Saturday, March 31, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #1

March 23, 2018

You know what? Missing from that self fellating article that this artist wrote about himself where he basically said he is a victim and misunderstood and that critics suck is that he is an awful human being. Well, let me tell you a different set of facts. You had a child star doing what was really her first transition to being an actress as a career. She had always been on the edge and figured this was a good place to start. My feeling about this film in relation to her is that it changed how she saw acting and Hollywood and has affected her for two decades. At the beginning she was this loving person who was full of life and after the film was over, she was 180 from that. He treated her like crap. He verbally abused her. He threatened her everyday to fire her if she ate any food. He would scream at her because she wouldn't sleep with him. Even after the movie ended, he would call her and scream at her. When he was editing the movie he would call and yell at her and tell her to lose more weight. I feel like he scarred her for life.

Vincent Gallo/Christina Ricci/Buffalo 66


  1. Sunspirit - he's an indie mediocre talent who nobody wants to work with anymore who hasn't done much. He used to paint in the 80's, if you can call it painting. Nobody of importance

  2. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Emotional abuse is a crime in UK. Pity he didnt film here.

    1. Because of all those British directors languishing in jail?

  3. Love Christina Ricci. What an asshole he is.

    1. And let's not forget she was a minor when this movie was filmed. He's a very sick person

  4. Been a fan of CR since she brought Wednesday to life in THE ADDAMS FAMILY movies. Wish VG could be introduced to some of the Addams-style torture devices.

  5. ,,,or a contestant in a Saw movie

  6. He's a Trump supporter. Enough said!

    1. Treating people with respect is not a political thing, it's a character thing.

  7. Sunspirit - forgot to add the Movie which Enty is referring to above "Buffalo 66" was written and directed by Gallo starring Ricci, received some acclaim. Gallo then went on to do direct another film starring Chloe Sevigny called "Brown Bunny," in which Gallo filmed Sevigny clearly performing Oral on him. The film was panned and ripped by Roger Ebert at the time and Gallo and Ebert went at it in public forums, and Gallo wished Cancer on Ebert. Gallo talks tons of smack about Hollywood, the people, the industry and views himself as a superior artist, provocateur, rebe. Really why no one wants to work with him is he's marginally talented at best, and a narcissist. This snippet and Enty's reveal basically tells all you need to know about this punk.

    1. Gallo has such an ego, I bet he thinks he actually *did* bring cancer upon Ebert.

  8. What I don't understand is: the other actors in the movie knew she was 17 and saw her getting verbally and mentally abused by this degenerate and no one did ANYTHING! Couldn't at least one of the older actors try to be a parental type knowing her mom wasn't there?
    Talking to YOU: Angelica Huston, Rosanna Arquette, Ben Gazzara, Jan-Michael
    Vincent, Kevin Pollack, etc....

    1. It kinda undermines their whole me too movement knowing so many of them sit back and do nothing when others are being abused

    2. Enty calls them the #YouKnew crowd.

      People are just thirsty they’re willing to look the other way. I remember when I was in an Acting class (it was actually a pay-to-play scam) and the teacher was harassing students for roles. The older ladies (MOTHERS) in that class with bigger roles didn’t think it was wrong for the teacher to do that. They stayed silent.

      At least I still looked out for the other actresses in my class. Even when THEY ganged up on me because the teacher was manipulative AF.

      And THEN as if that wasn’t bad enough a FEMALE director took advantage of one of those students when she was vulnerable from the sexual harassment/mental abuse in that class, to do sex scenes mainly as she watched on in the corner. Imagine that, a vulnerable person taken advantage of by another woman for her own gain. A heterosexual male director would never have gotten away with that crap!

      Whenever Enty posts a BI about complicité women, there’s always going to be that commenter who bashes Enty about “not blaming women for men’a actions” because they think it’s a “feminist” thing to say. I call BS.

      Has everyone completely forgotten that “female solidarity” is a thing? Or is feminism just a brand/PR/image gimmick now? FFS.

  9. Yea gallo ... the asshole who did porn with Chloe trying to make it look as "art"

  10. I have loved Christina Ricci since childhood - I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen “Now and Then.” This makes me so, so sad. I hope she’s on the road to emotional recovery. There IS life beyond abuse, and I hope she has the right people in her life to show her that.

    1. Speaking of “Now and Then”, has Enty ever talked about Ashleigh Aston Moore? She’s another one whose promising life and career ended early due to drugs. I wonder what she knew.

  11. "Now and Then," in hindsight, is a very creepy movie, and I thought it was mildly creepy back when I saw it.

    Vincent Gallo isn't a hack, but he is not nearly as smart or talented as he thinks he is and he has no right to cop the attitude that he does. Another promising artist self-skewered upon the vain phallus of his own misbegotten ego.

    1. That last sentence was amazing. Skillz....

  12. Anonymous10:10 AM

    He's well known for being a disgusting perv who likes underage girls. A girl told me about him over 10 years ago, she is an artist in LA and he was coming onto her when she was 14/15.

  13. He was mean to her but fairly honest about it. By his account, Angelica Houston got blasted hardest for been late once. She wasn't late again.

    I think there are some biased exaggerations or lies in this blind and particularly in the comments. Waiting for Christina to say he came onto her before I believe it.

    He's struggled with mental illness, been honest about it in interviews but never milked it for sympathy. His films are helpful for anyone experiencing similar and don't deserve to be ignored because of this. He also called out creeps like Harmony Korine as a rapist almost two decades ago. What he says about Asia Argento in the new article is likely true.

    I'll continue to think he's a good guy until I hear otherwise from a CREDIBLE source.

  14. Started out as a model then transitioned to film making. At the time I liked Buffalo '66 and thought for a first film it had some interesting moments, very Indie basic but credible with some great visuals. He was insufferable in interviews and remains so to this day. His treatment of his co-stars and anyone who disagrees with him is legend, and time/experience has not made him any less kind or approachable. Brown Bunny was a failure and he has not recovered from the loss personally or financially. He claims his problem is an undefined "Mental Illness" but that doesn't excuse his behavior towards his co-stars or how he treats people on a regular basis; he is simply a rude, fully self centered, but ironically non-self aware human being.

  15. Anonymous11:21 AM

    I feel terrible that I really really liked Buffalo 66 when it came out. *sigh*

  16. "Vincent Gallo isn't a hack, but he is not nearly as smart or talented as he thinks he is"

    Yep, & this also applies to SOOOOO many men in Hollywood.

    As an aside, ask Shalom Harlow about Vincent Gallo.

    1. This is the perfect place for you to just tell us.

  17. Gallo is Franco times a hundred. His crap doesn't make any money though, so hollywood won't work with him, like they still do Franco.

  18. Taj - That should tell you everything you need to know about DonnaMarie's character.

  19. Buffalo 66 wasn’t bad. But he didn’t do anything notable after that, aside from get in a fight with Roger Ebert. And if you knew Ebert, he didn’t suffer fools.

  20. No one would even know his name if it wasn't for that blow job scene. But he's so edgy! A provocateur! You wouldn't understand.....

    1. YEAH. Because describing how one feels when one defecates after one defeats one’s own child’s rights is soooooooo “edgy” and “provocateur”, right? 🧦

  21. Here's Christina at 18 on Conan talking about how he was scream at her "to get into character" and to "get a reaction" from her; but that otherwise he was a sweet guy. Wonder if her 38 year old self would agree with that statement?

  22. Who is Vincent Gallo? Never heard of him. He does sound like some kind of special tool. I love CR. She's a great actress, pretty and fun to watch. I miss her in The Lizzie Borden chronicles. This Gallo guy sounds like an old, washed-up has been producer.

    Hopefully she sued his ass or is going to sue his ass or do something else.

  23. "The film was panned and ripped by Roger Ebert at the time and Gallo and Ebert went at it in public forums, and Gallo wished Cancer on Ebert."

    And later the two made up, and Ebert gave the finished film a thumb's up. Yes. really.

  24. Yep, Billy Walsh strikes again

  25. So it’s just me and my mates at the time who thought Buffalo 66 was unmitigated dreck. I think I got about 20 minutes in.and even 20 years later it still annoys me.

    As for Angelica...a “challenging” father and the nuns at Kylemore Abbey in the 60s probably meant that being roared at was second nature. (Note, Huston lived close to where I grew up and is remembered fairly fondly. I also knew girls who were at Kylemore in the 80s and 90s and adored the nuns - they were tough business-women though, although by the Celtic Tiger era the Sisters of Mercy we’re giving them a run for their money. )

  26. Weak blind and biased, judgmental comments.

    He's not a "victim" but certainly is "misunderstood".

  27. I met Christina Ricci.. She is so petite and very nice at the time. It's disheartening to hear she too was a part of abuse that's still happening today.

  28. Christina was great as both Lizzie Borden and as Zelda Fitzgerald (shame that got canceled after being renewed), better than on the short-lived Pan Am. I’d say she’s finally back on track.


  29. he ruined chloe sevigny as well
