Monday, March 05, 2018

Today's Blind Items - Oscars - The Last Dance - A Himmmm Blind

There I was tonight at the big after party.  This was the big after party that most of the older crowd went to, and was very formal.  They even had a real big band playing low music and formal waiters.  Where the winners and youngsters would drop by, before running off to the wilder, louder parties raging all night.  My date was out doing her thing, and I was sitting there by myself at a semi-empty table, pretty exhausted, just having a drink and trying to relax a minute.  The jazz music was playing, lights were fairly dim there, and just sort of staring into space, thinking.  The bow tie was very untied by now.  I heard a voice, and saw a pretty young lady asking if she could bother me a moment.  She said someone would like to meet me.  Sure, why not?

She walked around the divider and emerged escorting a beautiful, classy, and elegant older lady.  I knew her from the moment she smiled that this was the star of two of arguably the best movies ever made.  Oh, that smile.  Some things never fade with age.  I arose, and she spoke softly – but with that voice still clear.  She apologized for intruding, but she'd heard from someone else that I was here.  Did I know her? Of course.  Could she join me? Of course.  The young lady helped her to the chair, and we sat there – those beautiful eyes, sparkling and powerful – still stunning.

She said she knew some relatives of mine, and just wanted to thank me for the help they gave to her in her early career.  She recalled my great-grandmother's pasta and that she otherwise may have starved as a struggling actress on Broadway in the "old days".  She remembered meeting me when I was a child.  So precocious, such a head of hair.  I told her at least I was still precocious. 

She asked if I recalled dancing with her at an Independence Day party 25 years ago?  I did indeed and was amazed she could remember me or that party.  I was a young lad of around 20 back then and recall drinking all the wine myself.  She said our dancing back then made her feel young again, the way she did when she danced with this (permanent A+ list mostly movie actor), nicknamed "C".  Wow.  She told me she thought she made Liz Taylor jealous that night, because I danced with her more than I did Liz.  I laughed, and told her I thought the world of them both.  I complimented her on all of her films, and her entire life of grace, elegance, and beauty.  Such a subtle power in her performances, like a velvet chainsaw.  She and I talked for a long, long, time. About this (permanent A+ list mostly movie director), and about (permanent A++ list mostly movie actor), and about (foreign born permanent A+ list director).  Like a conversation we'd returned to from decades before, just so at ease. 

The more we talked, laughed, and remembered...the more I noticed she'd hold my hand longer.  She'd rest her head on my shoulder periodically, and touch my arm.  She said how badly she missed those days of her youth, of feeling as if there's nothing she couldn't do if she desired.  If she could only go back 60 years, or even 30.  She told me she'd give "all these flirty-skirty girls here" a run for their money.  I believed her.  "And why do they all seem hypnotized by their phones? Looking down all the time? It must be hell on their posture", she said.  I agreed.

I noticed her young escort would peek around over at us, checking on her.  I didn't want to end this special moment with this most legendary of all ladies on this night, but I didn't want to keep her from obligations or rest.  I told her that we should get together soon, and have lunch.  She said she'd like that.  She said she was sorry, didn't want to impose, but…well, could we dance again?  Just one more time? To do a favor for a silly old woman?  I told her it would be MY honor, pleasure, and a favor to ME. She smiled warmly back at me.

It took a while, but we gently, slowly, strolled our way to the dance floor there at the party, strung up with dim white lights.  The big band music was playing slow jazz numbers, and I motioned for a waiter.  I handed him two very large bills, and told him to keep one and give the other to the band leader to play a special song – IF he knows that tune.  Any big band musician should know it.  The waiter did so, and I escorted this beautiful legend to the middle of the floor.  Thankfully, it was not early in the party so I wasn't worried about photographers.  Most of the big current celebs had already scattered.  Even so – this party had an unwritten rule most attendees adhered to about selfies, photos, and privacy. 

People began to step back, giving us room.  Some smiled warmly, and others politely began to back off the floor.  Then behold, the band earned their money.  The song - Glenn Miller's famous Moonlight Serenade – started playing, and her entire face lit up.  "I KNOW this SONG!" she said with a brilliant smile as if she'd just won an Oscar.  I had hoped she would recall, for it is what we danced to years ago.  She leaned into me, and I held her gently.  We began to dance, as she rested her cheek on my chest.  There was no one alive I'd rather been dancing with at that moment, to that song, in that place. 

I looked down at her, and she looked up at me…smiling with her eyes.  Not a patronizing smile, but with something behind those flawless eyes that I could not quite recognize.  Something far younger than her current years.  She was not there with me in 2018.  She was in another place, another time, with someone else.  I held her, moved with her, and even spun her slowly as she laughed like a young girl.  She could still move, and her movements flowed seamlessly like anyone who had been trained to dance.  I didn't want this dance to end, and wish I'd tipped the band to play all night.

I had forgotten the crowd.  When the song ended, I noticed people had left us alone to dance; and were all standing around the dance floor.  A loud wave of clapping and cheers erupted.  She held her hand over her mouth in embarrassment, almost blushing, and hid her face and her wide smile.  Everyone in that party felt the same as I – to witness a legend still in full bloom.  The band played on, others filled the floor to dance, and I held her arm.  She stood tall and I leaned down and she whispered to me, very softly, the words I can still here at this moment: "Thank you, so much (C)."

Wow.  She had called me by this legendary man's name.  I wasn't about to correct her, and didn't know how she meant it -  or to whom she meant it.  I am no C, but even if for a moment it allowed her to be reminded of a dance she shared with him?  It was I who was flattered.  Her young lady escort came over to help us, and I thanked my elegant friend for such a magical moment.  I kissed her on the cheek, and she mine.  I held her stare for a very long time, as it melted into a new smile.  "Thank you for…for everything", she said.  "You will keep in touch now won't you?", I teased.  Her only reply, "We'll meet again my dear, we will meet again." 

Something inside of me felt sure we would – in this life, or the next.

With that, she and her lovely escorts shuffled out towards the doors.  I just sat back down, marveling at such a precious, powerful, and beautiful moment I'd just had.  A global beauty, an amazing actress, and a warm person.  This will forever be the night – and likely the last time – when I shared a special dance with (permanent A list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner).  In this go-round, anyway.


  1. Eva Marie Saint, and I think Brando & Hitchcock are in there.

  2. Beautiful story. This would make an excellent short film. I want to make it. Do I have your permission?

  3. Lovely story, thank you for sharing.

  4. Eva Marie Saint and Cary Grant for "C".

  5. Beautiful story. Is the Lady Sophia Loren? C may be Cary Grant?

  6. That was beautiful. Eva Marie Saint, she is so beautiful.

  7. Whomever this particular 'himmmm" is...he's a nice guy and a true gentleman. Sweet...Eva Marie Saint..Hitchcock...Brando...

  8. It could be either Eva Marie or Rita. But I pictured Eva Marie while reading. Beautiful story. Brought tears to my eyes. Wonder who C was.

  9. C as the nickname for Archibald Leach? (You can guess my favorite movie!)

  10. Thank you for this. Beautiful and moving. Can't think of any names except Shirley McLaine but I'm sure it's wrong.

    1. I imagined Shirley Mclaine as I read it :)

  11. Most of Hmmmm's BI always refer to celebrities mentioning his family members which lead me to think this Hmmmm isn't RDJ but someone who was born into a Hollywood family/royalty. Unless RDJ does?

  12. SCRATCH THAT, I never knew this but according to RDJ's IMDB page:

    "Downey was born April 4, 1965 in Manhattan, New York, the son of writer, director and filmographer Robert Downey Sr. and actress Elsie Downey (née Elsie Ann Ford)."

    So he most definitely fits.

  13. RDJ's father was in the business. The age doesn't add up to RDJ though. 25 years ago Himmmm was 20ish.

  14. I don't think of Eva Marie Saint as permanent A list. Not that she isn't/wasn't great, but a lot of people wouldn't even know who she is. I was thinking Julie Andrews. It would have to be a woman whom everyone at the party readily recognized, which is why they cleared the dance floor for her and Himmmm (who is also probably recognizable). I'm probably wrong, but that's my guess.

    1. Anonymous8:42 PM

      Julie Andrews was who I pictured, too. And she was in Mary Poppins and The Sound of Music, so two very famous, classic movies.

  15. I am not ashamed to admit it - I cried. I sobbed like a little baby here at my desk. I can't even blame it on onions.

    Now I have to fix my makeup before my assistant sees me.

    *mockingly shaking fist @himmmm

  16. Would that they all aged with such grace, touching story.

  17. Mid 40s actor, family connections in Hollywood, losing his hair. Hmmmm....

    1. Jude Law is 45 and balding. What’s his family background?

  18. You made me cry. And I`m a grown ass woman.
    I also realy hope you`re RDJ, because I love you!

  19. RDJ isn’t 45 and still has hair. Also the mention of gramma's meatballs probably leaves out any of the Warner - Leroy clan that live in NY, although obviously you don’t need to be Italian to make meatballs, I feel it’s a clue to Himmms ethnicity.

    1. Unless the meatballs were Swedish

  20. Written better than most of the movies nominated were. Some of the "professional" writers in Hollyood should take notes.

  21. definitely Rita Moreno. two of the best films ever made? west side story and the king and I.

  22. Awwww. This is so sweet I don't even care if it's true or not. Could only by the lovely and legendary Eva Marie Saint and any one of the Himmmms.

  23. Eva Marie Saint - the two movies are "On The Waterfront" and "North By Northwest"

  24. Part of the fun (for me) in reading Himmmm's blinds lies in not knowing the "men behind the mask," as it were. This story reminds me of that romantic scene from the movie DOC HOLLYWOOD when Michael J. Fox and Nancy Travis sway to Patsy Cline's "Crazy" while everyone else on the dance floor seemingly disappears.

    1. @Chris Warner - Doh! You're right - it was Julie Warner! Don't know why I got Nancy in my head!

  25. Beautiful story. Eva Marie Saint/Cary Grant.

  26. RDJ could still be 3 or 4. Who knows.

    This could possibly be Himm #1, but I don't believe his showbiz roots go back that many generations. This is probably the same Himmm that knew Dina Merrill.

    Anyway, lovely story.

  27. +1 Ellie I though Julie Andrews as well

  28. Thank you for sharing that.

  29. that was Julie Warner in Doc Hollywood, not Nancy Travis

    1. @Chris Warner - thanks! Age creeps up on everyone, even the young at heart.

  30. I think it’s Rita Moreno because of the comments as to how she could still dance like someone trained in dancing.

  31. Beautiful, poignant blind. Thank you!

    It sounds like the actress has blue eyes - brown eyes aren't usually described as sparkling. This does sound like Eva Marie Saint - two great movies being North by Northwest and On the Waterfront.

    I will also throw out Faye Dunaway. This is based more on my suspicions about the identity of Hmmm. The two great movies being Bonnie and Clyde and Chinatown.

    1. I often describe brown eyes as sparkling. My daughter has brown eyes.

  32. I got a Hitchcock vibe from this - for both the actress and the director.

    Thank you. Beautiful story. Brought a tear to my eyes. Stories like this can make your day. It has for me.

  33. Permanent A+ list mostly movie director: Elia Kazan (?)
    Permanent A++ list mostly movie actor: Brando
    Foreign born permanent A+ list director: Hitchcock

  34. We should really try to keep this version of himmmm's identity a secret. Especially since he seems to be well-known and easy to recognize in person.

    1. Or maybe we can do whatever the fuck we want.

    2. No, we can’t. Now fuck off.

  35. Eva Marie Saint was at the Oscars last night, and lost her husband just over a year ago. Though I do not know if he would have a nickname of C, but could definitely imagine that after so many years of marriage she would have a hard time without him.

  36. Governor's Ball for the party, most likely. Very old school. Rita and Eva were both there, btw.

  37. Eva Marie looked so sad for just a moment last night when she recalled attending the Oscars each year with her husband, who recently passed away.

    I can see she would have no doubt been feeling nostalgic for the past based on that alone. And Himmmm, whoever you are, your momma raised a true gentleman. Bravo, sir

  38. Actress - Eva Marie Saint
    2 of the best movies ever made, On The Waterfront, North By Northwest.
    A+ Mostly Movie Actor "C" - Montgomery Clift

    Permanent A+ Mostly Movie Director- Elia Kazan
    Permanent A++ List movie Actor- Marlon Brando
    Foreign Born Permanent A+ list Director- Alfred Hitchcock

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Everyone is going to get guessed, even Himmmm. Besides, this one just outed himself to an entire party room of people.

  41. This is a Himmmm who is in the music industry and not as recognizable some others. He wrote about the death of a family member here years back.

    1. 100%. Really easy to find the connections between music industry himmmm and the older lady.

      And I love the tribute that this himmmm wrote about his family member years ago. It’s one of my favorite posts/comments on CDAN.

  42. I was thinking Rita Morena at first, but the woman seems to be more frail, which made me think Eva. And since the guy talked about having a drink, I don't think that would be RDJ. And the reference to his grandmother's sauce makes me think there is Italian heritage.

    1. Agree! Grandmother's pasta comment jumped out at me. Hmmmm knew it would point to an Italian heritage, so I'm sure it's ok to mention.

  43. @sandybrook

    I agree on not outing the Himmmms. #2 was obvious, but I think the others should be able to remain anonymous. (Unless future blinds prove as obvious as 2.) I have a theory on #1 but would love to hear more about 3 & 4.

  44. Great story. Whoever she or Hmmmm is.

    That's the way to treat a lady!

    (Insert here the pat you on the back emoji!)

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. Eva Marie Saint, for sure. And yes, she A list. Just because you 93 and don't make movies anymore it doesn't mean you are not a permanent A list.

  47. Himmmm - Your writing reaches through my chest and latches on to my heart. This story filled me such emotion, but all beautiful. I could picture everything, as a black & white movie. Thank you for sharing.

    Going to guess Eva Marie Saint. Not sure of "C" - Maybe Brando. The "C" being from Corleone (The Godfather).

  48. Thanks for this, Himmmm!
    (P.S Your wife is hilarious.)

  49. Eve Marie Saint rarely makes an appearance so I can see why the crowd left the dance floor. I have not seen any of her films but I know her name so in my mind that makes her A if not A+ list.

  50. What a wonderful, treasured moment. Thank you for sharing it. I love my Seniors and am so glad that she received the chance to live in her memories once again.

  51. Eve Marie Saint looked stunning! Nicole Kidman and people overdoing the fillers please take notes on how to age gracefully. My teen and I tested up over her recollection of her husband and elegance.. lovely story @himmmm. Thank you for sharing it

  52. That was very sweet, one of those moments that define a life. Well done, classy gent.

  53. You had such a magical night Mister, happy for You.

    I can't even tell which Himmmm is which, I only know that one of them is awesome dad, and that's my favourite one 😂 but I don't know if that's the one who wrote the blind.

    Riddles like that are for VERY sharp commenters.

  54. Eva Marie Saint ... such a lady! Thank you Himmmm for a beautiful story that reads like a movie I would love to see. Evocative and poignant ... you are a true gentleman

  55. Could Himmmmm be Tony Goldwyn?

    1. Tony Goldwyn is 57, too old for this blind.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. I'm guessing Rita Moreno. "Oh, that smile." and "her movements flowed seamlessly like anyone who had been trained to dance." Stunning woman, still. :)

  57. I’m CRYING. This is such a sweet story and so beautifully written. I can picture every moment. Sigh. Thank you so much for sharing this with us!

  58. Eve Marie Saint was singing and dancing on tv before she was in films. Not only that, she was a member of a sorority while in college. There is no reason to believe she does not know how to dance.

  59. Also, anyone who has been reading Himmmm posts for a while has a good idea who this Himmmm is. Please don’t try to reveal this person. Clearly, the Himmmm’s want to be anonymous and we should respect that.

    1. Thanks for telling us what we can and cannot do.

  60. I'm on board with Eva Marie Saint, FWIW.

    Also, I loved this comment:

    "And why do they all seem hypnotized by their phones? Looking down all the time? It must be hell on their posture", she said.

    I suspect the young twits in L.A. nowadays think posture doesn't even contribute to their image, but it most certainly does.

  61. No doubt, TW, but I believe Rita is more known for dancing than the lovely Eva.

    1. @Dallas Alice - the dancing tidbit coukd have been added to make the blind harder to guess. Plus, Rita Moreno is not frail and in need of someone to accompany her on her outings. Eve Marie Saint rarely goes out and people were shocked to see her.

  62. Rita Moreno is still working, though. She plays the grandmother on the Latino reboot of One Day At a Time. So I don't think it's her.

  63. I just read in her IMDB bio (Eva Maria Saint) that she has lobbied against the use of cell phones by motorists-so obviously not a big fan of cell phones.

  64. How did himmmm avoid the temptation to spend the whole evening talking about old Hollywood gossip? I would have been hanging on to every word!

  65. I could read these longer Himmmm blinds all day. Thank you for sharing.

  66. Thru this whole blind, I was seeing Eva Marie Saint. Wow what class and elegance. These a$$holes could learn something from her. She is what a “star” is. In every way.

  67. This made me tear up! You have quite the way with words @Himmmm & can tell quite the tale :) THanks for sharing this sweet moment with us!! You have a good heart <3

  68. Lovely story. Thank you.

  69. I almost slept...

  70. Def EMS. Rita brought her daughter ( I believe), so I don't think Himmmm would have referred to her as a "young escort".
    "C"= Cary Grant
    A++= Brando
    Kazan and Hitchcock for the directors.

  71. Anonymous1:19 PM

    A little verklempt here. This is why I wade through endless posts about "reality" stars being assholes, not knowing any of the names, to get to these gems, where I don't care if I don't know the name. The story is the ride.

  72. Aw, the dance 25 years ago was on Eva's birthday. How sweet.

  73. Eva won a lot of new fans last night. She out-classed them all.

    Her words felt real, which is not something that we are used to seeing in a sea full of beautiful phonies.

    Thank you Himmmm for making her feel young and alive. I love you for that! :-)

  74. Just so lovely all around -- the event, the storytelling and the comments. Thank you.

  75. "...I looked down at her, and she looked up at me…smiling with her eyes. Not a patronizing smile, but with something behind those flawless eyes that I could not quite recognize. Something far younger than her current years. She was not there with me in 2018. She was in another place, another time, with someone else...."

    We never grow old inside. Eternity is written in our hearts.

  76. Thanks for a beautiful read, Himmmmmm!!:)

    And of course, I was thinking Eva Marie Saint as soon as her young lady companion stepped aside.

  77. Ok,
    I don't know who this would be, but the whole episode reminded me of
    Gilda Radner and Steve Martin doing their famous romantic interlude dance on SNL back in the 70's.

  78. Might not be relevant, but Malcom Forbes notorious 70th birthday party was about 25 years ago. Liz, Eva and Dina Merrill were in attendance.

  79. Beautiful story, as I wipe tears out of my eyes.

  80. I doubt it's Rita - she's in way better shape than this actress sounds. She tweets, she's still acting in stuff (One Day at a Time reboot most recently).

    I do love her though and that she wore her 1962 dress last night was divine!

  81. This is my favorite Himmmmm!! While reading this blind I thought of his other beautifully written blind about another legendary actress who asked to see him and he dropped everything thing and went to visit her.

    1. Yes it certainly sounds like the same Himmmm who dropped all to visit The Lady - I thought the same
      A gentleman who tells his stories beautifully
      I love all our Himmmms

  82. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Hmmm This is such a lovely, heartwarming story. Not only beautifully written, but I was captured by what a kind, classy gentleman you are and were to your dance partner. It costs nothing to be kind to others and it sounds like you helped your dance partner end the evening on a particularly high note.

    This had an old Hollywood vibe to it, so as I was reading it I envisioned Eva Marie Saint. And envisioning her, really hit my heart strings given what she shared when she presented, about her husband passing away last year. My Dad passed away almost 3 years ago, and seeing how it's been for my mom, there is much lonliness that comes with losing a partner, so I could feel Eva missing her husband as she spoke of him. So I'm sure your graciousness was extra special to her last night.

    I hope you follow up with her and schedule that lunch soon. I'm sure it will mean the world to her. More than you can imagine.

    Two movies she was in that rank up there as all time best films:
    On The Waterfront
    North by Northwest

    C - Cary Grant
    A+ Foreign director - Hitch.
    A + Director - Kazan
    A++ Actor - Brando?

  83. It also makes me think it's the Himmmm that told the first story of a night out in Hollywood.

  84. Thank you, all, so much.
    These comments are so nice and warm, I wish I was in a location to have time to respond to @ each of you. I am happy to admit that my dance partner gave ME the far greater gift of blessing me with a moment to cherish. And after sharing it with you, my friends, I know she would be as touched as I am by ALL of your amazing comments. So much ugliness, pain, injustice, and rage in this world - that we must fight back by seeking moments like this in our lives to renew our humanity. To remind ourselves that love and grace can still exist if we're open to it. Anywhere, anytime, in any way. That's what she reminded me of, giving me a value which I'm not worthy of accepting. So instead she inspired me to try to earn that, every day, just as others have done for me in my life. That's the reward I received last night and shared with you all. And you each returned that right back to me.

    So from all of us, a big thanks to you amazing/crazy/funny/sweet commentators here. And to Enty for the overwhelming work he's done - putting all this together all night/day. Has to be the most blinds ever in a day (those July 4th reveals will be EPIC). I'm shipping him a truckload of bacon and a semi truck full of boxed wine, and a toupee, as a reward. So thank you, so much - and I hope and wish for each of you the same warmth & love I've known. Be safe, be well, and take care...

    1. Oh yes, ENTY: 🥓🍷🎁

      ALL OF IT.

    2. Dear Himmmm, this is the first time I have ever written anything on this blog but I was so moved by your tale I had to say thanks for that beautiful,touching story.
      I think I love you !! What a sweet kind person you must be.
      Also,You have a real gift for writing. I felt like I was transported to a place I've never been.That's good writing !! Thank you again for this fascinating story.Kudos to you sir!

    3. im new to this site for the last yr maybe but that was just beautiful.... i didnt want it to end..... i wanted more! ty for sharing x

  85. Anonymous3:29 PM

  86. Oh my! This lovely story teared me up. I'm a gonna blame the menopause :)

  87. I was so touched by this story it made my cry. The respect, tenderness and love describing this wonderful lady, their conversation and the dance was incredible and sincere. I love this Himmmm and the way he said, more than once, that HE was the lucky one. A first class gentleman who remembered that they danced to Moonlight Sonata two decades ago and arranged to have it played for their dance. Well done Sir, well done.

  88. Thank you for sharing this lovely story with us, Himmmm. It was beautifully written, with warmth and love! Perfect.

  89. Another beautifully-written Himmmm blind.

    I adore your writing, you somehow capture the nostalgia of being somewhere I have never been, if that makes sense?

    Thank you.

  90. Is this Colin Farrell on set playing a grown-up Eddie Munster?

  91. Such a beautiful story, Himmmm. Your follow-up comment is what made me cry.

    "So much ugliness, pain, injustice, and rage in this world - that we must fight back by seeking moments like this in our lives to renew our humanity. To remind ourselves that love and grace can still exist if we're open to it. Anywhere, anytime, in any way. "

    Love this!

  92. Agreed, TW. Both beautiful, classy women. So nice to hear something positive for a change. Thanks, Himmmm

  93. I love this story. I love the connection and the memories. Thank you.

  94. It's nice when people remember people who helped them when they were struggling. What a sweet lady. (I still send an email to my first employers every Christmas.)

  95. Whoever it is, such a sweet gesture! Take note all u mannerless millinials. EMS misses her companions!

  96. Why does everyone want to know who Himmmm is? I prefer to focus on the story, watching it unfold in my head as Himmmm shares it in his touching way. And not having a face to put to Himmmm adds to the beauty I see radiating from the Old Hollywood Actress as she shared this special dance.

    1. +1 @ Greta Garbo

      If Himmmm and Mr. X are exposed a lot of damage will result. Enty may not have enough sources/spies to replace them. Not only that, Enty's identity could be revealed. He could be disbarred. I remember him saying the woman who supplied MV's voice was a client of his.

  97. Love you back @Dallas Alice!

    Thank you Himmmm. I think these blinds are a public service. Karma is coming. We get what we put out.

    Everyone stay blessed!

  98. An article about Himmmmm on says the following:

    "Anyway, people can speculate all they want. That's their right."

    So I'm going to go with that.

  99. It’s nice to know there are some nice ones out there, considering the cesspool Hollywood seems to be.

    Much love to TW. Have a good evening :-)

  100. Eva Marie Saint "c" is Brando

  101. This comment has been removed by the author.

  102. She obviously meant Cary since they're love interests in North by northwest

  103. Didn't happen, was stolen off yourube video. Supposedly Eva Marie saint, and carry grant.

    1. @Court b, could you provide more information on that? Thanks in advance.

  104. Eva Marie Saint- timeless beautiful and classy.

    Cary Grant- the perfect gentleman.

    Alfred Hitchcock- God

  105. Beautiful. You are a truly a class act.

  106. She has a point. We have terrible posture (okay, maybe I should speak for myself). But the Classy Lady has a point.

  107. Awwwww that's so sweet of you to order her song! 🎶

    🎼 Here's the song: (I got it mixed up with "Moonlight Sonata" LOL). 🌙

  108. Wonderful story. Beautifully written.

  109. This is beautiful. If you're not a writer Himmmm, then you really should be.

  110. If Hmmmm is mentioning Liz Taylor in the same breath as this classy lady, it has to be Eva Marie Saint. They traveled in the same circles. Many pictures can be found of the two of them together at various functions, but this one here is an especially lovely shot of the two of them.

    1. God doesn't make humans like that anymore.

  111. @Martha Fuller, do you remember the name of that BI? I'd love to read it.

    1. @more cowbell I don’t, unfortunately. It has been at least 5 years and I think himmmm’s input was a comment in a random blind item. I truly can’t think of any way to find it, but it was a beautifully written tribute to CDAN readers as a thank you for kind words after a family member had died.

  112. What a lovely post! Thanks for sharing.

  113. Sweet post. I did wonder if Himmmm is Tony Goldwyn as his grandfather and grandmother have been in hollywood since the 1920s or 30s. However not sure about the great grandparent part.

    Anyway, lovely story

  114. Tony Goldwyn is 57..doesnt fit the age timeline (though that could be a fudged detail)..He fits the other details though Old hollywood family etc

    Just a wild shot..Could this be someone from Coppola clan (the narrative is brilliant and Roman Coppola was nominated for a screenplay oscar),..while losing some hair..he still has a decent head of hair..Plus hes in his early 50s so 25 years ago he would have been 26/27 ..His cousin on the other hand is definitely poorer hair wise..

    Their grandfather was a musician who did some shows with NBC in the 40s...which is were EMS got her break...Long shot.

  115. This comment has been removed by the author.

  116. @Himmmm, if one of you are at least close to certain people... could you look into this one? Kinda concerning.
