Monday, March 05, 2018

Blind Item #45 - Oscars - Kindness - Himmmm

My companion for the evening just witnessed the most glorious act of kindness I've seen or heard since one at the Golden Globes.  She had to wipe the tears away to tell me what she witnessed when she came from the rest rooms.  This (foreign born permanent A-/B+ list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee) walked into the lobby near the end of the ceremony.  While waiting for someone, he recognized a young man he'd seen running around the ceremony inside all night, and called him over.  The actor asked him who he was, but the young man said he's not supposed to fraternize with the attendees. The actor waved his hand, "Hell with all that. Who are you? I've seen you running  all over all night.  You're an employee?", the actor asked.  The young man nervously said he was working a temp job as a seat filler tonight; that he is a scholarship student at UCLA film school; and originally from a small town in Alabama…but is honestly finding it too hard to break in to the movies as a hopeful director without knowing "the right people". 

The actor pulled out his glasses, put them on, and took an envelope from his coat pocket.  He removed two small cards (which he tucked back into his coat), and handed the envelope to the young man.  The confused student looked through the contents.  Inside was a stack of VIP passes to the Governor's Ball; the Vanity Fair after party; and a dozen other tickets and free vouchers for swag.  The actor told the speechless student: "If they give you any shit? Tell them you're my grandson and they'll have to answer to me."

The student was dumbstruck, and kept thanking the actor over and over.  The actor just smiled and waved his hand in the air, saying: "Here's some advice: remember, keep your ears open and mouth closed.  Learn all you can.  Don't be shy and go make some new contacts.  Believe in yourself, and always be respectful to everyone no matter what they look like or where they're from. Then when your time comes to be invited to one of these fancy things? You do a favor to someone else who deserves it. Good luck, son."

The actor's date had emerged from the restroom, and they strolled arm-in-arm out of the exits.  The smiling student wiped the tears from his eyes and whispered "Thank you" to the old man.  My companion stepped over, handed the young man a producer's business card, and told him to contact the number when he has a demo reel to share.  The appreciative student floated back into the auditorium.


  1. I really want to guess Patrick Stewart for this...

  2. Damn, that was really nice

  3. Christopher Plummer?

  4. Replies
    1. I totally back Chris Plummer@Juliaph:))))

  5. This warms my heart. In all the slime we've been hearing, this is amazing.

    Thank you himmmm.

  6. What a night that kid must have had. What a kind gesture.

  7. I pictured Sir Michael Cain.

  8. What a good hearted gentleman, respect! This can be life changing for this student, I hope it helped him a lot.

  9. I could imagine Christopher Plummer doing this. Someone I know who has worked with him says he is extremely kind and generous.

  10. I thought the correct answer to all of these was Matthew McConaughey.

    1. Almost— except for the ones with octogenarians or bimbos— otherwise ,totally Shannon!

    2. *like totally

  11. Trisha13,

    Then it's settled... :>)

    1. I’m here a lot-m, but in case you miss it continually-it’s Tricia 13:))))))🙌👍

  12. So if this I see Plummer, he is now forgiven for his past actions because h was nice to a seat filler? I thought he was happy Louisa fron The Sound of Music died because she had info on him.

  13. Both Plummer & Stewart are married but perhaps the word date was intentionally used instead of wife.

    Whomever this is God bless him. The kid is right. You do have to know the right people or meet the right person at the right time.

  14. So sorry Tricia13...

    It's with a C and not an S. Funny how the mind transcribes letters :)

  15. FFS, she spells most words wrong in her manic attempt to frist so don't apologize.

  16. I love this blind! Tears in my eyes. Thank you for the warm fuzzies. :)

    I'm throwing out Donald Sutherland since he was born in Canada and seems like a nice guy.

  17. Beautiful story, but so fictional...

  18. LOVE the comment " be respectful no matter what they look like or where they came from"��❤️

  19. How about that English guy in Dunkirk and a bridge of spies. Forgot his name. He popped into my head.

    1. Anonymous7:23 PM

      Mark Rylance I believe you are referring to. Great guess.

  20. What awesome advice the older man gave.
    I'm not even sure why I read this site, because I don't really watch many movies and love to read--but it was one of the first kindness blinds that caught my attention and I have stayed for them. I LOVE them.
    Tricia13, I am sorry that so many people seem to take issue with you. I love watching you with your guesses (also amazed) and you amuse me constantly with your enthusiasm. Thank you.

  21. Yay, it finally let me change my name from Rescues, hooray! LOL!

  22. Atlanta D,

    I'm with you. Tricia is the best. Her comments are pure gold and spot on.

  23. I love this even more than the dancing blind.
    I think that we need to hear more about the nice people in Hollywood.
    At the ripe old age of 46 I am taking acting classes. I loved acting in high school, and finally decided to get back into it. And in Canada! So not much hope for me, but I am excited for the kid.

    Thanks Himmmmm

  24. Oh please the phone number was on the back

  25. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Christopher Waltz is another gentleman beside those already named I can picture doing this.

    1. Anonymous7:20 PM

      *Christoph (darn autotext)

  26. Going back to the Golden Globe dress blind. Leslie Bibb wore a long standing designer and used her previous stylist.

  27. @Speech_teacher
    I love Mark Rylance but I don't think he works for this one. He's 58, not quite old enough to have a grandson in this age range. In fact, he doesn't have any kids, so it might not be believable. But then I suppose the party bouncers wouldn't necessarily know everything, and he does have a bit of mystique about him.

    Btw there was a blind about MR not too long ago (maybe a month?) I think it was one of the ones with a name, but I can't remember.

  28. Don't know why, but the "pulling out his glasses" screamed Gary Oldmann to me.

  29. I was thinking DDL, except of course he's permanent A++. But I can totally see/hear him doing it.

  30. RDJ's wife Susan is a producer so maybe she was THIS Himmmm's companion. The same "companion" referred to in the Eva Marie Saint BI Himmmm post. Wishful thinking coincidence or real talk? 😄

  31. I LOVE Christopher Plummer. You don't see any humble gentleman like that anymore

  32. Thank you himmmm for the many great blinds today.

  33. Why do I get the feeling this is the start of some sordid blind item we're going to read about 20 years from now...????

  34. Jeez I can think of so many....Clint Eastwood, Jon Voight, Brad Pitt, oddly and Idk if he was there but Jon BonJovi; Steven Tyler did something similar to him when Bon Job I was starting out.

  35. Christopher Plummer is CANADIAN too!!! :)

  36. "Always be nice to people no matter what they look like or where they come from." (Writes that down.)

    That's so sweeeeet. 💛💛💛💛💛💛

  37. Was Morgan Freeman in attendance? Not sure how many old er men show up with a date rather than their spouse.

  38. "The old man" -- c'mon

  39. Christopher Plummer fits the best, I think? Patrick Stewart has never been nominated.

  40. There is an "old man" who won an Oscar last night. Foreign born, but has lived in the US for 25 years.

    I'm new here, but I'm assuming the kindness blinds are supposed to be easier to guess?

  41. Lovely. Did it happen...who knows.
    I know I would be very thankful if someone would do this for my daughter, a sweetie who got thru college and now struggles every day to find a job in her field.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. I like Mark Rylance for this too but I honestly have zero clue who it really is.

  44. I could never understand why these acts of kindness are blind items. Just tell us..... Oh, it's someone who isn't married. The key word is "DATE" Most of the guesses are married men

  45. What about Christopher Walken? The part about ears open and mouth shut made me think of him re: Natalie Wood/RJW. It mentioned swag and I thought those gifts were for presenters and nominees, Walken was a presenter. The gesture one small payment of penance.

  46. I hope we get a reveal on this soon.

  47. I hope this gets revealed, because whoever it is, is amazing.

  48. Late but, Willem DaFoe?

  49. Probably not someone from one of the current contenders since he's giving away tix to press events. I'm guessing Eastwood because he's good people and old enough not to care about appearances anymore but it could be a lot of people. Thanks for this blind!

  50. @DesertChildAZ - I had the same thought. Don't accept any gifts lest you be led into one of *those* parties. :-|

  51. Some real weird guesses in here. "Foreign born permanent A-/B+ list" isn't going to be American-born Morgan Freeman, Clint Eastwood, Christopher Walken or Willem Dafoe (most or all of whom are also A/A+ listers).
    Agree with Plummer or Donald Sutherland.

  52. Tom Hanks for either Himmmm or the beneficent actor.

  53. For some reason, James Edward Olmos popped into my head

  54. I'm still going with Donald Sutherland. He didn't seem to give two f***s about even being there.
    It was obvious he wouldn't care about going to an after-party. When asked about the movies in the pre-show, all he discussed was how great the foreign movies were.
    Plus he seems like a gentleman. His performance in ORDINARY PEOPLE is etched in my mind forever.

  55. This one is tough. A lot of these older actors have mellowed out in their old age. Could be any of so many. But I'd go with James Woods. He strikes me as the 'don't give a crap type' who would give away all those passes and tickets to a kid and not think anything of it at all.

    Hollywood is the type of place where anything at all can happen. You could be minding your own business while shopping in a store somewhere and the next thing you know, the recognize the voice of the lady with the big hair and the dark glasses who's looking at at an item across from you..and you look closer...and its Diana Ross. And you get an autograph and a photo. And you're star struck for a moment because you'd never met a celebrity before. This happened to me. Why are some people saying it didn't happen?

  56. Wasn’t there a negative BI recently and lots of guesses and bad comments about Plummer?

  57. Gary Oldman? He doesn't like events, so I can see him happily passing on tickets.

  58. I'm with TJ. Nothing here has moved me off Gary Oldmann. Even being a winner, there's only so many parties he HAS to go to (hence him carefully removing the two passes to the events he HAS to go to), and he is the type who would hate going as the winner even MORE.

    And besides, if he decides he wants to go to a third party? Who the fuck is going to say, "I'm sorry, you don't have a pass so you can't come in" to the WINNER OF BEST ACTOR on the night that he won while he's LITERALLY HOLDING THE OSCAR?

    He didn't NEED the passes anymore, even if he wanted to go.

  59. christopher plummer was such a daddy back in the day. he's so dashing in the sound of music. this has nothing to do with the content of the blind, i just wanted to say it

  60. Sir Anthony Hopkins? I wouldn't really call Gary Oldman "old."
