Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Blind Item #4

This one named A- list rapper is doing his best to convince the world he wasn't cheating on his wife. Even his wife believes him. Uh huh. Good luck with that. This will all work out until the woman you are seeing and were seeing gets dumped by you and then starts telling everyone the timeline of your dating. A timeline which she is already telling her friends. So, when you do show up in public with her and tell everyone you just met and didn't start dating until after your split, you better hope she signs an NDA or your wife will be even more heartbroken. 


  1. You have a good heart, Enty. 💛🥓🍷

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. If he wasn't famous, nobody would want him! He looks like a nerd from the 80s that plays D&D in his mom's basement! I hope they didn't have a prenup, so she at least gets to enjoy her life on his dime if they do split!

  4. If his wife gets too depressed at least she should know the number to that hotline, thanks to her husband

  5. It's only logical...

  6. And he’d care that his wife was *more* heartbroken?
