't happen.

    Further, a second transplant could as easily be organ rejection as anything else, particularly if the directed donation allowed a less ideal match than a UNOS mediated transplant.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Sarah Hyland from Modern Family received a kidney transplant from her Father. She has been acting erratic lately. Maybe her?

  34. in brasil we don't give kidneys to adicts, we let them on dialysis until they stop tacking because it is impossible to take anything cool without dying, "you" should have tried this with her...

  35. OK-so say this is about Selena? How is she A-/B+ list?? She is super successful, has tons of fans, her songs are constantly on the radio and sells tons of records. How in the world does that not make her A list?

  36. heck from what I've seen of Brazil I was led to believe you just get held down and kidney carved from body, good to know its not like that in all areas

  37. for people who say they never saw Selena with a Lupus Rash, you know she probably has her own personal MUA to help cover up that stuff right?

  38. I hadn't ever thought Selena didn't actually have the transplant. But the points I've seen here now make me wonder.

    She had some kind of surgery tho. I saw a pic of her in a 1 piece and she had this long scar on the inside of her thigh. I saw some jibber jabber about an artery and a second surgery. If she didn't have the transplant, what's the deal with the leg scar?

  39. Cant stand this girl and never could. And these days she proves me right. So ungrateful and poor me. How many die waiting for transplants and she gets just what she needs just as she needs it and makes a mockery.

  40. Selena messing up her life after having a kidney transplant makes me so sad.

    I'm a kidney donor. I gave a kidney to my brother-in-law almost three years ago.

    As part of that decision, I did some soul searching about how I would feel if my recipient didn't take care of the kidney, and I had some very hard conversations with him and my brother (his partner) about everything.

    You don't donate a kidney as a side thought. You don't accept a kidney from a loved one as a side thought. This isn't like borrowing a cute shirt. Both recipient and donor are undergoing surgery, and there are short- and long-term consequences. There are also only 15,000 kidneys donated (5k from living donors; 10k from deceased donors) a year, despite there being 70k people on the recipient list. Those are numbers from 2 years ago; it's probably even worse now. There simply aren't enough kidneys out there, and if you won't take care of the one you're giving, move the fuck over and let someone else benefit from the gift of life.

    Giving a kidney is a huge gift. It's also just that -- a gift that the donor is giving. I don't have any control over what happened to my kidney after it was in my BIL's body, and neither does Selena's friend. So while I would be sad if my recipient didn't treat it well, I also can't do anything about it. It's no longer my kidney; it is his to do whatever he will with. Fortunately, my BIL is doing awesome and takes care of it.

    I know I'm running on and on, but this gossip storyline stirs up so many emotions in me. Selena -- get your damn life together. You can't live your life going from donated kidney to donated kidney. Sober up, take your meds to protect your kidney, and learn to like your life. So many other people are leading really awful lives waiting for a kidney. Lives that are much worse than yours could be if you'd only take care of yourself.

  41. Ugh. Thia subject is so depressing.

    I believe Selena wants to do what is best for her, but has some emotional 'demons' chasing her hard. She looks to have no control over it. Such a sad sight.

    Lets save our Selena ire for the people who raped, traumatized & abused her to the point she cannot even recognize her blessings. Sometimes these kids don't know what hit them until it is way too late. Who are Selena's handlers & why are they allowing this? Yeah....crickets...

    These stars need to hire a Rasputia-like black grandma to be their accountability coach. They would def stay on track. It seems as if Selena has become a danger to herself. Godspeed to those who love her....go get your baby please...she needs you.
