Sunday, March 18, 2018

Blind Item #4

I'm not sure how many ways this guy can try to seek to get a payout from the estate of this permanent A++ list singer, but he is trying a new tact to get a payday from a reality show company or a publisher. He just looks more desperate.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Do black people still like OJ? Remember back in the day when black people would still say 'well the glove didn't fit yeah?'. Do black people not feel ashamed that it became a thing to defend such an obvious piece of shit murderer? Any black people reading this feel free to answer.

    1. I think the entire concept of "OJ" is absurd.
      What should have been a matter for local authorities is now a merchandised portion of national mythos.

    2. If those cops had been convicted for beating Rodney King, OJ would still be on death row. Even with Furman planting that glove.

    3. Vessimede- OJ was given to y'all in a Community led Trade Initiative. Unfortunagely, we got the Kardashians & you all got OJ & Faye Resnick. LOL..just kidding

      For what it is worth, we praised the fact that a black man was finally vindicated- for once- in a court of law in such a high profile way. We were celebrating what we thought was change. OJ did not claim us nor were we his crowd. White people gassed up OJ post NFL not us...

    4. @Vessimede Barstool - Us black folk were happy because a black man actually got a fair trial. We all know he did it but it's not our fault the police, the judge, & the prosecution botched the case.

      Darden has stated multiple timed Johnny Cochrane contacted him and told him not to have OJ try on the glove. We now know the glove didn't fit because OJ followed his lawyers' advice to stop taking his arthritis meds.

  3. I think the fact, that he could use his money to get off, is what got the applause. We all see wealthy people buy their way out of trouble, but this was wealthy black man doing it.

  4. Anything OJ earns from anything or anybody is supposed to go to the Goldman Family.

  5. how would this be OJ? I think I am missing a story somewhere. I assumed this was Wade R. and Jackson's estate.

    1. This is a likely answer too, I went with O.J. just because he was in media yesterday talking about Jackson in regards to the Neverland ranch. I think OJ would be higher likely to get a publishing or reality deal.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I thought this was Lisa Marie Presley's ex, but it looks like there's only $14K left in Elvis' estate, so there's not much to gain.

  7. Don't sleep on this.
    Get Chappelle to produce "OJ's True Hollywood Stories."
    Thank me later.

  8. @cat: When have we seen a white man get off for a double murder...?

    1. Durst, that's who. Several times and in Texas of all places!

    2. Killed his wife, friend, and neighbor. Bought his way to freedom and may have bribed Jurors in Texas. Money will buy you leniency and freedom

    3. That’s easy research. Start with cops getting away with all their murders, and work from there.

    4. Poor white men. When are they going to get a break?

  9. Fadi Fawaz, George Michael's ex

  10. There was nothing vindicating about OJ's acquittal. But there was plenty about it that was vindictive. He's a murderer.

  11. +1 @Liloleme

    I think this is George Michael's ex, who has been fighting the estate since his death. And posting incessantly on Twitter.

  12. ... and threatening to tell all about the relationship and his death.

  13. "Do black people still like OJ?"

    Did they ever? The African Americans in LA hated the cops, and their shady tactics, more than they disliked OJ. That is all.

    What African Americans in your experience have said that OJ was innocent, cuz that is not my experience.

    "Poor white men. When are they going to get a break?"

    They elected this nimrod in office, who is out to bankrupt them, wrest their rights away, sell the country out to the highest bidder (into the Trump bank account.) Seems like they might be a little stupid in their attempts to overcome their horrible "victimization" that they hold so dear.

    1. I think that "poor white men" remark was meant to be sarcastic. But yes to everything else you said.

  14. Whitney Houston / Nick Gordon

  15. There are plenty of African Americans that still think OJ was innocent and/or that Nicole brought it on herself. To be fair, a lot have come around to saying, "He probably did do it."

  16. Nick Gordon

  17. Met Johnny Cochran once. That guy could've sold me a timeshare at OJ's house.
    I'm talking classic reality distortion field.

    1. Lol. Southern man🤣🤣

  18. From what I was told blacks of Oj's generation knew he was guilty they were just happy he used his money power and leverage like someone said above. Other than that those who say OJ is not guilty don't know anything about the case other than the tidbits they've heard and say he's not guilty because their parents or everyone else did. Anyone else who doesn't think Oj is guilty especially now is delusional.

  19. So I know OJs daughter is getting a show, but since that's been announced could it someone from the Jackson camp or the Houston camp?

  20. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Which is more likely to be true: Johnny Cochran is the greatest lawyer who ever lived or the LA County DAs office are the dumbest fucks who ever lived. At least during the OJ trial.

  21. Still think this is Wade Robson and the MJ estate. Wade has been trying to get money from them in various ways for years now. His case was recently dismissed, so it makes sense that he would try to cash in with a book or reality deal. Probably hoping that the estate will settle rather than see either released. He’s been changing his story constantly from day 1.

  22. Ok, it's sad how many situations fit this blind. At least 3.

  23. Johnnie Cochran was a great lawyer. His whole career was littered with stellar performances and cases.

    The one who really fucked the case for the LA County DA was Gil Garcetti who decided to try the case in LA County so he could remain popular. The venue should have been moved.

    Who knows what was going on with Marcia Clark and Judge Ito. Were they playing to the cameras? Something was really skewed about their courtroom performances.

  24. I love Enty, and I hate to be the writing Nazi, but I believe the word is "tack," not "tact." "Tack," I believe, comes from sailing where you "tack" in a different direction (the sail switches sides). "Tact" is a common mistake because it sounds like "tactic." I may be wrong, an feel free to disagree with me. :)

  25. Not many folk liked OJ, who never considered himself a black role model and who looked down on black folk who couldn’t find success like he did. But he was a way to throw a bomb into a hated system.

    Sort of like white folk voting for Trump.

  26. Wade Robson Michael Jackson lawsuit that was tossed out.

    And everyone knows OJ went free for every black man that was killed by white men who were never prosecuted for heinous crimes.

    It was payback, 2 acres and a mule.
