Monday, March 05, 2018

Blind Item #35 - Oscars - Himmmm

At an after party, this (A+ list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee) was trying to remain composed while talking to (this former A list mostly movie actress who is from an entertainment family) who was pawing and clawing all over him.  In front of his wife.  This actress thought it was 1998 again, and was making very cringe-worthy remarks to us both.  He rolled his eyes about her so many times, I thought he was having seizures.  The wife finally walked off. When the actress was laughing and reminiscing about a crazy drunken thing we three did one night many years ago (and got in big trouble over), she said: "You guys want to re-live a fond memory tonight?".  The actor smiled, turned to her and said: "I'd love to – but I'm married and besides…he and I are gonna come out of the closet any day now".  He grabbed my hand romantically and led me off.  I looked back at the actress standing there frozen, mouth open, looking like she'd seen a ghost.  We ALMOST made it through the doors before we heaved in laughter. (For the record? We're not.  Not that there's anything wrong with that whatsoever.  We just didn't want to re-live ANYTHING with her. Ever). 


  1. Ashley Judd/Matt Mcaugahey?

    1. They briefly dated after shooting “A Time To Kill”

    2. And Himmmmmmmmm briefly did something with them one night I take it— —“A Time To Forget “ ?lol

    3. I thought be dated Sandra after A Time to Kill !

  2. Who'd you tag team Angelina Jolie wkth?

  3. lmao that's pure fried gold right there.

  4. Is this related to someone in the Loyal Order of Elvis Pallbearers--something like that; from a previous blind?

  5. So, 1998 is a big clue.

    This should be easy to google, actress who was big in 1998


    "I'm tired. Two of you are going to have to go."


  6. “For the record? We're not. Not that there's anything wrong with that whatsoever.”
    Odd to feel the need to add this. In a blind item no less.

  7. A Time To Kill was shotbon 1996/97

  8. Oh shit nice! 😂😂😂

  9. Waiting in antici-pation for that 4:30 jaw dropper!!!

  10. Anonymous3:24 PM

    WTF drunkened thing happened many years ago? Himmmmm, no one will mind if you fill us in on that

  11. @Tricia: " Forget" is 100% correct! Uggh.
    @srproject: that's a Seinfeld reference in that disclaimer.

  12. ashley judd wishes it was 1998

  13. Was Sharon Stone still hot in 1998?

  14. Kate Hudson. Clue: We ALMOST made through the doors...Akmosy Famous. Ashley Judd isn't gonna pull a JLaw style move at this point in (her) history.

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  16. That fact that @himmmm needed to add that it was a Seinfeld reference to someone who didn't get it. Kids, these days. :D

    1. I watched "Seinfeld" but i don't remember that being a swindler reference?

      And by the way, I say that ALL THE TIME (and I never knew it was a Seinfeld defence?

    2. *Autocorrect apparently thinks Seinfeld is swindler. Okay.

  17. I thought of Michael Douglas but I don't know who these people could be.

    I don't care who Himmmm are or who Enty is. Just keep exposing the creeps and sharing kindness and I'm good.

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  19. Daryl Hannah, RDJ and Ken Branagh all starred in Gingerbread Man in 1998, Daryl has family members in the biz. I can def see RDJ and Kenny being gay for each other, don't anyone try and claim Robert hasn't sucked a dick or two over the years,. To quote a great philosopher 'it's Hollywood! Everyone's gay once in a while'.

  20. okay, one-eye-bob, but only if you promise not to tell annyboddddy? and nobody will know but us right, buddy?
    all I can say is:
    hot tub + alcohol = attorneys/banned from luxury facility for 2 yrs.
    (that actress pulling a ZsaZsa on the cop didn't help).

    1. Did she strike him with a tiara 💅....
      man I feel for the cops if she pulled a Zsa Zsa/Ashley— Or Zashley GaJudd if you will👀

    2. Anonymous3:46 PM

      @himmmm lol your secret is safe w me

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  22. Anonymous3:35 PM

    I’m going to pull this one out of my, ahem..hat, I’ll guess Drew Barrymore.

  23. I forgot Ashley & McConaughey were an item at one time.

  24. @Thia lol! See a Seinfeld reference.

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  26. Kate Hudson. Showbiz family.

  27. The @Himmmm blinds are making my Monday. 1998 May be a year best forgotten, really.

    I’d say we’re looking for an actor with a very level-headed wife or a wife with few fucks to give and no patience for fools. We’re also looking for an actor who may be overly fond of expressing himself with eye rolls* Of those mentioned so far, RDJ and Branagh would both fit as far as that part goes.

    Aside from that, I’m just laughing at the last image. Thanks again, @Himmmm

    *No such thing.

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  29. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Former A list, sounds like Ashley Judd to me, I can get her being obnoxious like that and having no regard for someone else's wife. And entertainment Family = The Judds/Wynona and Naomi.

    I like the McConaughey guess for the A+ Academy Award winner/nominee. No one was coming to me for him.

  30. Morgan Freeman Tony Goldwyn in Kiss the Girls 1998 with Ashley Judd.

  31. Well, if it IS Ashley, it sure puts a new frame of reference on her screaming and screaming about being a "NASTY WOMAN". No class.

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  33. This sounds like George Clooney.

  34. On ET they have a report about McConaughey going straight from the Oscars to a charity event where he was the keynote speaker (I bet that speech was long), so it doesn't look like he went to any of the usual after Oscar parties.

  35. Sharon stone or Crazy Ashley

  36. Ashley. She was quite the "friend" back in the day.

  37. I'm going with MM and either Ashley or Kate Hudson. Both fit!

  38. +1 Kate Hudson and George Clooney

  39. Thia +1 poor Himmmm having to explain Seinfeld quotes ...

    As a strange coincidence the water pressure in my house dropped a couple of days ago, something to do with this crazy winter we've been having in London. My hair - and my husband's hair - made me immediately think of that Seinfeld episode when Newman gets them illegal black market shower heads 'from a guy he knows'.

  40. Hudson was with Chris Robinson in 98. Maybe the capitalized ALMOST is the clue.

    I'll be different and say Woody and Anne Heche (who was doing some live streaming coverage of the ceremony). They were both in WAG THE DOG in the late 90s.

  41. @scandi "not that there's anything wrong with that" is one of the most famous Seinfeld references ever.

  42. @Himmmm Maybe not the most appropriate post for this, but ever since I read the Clueless article in the latest issue of VF I've been thinking about Brittany Murphy. Will there ever be a blind that reveals what *really* happened to her?

  43. I don't think Ashley Judd is stupid enough to do this. She is full of herself, yes. But this sounds more like a free-wheeling party girl.

  44. Anybody who gets up and screams, "I AM A NASTY WOMAN" over and over and over again isn't too bright. Good grief, I am a woman and that did nothing to further my feminist agenda. It set it back a few decades.

    1. @juliaph There’s room for all kinds of feminism, I suppose.

      I understand the reclamation of an insult as a badge of honor or tribalism. Just like proud “deplorables” we now have proud “nasty women.”

      It doesnt seem all that different to me than the “Bitch” feminist t-shirts and etc that have been around forever.

      Not necessarily my own style, but I understand that form of ideological speech and the urge it communicates well enough that I have no real beef with it.

  45. Id laugh if it turns out enty is just some potato crisp crunching couch potatoe who lives a rich fantasy life.

  46. wasnt Melanie Griffith going through her drunk phase in 98

  47. Han Niam,

    Thanks for the reply. I see your point.

    However, as a child of the '60s I am thinking of the younger girls coming up who see the virulent spewing of hateful feminism, (that I have an inkling is actually internal rage against private individuals whom have not been confronted on a personal level) and therefore it is projected onto an entire generation of males of which a large portion are innocent.

    For example, the Jodie Foster quote; "Pretty much every man over 30’ is culpable for sexual misconduct cases..." What in the world are her sons going to think when they approach their 30's??

    If some man does something wrong, deal with it. That's what the legal system is for. But I can't see anyone being attracted to feminism that is so angry, ugly, rude, degrading (to the speaker) and plain classless.

  48. I'm sure the Rosie Riveters of the nation had very similar judgments to make on the free love generation, with their lack of bras and flagrant split ends. I think we can learn a lot from the upcoming generations (except we probably know more about Seinfeld).

  49. when Matthew McConaughey won the Oscar for best actor, Ashley Judd tweeted about the time when they "shacked up" years earlier. (For about 6 weeks during filming of "A Time To Kill." If she could tweet that to the whole world knowing he was married with kids, I dont think she'd hesitate to come on to him if front of his wife.

    About a year ago she was the answer to a blind about Matthew McConsughey calling someone the worst girlfriend he ever had.

  50. I seem to remember some story about Ashley Judd and Matthew McConaughey and some other people getting drunk at a party and jumping into a fountain at a Beverly Hills hotel. Msybe that's the incident she offered to recreate. Such class to do it in front of the wife, eh?

  51. Ashley sounds right. I used to adore her work back in the day, but it's clear she has PTSD or other mental health issues. I wish her the best.

  52. This sounds like something Matthew McConaughey and Robert Downey jr would do. It's hilarious. I love their sense of humor.

    1. Not saying it's them just if it were I wouldn't be surprised.

  53. I haven't come across any Rdj blinds on here MM maybe idk haven't been here consistently enough since I found this site in 2014/15 but thought that may be a clue as to who himmmmm could be is that he isn't discused.

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    2. What happened to Derrick? He was like Tricia he guessed all the blinds right.

  54. Mj_Bobbie,

    If you have been on this site for so darn long, have you not read the requests to not try to guess the Himmm's, are you not capable of comprehending the requests to not try and guess the Himmm's, or do you just not give a d____?
