Wednesday, March 07, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #3

February 27, 2018

This B+ list celebrity offspring of a former A++ lister says she gave almost $10M over the years to this organization that also knows a bunch of secrets she never ever wants to get out. It might seem like she is opening up, but it is nowhere close to what she is hiding.

Lisa Marie Presley


  1. Wow. Ten million. All tax free too because Scientology isn't a pyramid scheme they are a 'religion '.

  2. Yea, 10 mil is a lot, but given her fortune, it should not be life altering. Sounds like her money troubles involve a whole lot more than Scientology.

  3. Fools and their money....

  4. I thinking the only reason Scientology still exists is all the dirtiest they have on people. Not just members

  5. We can see a troubled soul
    Give us all your money we'll
    Make it better (make it better)
    We're here to welcome you

    How did you get to be
    How did you get to find
    Love, real love
    Love, love, love

  6. I met Lisa Marie and she was pretty cool. She seems like she’s controlled by things that are bigger than her and hasn’t been able to find peace among it all. Saw her show and there was a creepy guy front and center with an Elvis hairdo, sideburns and glasses. It was like a physical representation of the messed up shit that looms over her. I hope she finally gets control of things someday.

  7. Jesus, I couldn't even imagine having to live in her dad's shadow like that even after 40 years.

    Why are people such freaks about Elvis? I mean I dig his music and he was fine as hell when he was younger, but I don't get the extreme fans like that.

  8. Scios have to give up their deepest secrets when they get audited. I'd imagine that have a metric fuck ton of info on Elvis and MJ. She's extremely private about her relationship with her father, I can't imagine she'd want any negatives getting out. She trapped

  9. YEP ITS LMP Can only imagine what secrets she keeps.

  10. We knew it was Lisa Marie. What we want to know is still blind, has not been revealed.

    I'm getting that click-baity feeling more and more...

  11. Read the comments in the original blind if you want the scoop on what she's hiding, particularly the comment from himmmm.

  12. @Oldsguy65, I did. My point is that this "reveal" only tells us what we knew, and leaves the rest in doubt.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. $10mill here and $10mill there and all of a sudden you've run through $200mill. I wonder if someone is going to start a GoFundMe page for her??

  14. Anyone else curious as to why elvis isn't referred to as permanent A++?

  15. I can't understand what people see in Elvis and his music.


  16. elvis visited morgues like jimmy savile

    as for jackson ..

    1. Now then, now then
      Goodness gracious me!
