Saturday, March 24, 2018

Blind Item #5

A certain elected law enforcement officer has been in the news very recently.  Several years ago, during an election, a video appeared, in which a girl claimed that she had an underage affair with this officer / candidate. It was quickly revealed that an associate of the political opponent had paid for the video and hired an actress.  The officer / candidate never sued that associate.  There was a real story which he didn't want to have come out.  


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think I recently read something about Sheriff Israel and an old fake scandal?

  3. Sheriff Israel/Parkland FL

  4. It’s Florida, YA’LL!!

  5. it's sheriff israel. fake story about him that was proven to be fake.

    and we don't know he won't sue. shit, it only happened a month ago. and even if he doesn't sue, i'd say it's a huge leap to say he's covering something up UNLESS you have some evidence to support that. can't just assume and pronounce it true.

    1. It's Israel. If someone has paid an actress for a fake story about him, shame on him. However He and his offices failed in their dury to protect the Parkland kids. The culprit was never arrested for multiple felonies as part of an Obama 'program' to keep crine stats down and youbg felons out of prison. He spent some of the money on a lamborghini for his Dept. The man is a snake.

  6. "Several years ago, during an election, a video appeared, in which a girl claimed that she had an underage affair with this officer / candidate. It was quickly revealed"

    nancer, plot - reading comp, friendos

  7. The video was on youtube 5 years ago, 5 weeks before the election.

    I'm not surprised he didn't sue. It only gets the video and accusations more public circulation. Fake news leaves an impression. Sometimes you cannot win with these types of things.

    Whether he is awful or not, a fake video is pretty low.
    Look at the recent comments on youtube(search: real Scott Israel). Despite several comments there clarifying that it was an actress and proven fake, 99% of all the viewers don't read and are calling for his head on a platter.

  8. @nancer and @plot, if these blinds are mostly fabricated and things are assumed, that's a drag. But we don't know who Enty is, who the sources are, and whether any given thing is made up or assumed.

    Lately I am clicking through CDaN pretty quickly, though, because the reveals are meager and the real-world confirmations of the more important cases seem to be fairly well stalled.


  10. This is the story that Gabe Hoffman is so upset about on twitter.

  11. @Doug

    What I love is when the BIs assume an inside access to private conversations or doings that no Enty or Entern could possibly have any knowledge of. It's all a working theory, these blinds, but sometimes it's ridiculous.

  12. Sheriff Israel. Not suing meant he didn't want attention drawn to it for a reason(s)

    Either he's a closet freak or he's not out of the closet.

  13. Roscoe p. Coltrane

  14. @plot, in many of these blinds, it's a big question "how did CDaN get that info"? The obvious first answer is "it didn't". It's made-up or speculative. But I'm still open to the idea that that this site is being used, and if so with mutual cooperation, by spooks who have the ability to collect a lot of this information. If so, that's probably limited to very few of the blinds. As for the rest, yes, lots of fabrication and speculation.

  15. Sheriff Israel Parkland false flag

    1. Anonymous2:50 PM

      No shit. More than half the kids from that school don’t even know who Hogg is. YouTube had to erase that video of Hogg on the beach in California.

    2. More than half of my high school classmates had no idea who I was either. What’s your point?

    3. Who elected Hogg to speak for the rest of the high school? Aren't there some other students, you know with some differing opinions that we can hear from as well? Hmmmm.

  16. Holee fuuuck. Prayer circle that Trump builds the wall around Broward County.

  17. Still waiting to see the evidence of dead kids in Parkland. Bodies. Blood. Bullet holes. Gore. Authorized state autopsy reports. The whole 9 yards of gore. Otherwise no one died.

    One sees similar pics every day on SM. Usually Pali kids. Or Syrian. Or some poor fuckers disemboweled and beheaded by MS-15 somewhere. Or dead children of white farmers in SA. So why not Parkland? Or Sandy Hook for that matter. Show me. Then, and only then, will I believe.

    1. You are seriously disturbed.

    2. What’s a “Pali kid”, who are ms-15? If you’re going to spit out bullshit conspiracy crap, get the names right. Is this you, Alex Jones?

    3. Fuck you Aunty. My cousin died in Sandy Hook and I attended her funeral. And you have no idea the shit her parents have been through because of assholes like you.

  18. Sheriff Israel is likely involved in all kinds of crazy.
    Roger Stone helped the guy get elected.
    Who knows what, BUt something stinks down in Florida...

    Here's an interesting article about Parkland, Chabad/Mossad:

    1. Bingo! There was also a ton of campaign fraud and misappropriation of funds during his 2012 camoaign. Chabad is the true "Russian collusion" that absolutely no one wants to investigate....

  19. my reading comprehension is just fine. the story basically says this fake thing happened---yes we know it was fake---but the fact he hasn't sued means he's covering something worse.

    that, to me, without PROOF, is just a smear. show me the proof.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. You idiots who keep calling these shootings false flag and claiming that the victims, survivors and their families are crisis actor's are sick!, I truly wish you nothing but misery and pain in your pathetic excuse of an a existence, you have no concept of decency.

    1. This. And it's not just stupid conspiracies, it affirmatively harms the victims' families.

  22. Officer Israel, undoubtedly. There is so much fakery and corruption going on behind all these stories.

  23. Anonymous8:51 AM

    I trust Enty/Himmmm/CDAN for gossip/news about who’s cheating on who, which Hollyweird celeb is doing drugs (all of them) and to an extent who has/is been using the entertainment industry to cater to their pedo urges or other kinks. You walk with those dogs you’re going to know about their fleas.

    But The Church, dirt on a Florida law enforcement officer, Washington politics ... not so much.

    Yeah the Israel thing about the fake YouTube is public. To insinuate that he has darker skeletons in his closet, whatever.

  24. Thalia, you are correct except that Lamborghini was a loan from a dealer.

  25. @Thalia

    "He and his offices failed in their dury to protect the Parkland kids"

    How so? What could they have done in those six minutes that would have been effective against an AR? I'd love to hear about it. Were they all supposed to be commandos belaying down from the ceilings?

    "The culprit was never arrested for multiple felonies as part of an Obama 'program' to keep crine stats down"

    What could he have been arrested for, specifically? In his abuse to his mother, she would not press charges and he had mandatory counseling. What else could have been done, specifically?

    "He spent some of the money on a lamborghini for his Dept"

    WTF has a lambo have to do with the Parkland shooting???? Jesus Christ...

  26. Plot, armed officers stayed outside while the kid was shooting. They should have followed policy and gone in and confronted him. Also, the school district, in their eagerness to avoid the "school to prison pipeline," never turned over a violent and crazy kid to law enforcement, despite his many violent crimes. He was also recommended for institutionalization. Either would have prevented him from buying a gun (legally).

  27. Broward County, the county that decides Presidential elections. The county that has trouble counting hanging chads. The county of Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

    Sheriff Chickenshit Scott Israel, chief of the Broward Cowards, is going to have a VERY bad year. When all is said and done, he'll long have wished he had suicided himself.

  28. Anyone who calls school shootings "false flags" deserves to be ignored right out of society. Crush their stupidity and vileness with silence.

  29. "They should have followed policy and gone in and confronted him."

    And what would have that accomplished against an AR? Do you think that sending our peace officers into certain death is part of their job?

    " never turned over a violent and crazy kid to law enforcement, despite his many violent crimes"

    And what could he be charged with? I'm not saying you are wrong, but I'm asking what we, as a society, can do about weird or violent children? We've shut down most of our mental facilities and asylums (Thanks Saint Reagan!) so who exists to evaluate this child? I'd love to know. FLA is very weak on mental health statutes and treatment centers.

    "Either would have prevented him from buying a gun (legally)"

    Not when his ersatz parents allow him to keep one, legal or not what did they care, and pretend he kept it in their safe and pretend he didn't know the combination to shirk their legal and ethical responsibilities.

    Many celebrate that their teenagers have guns, including ARs, in particular if it flouts the law. Big Ebil Gobment, don't ya know.



    You ought to see these jokers on another thread here claiming that the kids on the Mall this weekend, all 800K, were shipped in by Soros.

    OH! And they also claim, in contradiction, that the crowd was less than Trump inaugural crowd of >200K.

    Oh no, no 4chaners on CDAN at all.

    I'm so so sorry for your loss.

  30. An AR-15 is not some sort of magical killing machine. It's just a modern rifle. People with pistols take down people with rifles all the time. It's the cop's job, and while a risk, it's not a "death sentence."

    Cruz had thrown chairs and threatened people, so, whatever those crimes are.

    And no, Reagan is not the reason insane asylums closed. There were many factors: a liberal crusade against "snake pits," a belief in new psychiatric drugs, and the fact that Medicare/Medicaid wouldn't pay for institutionalization. Reagan signed a Democratic (I believe) bill that had bipartisan support. And now, of course, pretty much all the resistance to more institutionalization comes from the left.
