Tuesday, March 06, 2018

Mr. X Blind Item

This former tweener turned A-/B+ list adult singer is such a hypocrite when it comes to bullying. She likes to call out others, but forgets her very recent flipping off of fans and assaulting them. Oh, and that tantrum she threw because a celebrity showed up who she didn't like. 


  1. Demi lovato and perez hilton

  2. Demi's a raging bitch, but I can't fault her on hating Perez. He's such a twunt.

  3. DO AS I SAY NOT AS I DO! Isnt that the oldest saying in celebrity playbook?

  4. So she's rude AF and that makes her bipolar?

    Many many bipolar people are productive members of society every day and work hard to keep their lives on an even keel and NEVER use their illness as an excuse for bad behavior.

    1. Thank you @Jayne for your considerate response.

    2. I know and I don't need to explain to u how I know. Lots of experience dealing with folks in life. Don't mean to offend but yes I do think demi is and hope she gets help.

  5. @ jayne

    You do know Demi Lovato is bipolar, right? Someone wasn't just throwing all bi-polar people under the bus.

    1. @jimbonius. Thank u...hugs

    2. Yeah, but the b!tc# is fawking rude and nasty, don't nobody care about her being bi-polar

  6. Thank you for your comment, jayne. more people need to realize this. Some of you maybe at work next to a colleague with mental illness and have no idea because they can still be high performers in the workplace and valuable, contributing members of society.

  7. @jimbonius she clearly understood the comment, but wanted people to remember that not everyone with a mental illness is an asshole or violant or whatever other labels they often get. You surrounded by people with mental illnesses everyday and don't even realize it because they're functioning members of society when receiving proper treatment.

    1. My statement was not a disrespect to bipolar folks.

  8. Oh, I know the people I work with are a bunch of crazy mf'ers... no question about it.

  9. When and where did Demi assault her fans?

  10. Everyone is mentally ill according to the DSM-V (Diagnostic Statistical Manual Five).

  11. If she was having a manic episode because she was off her meds, then bipolar would explain it. Otherwise, eh.

    And yes T.W., you can absolutely fit any annoying or bitchy people into one of the personality disorders, there's a lot of wiggle room there.

  12. I dunno, I like most here have never been a celebrity, she grew up in it, not excusing her behaviour but I can sort of understand when people who grow up in this start to hate the whole thing and the cult of celebrity, especially when we have an inkling of what has been done to these girls and boys as kids

    Imagine everyone treating you more like a product/gadget, then a human being.

  13. Meh.... Demi definitely has some social issues. She's got anxiety and requested a closed set when she did radio station visits, so I do think there's some deep-rooted stuff going on there. That being said... maybe cutting back on the drug abuse might curtail some it? I get that it's helping keep the weight off, but it's doing you no favors from a personality standpoint. Also, maybe the toxic people of your past should not keep coming back for rounds 2 or 3. Easier said than done, I get it... but girl, the anxiety and depression ain't being improved with this company.

    I grew up in the shadows of one of the most famous TV families, so I've seen it firsthand. So yeah, you can grow up normal and it really depends on who surrounds you. Parents can be their managers without being complete greedy psychopaths. Unfortunately, as with every set of parents, you are not always dealt a great hand... and that's where the foundation cracks. Celebrities don't have to be a hot mess, but unfortunately, it's hard when you're a child and always in demand... and with so many scumbags, it really takes a strong team to keep them protected and grounded.

  14. being rude has nothing to do with being bi polar , it has to do with just being a rotten human being

    I can't stand Demi

    1. You just exposed yourself as the epitome of rudeness.

      People who have problems controlling their impulses (which happens during manic episodes) get angry, as everyone does from time to time. Sometimes they even become insulting and the reason for that is usually that they are incredibly hurt and vulnerable in that moment and insulting and shooing away other people is the only way they can protect themselves, they use their aggressiveness as a shield. Those people are vulnerable and incredibly sensitive and emotional and I wish more people had those characters traits, as they are the most precious ones. And insensitive people who are unable to feel empathy with those people should at least just shut their mouths and stop harassing fellow humans for feeling hurt and being sensitive. As what's wrong and help. This disgusting habit of judging others on a whim and label them as a 'rotten human being' is repulsive.

  15. Stop with Bi polar shaming! A bitch is a bitch Bi Polar Has Nothing to do with it

  16. We don't enable alcoholics. We don't enable drug addicts. We don't enable NPD. We don't enable the depressed but we're supposed to enable bi-polar disorder? Yeah, no. I know far too many who have it under control to think that she couldn't get it under control. She's been coasting on the bi-polar excuse for too long. Between medication and various other treatments and therapies individuals have the ability to control symptoms. Just because a woman's called a bitch doesn't mean she isn't one. Enough with the bi-polar apologists.
