Friday, April 27, 2018

Blind Item #10

Is it really giving money to charity if you run the charity? Apparently this former A++ list celebrity who everyone in the world knows, promised to donate a significant chunk of dirty money to charity but it went to the celebrity's own charity. Seems kind of shady. 


  1. Leonardo DiCaprio??

  2. Hillary? Trump has done it too as a private citizen.

  3. Hrc or Clooney . Both shady af!

  4. With that high of a rating it has to be some politician here/abroad or some royal

  5. Hillary and the Clinton Foundation.

  6. The Foundation taught our family a great deal about family trusts. Shady af

  7. Anonymous11:08 AM

    am i the only one that doesn't consider politicians "celebrities"
    my guess would be leo

  8. I think 'A++ celebrity' is usually used for politicians, not actors or other showbiz people.

    It also says 'former A++', so my guess is Bill Clinton.

  9. The answer to the question depends on how the charity works. If it's one of the real ones that actually puts most of the money toward charitable works, then it's fine, doesn't matter whose name is on the masthead. If it's the usual scam where 90% of the money goes to "administrative costs" -- the pockets of the operators -- then it's shady.

  10. If actors or musicians are referred to as A++ here, they're usually dead.

  11. What "dirty money" would the Clintons publicly acknowledge receiving? Illegal campaign funds? Honoraria from corrupt regimes? Sounds like Bill but why would anyone announce this rather than just give the money back, if it was "dirty"?

  12. Foundations = Personal Slush Funds.

  13. I’m on the Hillary train

  14. Bill and Hillary. Horrible humans.

  15. It's the Clinton campaign funds which were donated by Weinstein. From the blind, guessing they went to the Clinton Foundation.

  16. Clinton Foundation spends only 14% on "overhead." Whether you agree with what the foundation is doing, it seems generally well-run, and part of its mission is to "increase opportunity for women and girls" which would seem a worthy usage of creepy Harvey's funds.

  17. This is definitely Trump. He promised to donate any 2017 profits from foreign government patrons who stayed at his hotels. It was recently announced that the donations were made but Trump's organization would not say to who they were made to.

  18. Well this is just not done. What is supposed to happen is that the owner of Charity A gives X dollars to Charity B, and then the owner of Charity B gives X dollars to Charity A, and then they both write it off on their taxes.

  19. Derek Harvey my guess. They are busy bees posting all the spam on this website allegedly🤣

  20. Hillary. She said she'd donate the money Weinstein donated to her to charity

  21. My husband worked for an NGO which is a "competitor" of the Clinton Foundation. It does an exemplary job in subSaharan Africa, something the UN cannot do. They've saved millions of lives. Really get fed up with the right wing's ignorant claims about the Clinton Foundation.

    1. Anonymous12:28 PM

      Millions of lives huh. That’s where you fucked up. Don’t exaggerate when you lie. Keep it simple.

    2. Yes, millions of lives, saved by something as simple as mosquito netting. Look it up.

    3. @missbliss is not wrong. I second her recommendation to look it up.

  22. Hillary. Dirty money from the Russians for selling uranium- Russians donated to the Clinton Foundation. Bill and HRC did speeches for Russia.

  23. Definitely Chelsea's Trust Fund, um, I mean the Clinton Foundation

  24. Anonymous12:21 PM

    There's the Clinton Foundation, and then the Clinton Family Foundation. Which one are we talking about?

  25. Clooney does this all the time. His “charitable” donations are incredibly small and get filteredright back to him.,

  26. This is Zuckerberg. He said he would give ALL his money to charity. Then we found out it was his own Fdtn!! He has sole control over. So, it's a tax dodge. VERY shady.

  27. The Clintons have been investigated inside and out over everything short of breathing. Meanwhile, Trump's inaugural committee raked in hundreds of millions of dollars and there is no accountability for where the money went.

  28. Trump fam does it...even stealing from sick children...his younger son used funds from one supposedly set up to help kids with cancer....can't get much lower than that.

  29. This is everyone who has their own charity. From Trump to the Clintons to zuckerberg to Bill Gates. The difference is in which charities actually give back/do good. From what I can tell, that’s the Gates Foundation.

  30. Trump is not former A++

  31. This is HRC, who else alive qualifies as former A++ list celebrity who everyone in the world knows?

  32. When Hillary said they will all hang if she doesn't win, this may be a part of what she was talking about.

  33. Got to love Hilldawg and her dirty, dirty lies.

  34. The Clinton Foundation is so effective, that as soon as she lost and/or wasn't secretary of state anymore, all the foreign government "donations" suddenly stopped.

    No more $500k twenty minute *speeches for Bill.

    Did it's mission or 'effectiveness' change?

    You deserve what you get when you buy into this stuff. Sheesh.

  35. If the number of times Hillary Clinton is brought up around here (for totally reaching and irrelevant blinds) is any indication, she's not "former" anything.

    Do yourself a Queen Elsa and LET IT GOOOOOOOO.

  36. All she does now is whine about Russians/white women/youths/Bernie Sanders/etc/etc/etc and fall over so I'd say she's pretty much former everything.

    1. @orange

      If you call those topics whining, I’d recommend you get your hearing checked. Given how obsessed Trump and his followers are with her, she’ll have A++ name recognition until long after they’re dead.

  37. I am definitely my favorite charity. Feel free to donate!

  38. Did Hillary donate all of Weinstein's donations to her charity instead of the #metoo movement?

  39. SkittleKitty, your stat is REVERSED!!! Only 14% goes to overhead for the Clinton Foundation and assorted related/affiliated/subsidiary scam rackets errr I mean 'charitable organizations', 'charities', and/or 'foundations'?!?


    What percentage of Clinton Foundation money goes to real and actual charities that are not controlled by the Clintons?

    If you define "actual charities not controlled by the Clintons" as "programmatic grants," then it appears the number is less than 15%, with more than 85% directed by the foundation itself however it wishes:

    Between 2009 and 2012, the Clinton Foundation raised over $500 million dollars according to a review of IRS documents by The Federalist (2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008).

    A measly 15 percent of that, or $75 million, went towards programmatic grants.

    More than $25 million went to fund travel expenses.

    Nearly $110 million went toward employee salaries and benefits. And a whopping $290 million during that period — nearly 60 percent of all money raised — was classified merely as “other expenses.” ...The Clinton Foundation may well be saving lives, but it seems odd that the costs of so many life-saving activities would be classified by the organization itself as just random, miscellaneous expenses.

  40. Wow, the misinformation about the Clinton's has always been odd to me, but even after all the investigations people still believe the junk "data". Just because a lie has been repeated over and over doesn't actually make it a fact.

  41. Astronomical astroturfing on the benevolence of any NGO itt

  42. Bill Gates Warns "Millions Could Die" If US Doesn't Prepare For Coming Pandemic

    Sounds like a threat to me!
    What if Bill Gates helped dump dangerous Depo-Provera in Africa like Israel did to the Beta Israel they traded to the Derg for weapons?
    Because he did.
    Saved millions of lives? Whose lives I wonder? Prince "Kill the poors before they kill all the elephants" William Windsor Saxe-Coburg-Gotha-Goldschmidt-Rothschild says things like this. Yes, he wants you dead too!
    When you name a devil it loses all its power. The Seal of Solomon, forget it. He found it in a Cracker Jack box.

    1. If the "State of Israel" engages in genocide against the Beta Israel (lit. HOUSE OF ISRAEL), would it be fair to say that "State of Israel" is the House of Yudah?

    2. @Geel

      Just because you say it over and over does not make it true.

    3. Han Niam I am not terribly interested in what you have to say after that "what's wrong with Robert Deniro and Scorcese forcing drag queens on children?" comment you made!

    4. Also Han, I'd like to point out while you may be quite the expert on sodomy, I definitely know my way around spooky places you've never heard of where the Depo is dumped.
      Thanks for shedding any pretense.

    5. You ever notice gay men have a hard time caring about women's and children's health?
      Then you have this shithead insinuating Depo is safe.

  43. To be different, Sean Penn?

  44. Hillarity of course, as former as it gets

  45. Say what you want, either way, but I don't think anybody who isn't either playing the propaganda game or lost to TDS would say there is no way Donald Trump is "former A++."

    I'm not even sure either of the Clintons are "former A++," because they refuse to go away and the media still happily sniffs up even a hinted scent of their latest farts. But if they're being moved to "former," that's fine with me. It's the step before "late."

  46. @Seachica +100000 They all do things like this. A blind would be finding someone who actually gives to charity and does not brag about it.

  47. The Clinton Weinstein thing never made sense.

    "What my former colleagues are saying is they’re going to donate it to charity, and of course I will do that,” she told CNN’s Fareed Zakaria. “I give 10% of my income to charity every year, and this will be part of that. There’s no doubt about it.”, that means she's giving the exact same amount of money to charity as she would if there was no Weinstein scandal, doesn't it. 10% like any other year. In other words, she decided to keep his money, and didn't even really try to hide that. But somehow people read that quote and thought she was doing some kind of meaningful gesture? Nope.

  48. " Dirty money from the Russians for selling uranium"

    What uranium were the Russians selling? What are you talking about? Something fantastical?


    "The Clinton Foundation may well be saving lives, but it seems odd that the costs of so many life-saving activities would be classified by the organization itself as just random, miscellaneous expenses."

    Never looked much further than the Clinton Foundation for your information on the charity boondoggle in the USA? Start with Komen, the one who invented the Awareness charities that do absolutely nothing but make the board and their worthless children rich.

    I suggest you look specifically about what those miscellaneous expenses are. But that would be hard.


    "I'm not even sure either of the Clintons are "former A++," because they refuse to go away"

    The Reich Wing media refuses to let them "go away". Without Hilary, Fox and all it's brothers have nothing to talk about.

    I think it's obsessive love myself.


    Look into Eric Trump's charity for St Judes. Basically, Eric raises money to pay for events at Mar Lego Land or some other Trump property. Eric gets a nice salary and his father's properties gobble up the rest. St Judes receives a modest little check.

    That's the Komen template these days.

  49. @Han - My hearing is good, dawg, don't worry. I do unfortunately have to work with political media coverage though so I'm constantly exposed to this drunken old witch rambling on about this person and that person and this other person being responsible for her own failures. Gets boring after a while.

    I didn't vote Trump. I didn't vote Clinton because I would never vote for a killer but your argument is honestly silly. In my work environment, it's about 60/40 conservative to lib. Nobody cares about Clinton on either side. Everyone just wants her to go away but she just keeps coming back over and over with a new demographic to insult.

    And of course old Billy C will have A+ recognition after he's dead. He was a president. Hillary though? No. Nobody cares about drunks falling over while screaming about Russians.

  50. " I didn't vote Clinton because I would never vote for a killer"

    Who did she kill, specifically, you know tried and convicted like you would demand (I do hope) of anyone else.


  51. Uranium One Deal - You can find much more yourself in Google.

    My personal favorite: Resources from Clinton Foundation used for Chelsea's wedding

  52. Oh the uranium that wasn't even owned by anyone in the USA???

    That uranium??? Which we had no power to stop going anywhere the sellers pleased BUT lucky for us the Canadian company consulted with our government, BY CHOICE, and agreed to not have the uranium leave North America.

    THAT uranium deal? By which we were graced with a good neighbor like Canada (which probably ain't true anymore.)

    Watch your Shepard Smith on your Fox News. He lays out the details nicely and ever since Fox has dropped the Uranium One deal as a source of fake controversy.

  53. 2nd part -

    If you believe anything that Lying Sack of Shit Assange puts out, you truly are a damn fool. He manipulates documents and videos for your delicious Outrage! and Vlad of course. Don't be a chump.

  54. Seriously who do you work for? Either you are on one of these low life traitors payroll or you are one of them. Either way nothing you say has any value after you have shown just how insane you are with all this anti Trump pro Clinton pro pedo Muslim denying bs. YOu really are a piece of work.
    The Clintons are criminals and they have a body count a mile long and everyone knows it. All your little snippy remarks do not come off as smart or knowledgeable but rather like a freaking guilty person trying to bully their accusers into silence so f off you piece of shit.


  55. "The Clintons are criminals"

    Yet after 2 decades of constant expensive investigations by federal and state jurisdictions, by the FBI itself, they haven't been charged with anything.

    " they have a body count a mile long and everyone knows it."

    Maybe your "everybody" is wrong.

    Look, I don't like the Clintons, but the craziness that Fox News and Rush have created about them is ridiculous. I dare say someone is making a lot of money by leading "everybody" around this way and making them feel superior with super sekret speshul knowledge about those awful Clintons.
