Friday, April 27, 2018

Blind Item #12

This permanent A++ list legend who will be a legend for hundreds of years was not above using the mob to make sure his employees didn't ever think about striking or joining a union. More than one employee was beaten or had a mysterious accident. 


  1. Bill Gates? Hard to imagine but going on legend status
    Even better, Steve Jobs? The way it is written makes me think this legend could be deceased.
    I suck at these so I coukd be way off base here.

  2. ohh @sandybrook, I like your guess way better.
    but is he really a legend??

  3. Yeah I am thinking this is Gates, Jobs, Ray Croc or someone who's name is on a product like Michael Dell

  4. Anonymous11:39 AM

    this has Trump written all over it. he cant handle anymore scandal lol

  5. In his mind he is anyway...

  6. @sandybrook Excellent point

  7. Elvis? No idea if any of his crowd had an "accident" though.

  8. It's Walt Disney.

    1. Anonymous12:23 PM

      This. 33rd degree Freemason.

  9. wow @ nutty flavor, thats the best guess yet as far as a legend who will be remembered for hundreds of years. Jumping on this bandwagon.

  10. William Shakespeare.

    1. Lol! Points to you for thinking way outside the box! However, it didn’t say “foreign-born”.

  11. How would Frank Sinatra's employees join a union? It would have to be a larger company operation, not just personal assistants. Disney sounds more like it.

  12. Going with Nutty. Disney.

  13. I'm with Nutty on this. Disney is a great guess.

  14. Replies
    1. It's Margot Ashton's fault. That damned tramp.

  15. Oh for Pete's sake, everyone knows this is Trump. You can like him as a President without denying he was a son of a bitch in his business career.

  16. The way the elites react to unions would tell you something were it not for their successful propaganda convincing the People that they are more powerful as individuals.

  17. Trump isn't a legend.

  18. Trump is not a legend and will never be remembered as such. He's the laughing stock of America and around the globe. Could be jobs or Disney.

  19. I'm liking Nutty's Walt Disney guess much better.

  20. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Could be Disney, but it's the first I've heard of beatings. Disney was refusing to allow his animators to join the animator's union that formed in LA - there was a strike during the making of Dumbo, and while I don't recall the specifics of the story, Disney (Walt and Roy) teamed up with a mob guy who was running the actor's union, shaking down studios. It's a wierd story, because the guy was the kind of person the Disney's claimed to be protecting the animators from, but there he was, negotiating a deal between the strikers and the studio. It got so effed up I think Roy broke don and brought Fed negotiators in - the union won, and Disney has been a union shop since.
    I'm a big Disney fan, I've read about the union issues there, and again, if there were beatings of animators, this is the first I've heard of it, but Disney has always managed their public facade VERY carefully. With a mob guy involved for a short period of time, it could very well be Disney in this blind. The "hundred years" thing could refer to how Disney lobbied to have the copyright laws changed to 99 years after death, when Mickey was about to go public domain.

    1. & still, everytime time Mickey is about to go into the public domain, the Act is amended, it’s crazy lol

    2. Disney -- His name/Disney will in fact be on entertainment for probably hundreds of years, current to each generation rather than a name from hundreds of years ago. He makes the most sense for a lot of reasons.

  21. I looked at this as Enty being sarcastic, which when he is he is very good at it. Trump probably thinks he's the greatest human to ever wak this Earth with the exception of one. Nobody else will ever think that way about the POS. He's got the mob ties, his use of illegal immigrants in all his so-called successful business practices, and he's got the temperment to pull shit like this.
    Disney was a d\l POS, so he's a good answer too.

    1. Sandy your guess is right.
      Someone will be remembered for centuries if not millennia.
      It will not be you.
      I know your curse!

  22. Disney for sure, @Nutty Flavor first,@Unknown, with the proof. If the mob was involved at all,beatings and an accident took place.

  23. LOL. You people get so obsessed with making every guess someone you hate. What a sad life.

  24. If you had everything else and someone offered you the opportunity to be known like Caesar, wouldn't you?
    Profoundly Neptunian.

  25. Sinatra popped in my head immediately.Rat Pack days. My generation remembers all those old rumors

  26. 1) "Legend" implies deceased. Sorry Sandy not my Trumpster.
    2) This is likely Disney. Unions would have killed Disneyland before it got going.

    BTW- To most outside the blue bubbles on the coast. Trump is loved like no POTUS ever. I love the hate expressed here daily by the bitter Hillary losers. It's hilarious. Enjoy your hate.

    1. Sigh. @Chase, get over Hillary already. You guys are the only ones obsessed with her anymore.

      The rest of us are just trying to get by and hope the Blue Wave happens before Trump can do any more damage to our rights and way of life.

      Notice I said “Blue” wave. Not “Clinton” wave. Every single candidate we had to choose from sucked. Kind of like you guys in 2012.

  27. Yes probably Disney or one of those deceased ones. Although I could also see Trump because as president he will be recorded in all the US history books.

  28. If you do a search for Trump and unions, you'll find that a bunch of his hotel/casino employees did unionize in recent years. His company fought them on it, as corporations do, but they unionized. The blind says these employees didn't -- they weren't even allowed to think of it. And of course in construction, unions are just part of the cost of doing business.

    I doubt it's any of the tech giants like Gates either. Nerds don't even try to unionize, too anti-social. Even seeing our jobs shipped overseas at alarming rates for the last few decades, stagnating wages despite a booming industry, couldn't make it happen. we're getting into "legend" territory.

  29. Elvis Presley won't be considered a legend for hundreds of years. He was a cheesy entertainer of low intelligence who was puppeteered by some creepy grifter and who lost the plot and died on the toilet at age 42.

  30. +1 Sal. Reading through these comments half make me laugh and half make me cringe.
    This is Disney.

  31. I just had some guests over after they visited disneyworld, they mentioned that everyone working there were immigrants making $10 hr...i have a cousin who played the mermaid and after returning from acting school in nyc was casting couched and now no longer works there...disney sucks, don't care what anyone says.

  32. @Kiki As a season pass holder at Disneyland, I can’t speak for Florida, but most of the D-land employees are from the US, majority California.

    Ex-Disney employees are mostly positive about the experience IF they have the necessary personality to thrive in a highly regimented environment.

    The ones who don’t thrive tend to be people who do not do well with self-discipline and rigid timetables.

    That said, the blind could be Disney, Hughes, or Carnegie to name three.

  33. sandybrook lets his TDS get the better of him...EVERY...SINGLE...FUCKING...TIME...

  34. Anonymous2:21 PM

    This isn't Trump - everyone knows that Trump worked with the mob through the 90s. Howard Hughes also worked with the mob. This is someone surprising, like Disney or Jobs, who was reputed to be a real asshole. Carnegie might work, too.

  35. @ Han Niam- Sorry no blue wave is coming. It only feels like it when you watch fake news. Glad to hear the witch is dead. But there is still a yuge contingent of HRC voters still running around with their panties in a wad. They seem to have made it a steady condition. TDS no doubt.

    1. @Chase You might want to see a doctor about all those HRC fans running around with panties in a wad. I’m starting to think TDS actually strikes Trump supporters and makes them hallucinate Clintons behind every comment.

      Blue wave... we’ll see. It’s happened before and will again.

  36. Disney is a good guess, but I immediately thought Henry Ford. Accidents could easily happen in an auto factory. This from Wiki:

    "To forestall union activity, Ford promoted Harry Bennett, a former Navy boxer, to head the Service Department. Bennett employed various intimidation tactics to squash union organizing.[34] The most famous incident, on May 26, 1937, involved Bennett's security men beating with clubs members of the United Automobile Workers, including Walter Reuther.[35] While Bennett's men were beating the UAW representatives, the supervising police chief on the scene was Carl Brooks, an alumnus of Bennett’s Service Department, and [Brooks] "did not give orders to intervene."[36] The following day photographs of the injured UAW members appeared in newspapers, later becoming known as The Battle of the Overpass."

  37. @Chase, I live in America's so-called heartland and I know exactly one person who likes Trump and that dude is a tardcore Tea Party type.
    Also, what are trump's approval ratings again?
    Not a Clinton fan either, btw, but Trump is a fucking imbecile.

  38. George Washington. No wait, he just had slaves.

  39. Before I read the comments, I immediately thought WALT DISNEY. One of the great American Overlords---33rd Degree Freemason, loaded his films with occultism, sexualized children, created traumatic cinematic moments by the dozen--the list is long and diabolical. His influence will live for centuries, and not in a good way.

  40. @Low interesting. I live in a liberal state that voted for H-dawg and I know plenty of Trump supporters. We're mostly surrounded by Bernie Bros but outside of that, Trump supporters outnumbered Hdawg significantly during the election.

  41. I really wish I could block someone on here. So sick of the constant hate filled comments. We get it. You hate Trump. Now STFU for the love of allah.

  42. I love watching old boomers like Sandy kvetch about President Trump.

    Sinatra for my guess.

  43. Frank Sinatra made a few phone calls to stop a union from making trouble just before Shirley MacLaine was to perform somewhere many years ago.

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  47. Actually MikeM since I know you're a fucking troll and know 5 or 6 names you use on here goatfucker, you should probably STFU and STFD *Bray*

  48. Sandybrook don't use any more Islamaphobic slurs, please. It's unnecessary.

  49. @orange, I know several people that voted for Trump, but most regret it now.
    Nobody was really enthused about Hillary, but considered her the lesser evil.
    Don't personally know any Bernie Bros lol. He seemed ok.

  50. He's an anti-semite, unknown what comes around, goes around and with this POS if the shoe fits wear it. But I am sorry that I need to offend anyone here with dealing with this POS.

    1. Please stop culturally appropriating Shem you out of touch bigot.
      Blacklist this guy, he's a bigot.

    2. Sandy- we may not see eye to eye on all things, but you’ve been around here a LONG time, and I appreciate all you have contributed over the years. I hate seeing all of the trolls get to you Day after day. Just ignore them and keep trying to go back to the “good old days” when the site was a fun escape and the comments were relevant. If the majority of us do that, then hopefully all of these extremists with agendas will crawl back into the holes they came from. They’re not worth your time and anger.

    3. @ Jenner +10000. I miss the good old days when this site used to actually be fun.

  51. Jesus H. Christ, people! The blind is obviously referring to Jesus. I mean come on.

    Either that or Thanos

  52. You know what's hilarious? Trump trolls in the comments of a gossip site, bashing Hillary Clinton, who is presemtly a private citizen. Give it a rest. Your boy is riddled with dementia, as evidenced by that insane, rambling call to Fox yesterday.

  53. sandybrook, I would love to see your deleted posts. They were probably much better written then the crapola you finally decided on. Looks like you should lay off the booze, you are a nasty drunk. Just like most Libtards you can't handle reality.

    PS I only post under one name so your delusional paranoia is getting to you, seek help.

  54. Actually you don't you fucking idiot but keep trying. You're way too obvious *Bray*.

  55. sandybrook the sad, lonely, alcoholic, frustrated gender confused delusional paranoid who sees ghosts.

  56. Trump....this proves how he treats employees...

  57. Bwahahaha you scare me a lot fucking idiot. Try again.

  58. A lot of trolls tried me here Bray, I'm still here they are not. Try again cocksucker, I fucking dare you.


  60. I'm scared shitless 😶

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  63. Han Niam

    Clinton is in for a world of hurt from rigging a primary, FEC violations pertaining to a missing $84 million to what she did to the Hatians for starters.
    So yes, we haven't forgotten about Hildabeast and her utter contemp for anyone but herself.

    Plus she is the worst LOSER I have ever witnessed.

    Your blue wave will look just like a Tidy Bowl flush

    1. @mike

      And what makes you think I have any emotional or psychological investment in the Clintons again? Didn’t we already establish that I’m not a Clinton liberal?

      You guys really have short memories.

      And, Well, I should think so. Tidy Bowl flushes are cool. All the shit goes down the tubes in a swirly blue wave and leaves that pretty bright blue color behind against a pristine porcelain background.

  64. So funny, and kind if amazing, to see Trump haters accepting the idea that Trump will be a legend for hundreds of years, which is complete nonsense. Disney of course is a great guess, especially because the blind refers to someone who clearly is dead or operated years ago, when unions had actual power.

    1. @ancoranon

      And then there are those of us who guessed real legends of industry like Carnegie, Hughes, Ford, and Disney.

      That doesn’t change the fact that Trump treats his low level workers as poorly as he can get away with, mind you.

      Tell us again how he’s for the poor working man again.

      If he’s still known in hundreds of years, it will be much like Ozymandius in the ruins of all the poorly constructed Trump-blazoned buildings across the world.

    2. @Han Niam "Tell us again how he’s for the poor working man again. "

      'I've never said such thing, my dear. '

    3. @Geeljire

      Need some allergy medicine for those runny eyes? It’s a worthwhile question for a president who ran and was elected with a platform of standing up for the every day working American who’s been struggling economically for so long.

      Or did you vote both blindly in the cult of personality without any knowledge of Trump’s platform?

    4. I didn't vote you dumbass
      Please take a few days off from CDAN

    5. +1 geeljire Voting is a rite

    6. @Geeljire and @Schneiderisnext

      Then your opinions on political matters are pretty worthless, aren’t they?

      Already took some time away, actually. It was refreshing. Now it’s your turn.

    7. @HAN when the game is rigged, the best choice is to not play.

      American (s)Elections, are managed by the deepstate. (Insert gif of Kennedy's head exploding)

      George Carlin:

      Everybody complains about politicians. Everybody says, “They suck”.

      But where do people think these politicians come from? They don’t fall out of the sky. They don’t pass through a membrane from another reality.

      No, they come from American homes, American families, American schools, American churches, American businesses, and they’re elected by American voters.This is the best we can do, folks. It’s what our system produces: Garbage in, garbage out.

      ….I have solved this political dilemma in a very direct way: I don’t vote. On Election Day, I stay home. I firmly believe that if you vote, you have no right to complain.

      Now, some people like to twist that around. They say, “If you don’t vote, you have no right to complain”, but where’s the logic in that? If you vote, and you elect dishonest, incompetent politicians, and they get into office and screw everything up, you are responsible for what they have done. You voted them in. You caused the problem. You have no right to complain.

      I, on the other hand, who did not vote — who did not even leave the house on Election Day — am in no way responsible for that these politicians have done and have every right to complain about the mess that you created. That I didn’t have anything to do with.

      So when you’re having one of those swell elections that you like so much…on that day I will be doing essentially the same as you…the only difference is when I get done masturbating I’ll have a little something to show for it.

  65. Anonymous9:19 PM

    Could someone please DDOS the 4chan muslim larper? He's shitting up every fucking post with his nonsense. It's beyond tiresome now.

  66. The Trump derangement syndrome on here is vomit enducing 😂😂😂! This is so much more likely to be Disney!

  67. Jesus..Or Mohammed.

  68. @Han Niam "Tell us again how he’s for the poor working man again. "

    I've never said such thing, my dear.

    I think nobody is, has ever been or should ever be for "the working man". These words are meaningless, in fact.

    You see, I am a follower of the greatest living American thinker, a conservative Economist who happens to be African-american (something which is sure to make your liberal mind explode in tiny little pieces). That's my blind for you to solve.

    As far as how Trump treats his low level workers, let's just all agree that you and I and everyone else here know absolutely nothing of how these people (Clinton, Trump, Sanders, the Dalai Lama etc) actually are on a personal level. Let's all agree that what is there for us to judge is their political acts and the social, historical impact that those have.

    As it is, I have little to complain about Trump. The economy is doing fine,the war on ISIS has turned, the Koreas are amazing, and we have had the highest number of arrests of pedophile rings ever recorded... That's enough to keep me happy for the time being. Later, we'll see.

    1. @ancoranon

      Hmm, well, you see it doesn’t matter if YOU have said Trump is for the American working man. That’s 85% of Trump’s own platform and what got him elected. This is why, as others have cited, many of those who voted him in now regret it.

      You’re welcome to follow any thinker of any race and persuasion you like. I prefer to read widely and think for myself with my nicely unexploded brain.

    2. Thomas Sowell , brilliant mind.

  69. @ancoranonhocapito - mi sa' che hai capito benissimo +1 million

    @Gemie - why is the TDS vomit inducing? it's totally and utterly and super duper deliciously extra amusing, if you ask me

  70. Why are Americans so obsessed with politics, you get to vote them in and out every four years. To be honest reading your history this could be many presidents. Look at any country the top people didn`t get there just by kissing babies.

    1. @annie

      Mostly because our politics are so polarized, I guess. Me, I just can’t seem to resist responding to people who make it personal and get it wrong at the same time.

      That and this particular political cycle has lasting implications for LGBT Americans and our families.

  71. Sandy is a mouth foaming TDS sufferer, just ignore him

  72. Dammit, we all know it was not Walt Disney, as he's been dead since the 1990's...Maybe William Shakespeare...King Arthur rides again in the house of Windsor, could be him. But he's only been alive since Monday. (In case one of you did not know, this is funny, not real).

  73. @Chase

    "BTW- To most outside the blue bubbles on the coast. Trump is loved like no POTUS ever"

    Something tells me you know nothing about the interior of the country. Nothing at all.

    " Sorry no blue wave is coming."

    Haven't been following the special elections? Haven't been perusing the polls for individual states including your lauded heartland?

    @mike m

    "Clinton is in for a world of hurt from rigging a primary,"

    Yet there is not a single investigation open about this at present, are you so hard up to see Hilary again you are imagining things? That'strue love and devotion!


    "I am a follower of the greatest living American thinker, a conservative Economist who happens to be African-american "

    Yet you seem afraid to mention his name. Curious.

    ",the war on ISIS has turned"

    And become the war of mercenaries destroying each other and whole towns in Syria. Asad is out gassing people, torturing and raping whole villages, massacring Kurds at will, all with Vlad's help and support. Yeah, Syria has turned alright. (eyeroll)

    " The economy is doing fine"

    For the 1% you mean.

    "the Koreas are amazing"

    Let's not call that just yet. NK has been in this same place 6 times since 2000. Kim acts very pleasantly, promises treaties and new ties in exchange for new trade deals and lessening of sanctions. Every Fucking Time his economy improves for a few months and then Kim is back to the isolationist propaganda and threats.

    Let's not be fooled again, shall we? Or is your Donny so desperate to finally have a "win" that he will play the fool?

    " we have had the highest number of arrests of pedophile rings ever recorded.."

    LOL! Rounding up huge numbers or individuals, willy nilly, does not lead to convictions. you should know that by now unless you are willfully ignorant -

  74. Wait, so sandy screeches 'TRUMP' like a maniacal loon no matter how nonsensical the guess, then hurls insults at those who ridicule him, and we're the trolls?
    You know that just because people have different opinions, it does not make them trolls, in your primitive mind maybe...and the reason he's so angry is because he's one of those self-deluded people who can't bare anyone disagreeing with him, It drives him mad. He wishes everyone would agree with with him because he's got a superiority complex - which incidentally is fuelled by feelings of deep inadequacy and inferiority.

    And worshipping a stranger from the internet because he's been posting celebritiy guesses for a long time on some gossip site, is a bit like voting for someone just because they're a woman: neither clever nor particularly aspirational.

    If you wish to be in a place where everyone is of the same opinion, you should try North Korea.

    Oh wait...the evil extremist Trump just brought peace between the 2 Koreas and is responsible for disarming nuclear NK...nevermind love.

    1. If this is in response to my recent comment above, then read the first line. I am actually a conservative, but can appreciate other’s views. All I was trying to say is that in the past several months the comment section has been bombarded with some new folks who turn every thing into a political tirade. Sanybrook has been here nearly every day for years, and it is only recently that he began to have these daily outbursts in response to said tirades. He used to be a nice, easy going guy around here and I just hate seeing him and others getting so riled up over jerks who contribute nothing but their own propaganda. I don’t like when people spur others into being the worst version of themselves. That’s all.

  75. @sandybrook

    " and know 5 or 6 names you use on here goatfucker, you should probably STFU and STFD *Bray*

    That is obvious by now. Could be a paid source since the propaganda points under similar names are ALWAYS the same, no variation, no imagination, no sourcing, not enough vocabulary for anything original.

    So laugh at them. They are screwed and twisting inside a net, trying to present something reasonable, something they don't actually know about or care about.

    It's fucking hilarious, really. Don't let them waste your precious anger.

  76. @Bored!!!

    How the hell are you babe???

    What's your poison lately? Something syrupy I imagine, sloe gin fizz?

    "the evil extremist Trump just brought peace between the 2 Koreas "

    Really, that has happened? Are you sure? Have you looked at the historical record of NK and how it operates exactly like this for time and propaganda purposes? Have you watched this cycle occur before?

    "is responsible for disarming nuclear NK."

    NK has disarmed?????? News to everyone but you apparently. Keep rubbing that magic bottle and soaking in it's tonic.

  77. Ancoranonhocapito, che ha capito tutto straordinariamente, means THOMAS fucking SOWELL, who is indeed one of the greatest living legendary Americans today, you atrociously ignorant, tin-foil-hatted baboon.

    Seriously some of you people here are just tragic, read some books once in awhile instead of spending half your nights on cdan and the other half cruising conspiracy websites for lonely losers.

    Ancoranonhocapito: sei italiano? Ho studiato per un'anno a Milano e ci torno moto spesso per lavoro. Adoro l'Italia.

  78. Hey plot, I'm brilliant, because TRUMP IS YOUR PRESIDENT. And sandy's too.


  79. @bored

    " I'm brilliant, because TRUMP IS YOUR PRESIDENT."

    Still imagining yourself in the UK, playing Alice in Wonderland?

    Heed what the Dormouse says.

  80. Han niam, google disneyworld immigration, I'd rather support anheuser busch/inbev as a great florida company...they have busch gardens where you can spend your money, but they also underwrite some of the biggest FREE MUSIC festivals and Parties all over the state...fuck disney. On a side note, when the wind is blowing west i can smell the hops brewing from the local bud brewery down the road :)

  81. Blowing east* oops!

  82. Jenneration: I see what you're saying. I would agree with you, if it wasn't for sandy's incessant baiting. It's not like people come for him out of nowhere. He has for example insulted me multiple times (not that I care), told me to go away (I won't) and screeched for me to shut the fuck up (definitely won't) . What I'm saying is, you can't dish it out and not expect it to come back to you. I don't wish him any harm, don't want him to have a heart attack or anything over this trivial bullshit, but I also don't see how he's innocent in all of this.

    At least sandy seems (sort of) intertwined with reality, that's why he gets mad, reaity is today not what he expected it to be. I understand this sentiment, even though I disagree with his political views tremendously. He imagined a different world, and is frustrated that it isn't so.

    Poor plot on the other hand is on a different planet: she just creates this make-belief world, lies to herself, rejects truths about others, ignores facts, and designs this alternate parallel universe for herself, in order to cope with her misery. That's why she believes in every conspiracy theory known to man.
    While sandy is angry BECAUSE he sees reality, plot does not seem mentally sound.

    Plot, this will be last time I address you: I think there' ssomething not quite right with you, and I don't wish to engage with somebody who I kinda pity. You keep insisting that I'm not british, that I'm not married, that I'm a drunk, and that I lie about myself , about everything, even though I have absolutely no reason.
    If anything, I think some others here can attest that I might be a bit too honest, for my own good.
    I think you suffer from projection, amongst other things. I think you need help, and I think you're one of those people who doesn't seem to cope very well in the real world, hence you're here all the time, writing your essays, trying to be heard.
    I don't wish you any harm, I hope you get some help, and I wish you well.
    Feel free to address me in the future if you wish, but don't expect me to answer you again.
    I do not shoot at ambulances.

  83. @plot: boredatwork got it right. Tomas Sowell. A living genius. Why would I be afraid of mentioning him? Is that all you can come up with? Have you ever read anything by him? Googled him? Watched him debate anybody? I'm just amazed that Sowell isn't the icon he should really be simply because the U.S. politics cannot put a label on him and pin him somewhere.

    @boredatwork: sono italiano e per giunta di Milano, anche se non vivo più in Italia da qualche anno... Naviglio Grande o Naviglio Pavese? ))

    @Ham Niam: I don't believe for a second that people voted for Trump thinking he was for "the working man". That's the media representation of the "deplorables"... Rather they must have felt that maybe, just maybe, he could do something to turn globalization around and get something decent out of it. A desperate act, sure, but worth trying before it's too late. The people might have also felt that Trump (or the forces behind him, mostly the American military) was perhaps in the best position to do something about the rigged game that the American politics has been for the last century... at the very least in the sense of breaking the toy so that it's not possible to play anymore... And who knows if that can come about? but again still worth trying, because nothing should last forever.

    More importantly, the people might have felt that Trump was not going to add more and more layers of demoralizing cultural poison over the American and global cultural and social lives, in order to nullify the family union or the common sense that holds society together, and bring everybody under the thumb of the protective state... And that alone, this slowing down, or not adding to, this demented alleged transformation of our culture towards a dystopian future made of surveillance and gender police and whatnot was probably the guiding reason, the guiding gut-feeling for most of everyone who voted for him. For better or worse, I am grateful that this has happened and that this balancing force is now present in the world, regardless of who Trump is or what his agenda is. Balance is important.

    Lastly just to clarify, I mentioned Sowell to make it obvious how little I can think of "the working man" perspective you mentioned. That said, I am not a "follower" of Sowell in the sense of making a belief system out of his ideas, and if you had read anything of him you would know that this is an impossible task anyhow.

    @Jennerationb: If Sandybrook gets riled up he should take an anger management class. If you are sad for him you should PM him and strike a friendship. NONE OF THIS is relevant to where the discussion should go, because the Internet is a free space. In that it was Made in America. If this website has changed, this is a sign of the Times, that have changed has well. Is that so bad?

  84. @ancoranon

    A person can “follow” any set of beliefs if they put their mind to it. And I have encountered Sowell’s thought. He strikes me as a master of straw man arguments, which means his most fervent followers already share his warped view of what liberals want and believe. Like many pundits who cycle through popularity. Refreshing my recollection of which one of those pundits he is certainly cleared up any questions I might have had about who you are. Thanks for that.

    Now, Do tell me how a thrice divorced adulterer with children by (at least) three different mothers is going to do anything at all to “balance” forces that seek to nullify the family union?

    My personal family union, legally married, no adultery is endangered by the so-called Christian Values crowd who Trump’s judicial picks seem inclined to support, in fact.

    Okay, so Back to the average working class voter who supported Trump, since it’s still nagging at my mind, I seem to recall news outlets of conservative and independent leanings trumpeting Trump’s salvation of the ruins of the American working class. A wave of populism sweeping the land and eating away at the Democrats’ blue collar support.

    Did I imagine that?


    Here’s a refresher from the time, published in The Guardian, which pretty accurately reflects what I recall of Trump’s campaign and various views of him and his rhetoric.

    While your corner of the internet may have hoped he would balance the world as an outsider and really don’t care what happens to average blue collar workers, it’s naive to completely write off the success of his populist appeals to people who were afraid for or had lost their jobs to offshoring.

  85. @bored

    "Plot, this will be last time I address you"

    As the pretend Brit?


    "Tomas Sowell. A living genius. Why would I be afraid of mentioning him?"

    I don't know. Why leave his identity black otherwise?

    "I'm just amazed that Sowell isn't the icon he should really be simply because the U.S. politics cannot put a label on him and pin him somewhere."

    Ah, always the excuse of the intellectually lazy - a conspiracy is afoot!

    "in order to nullify the family union or the common sense that holds society together,"

    AH HA! Know we know what is going on!

    The families. Don't you mean with the patriarchy firmly installed? Oh for the days of yore when men could rule that family they owned!

    Guess what else those men could do? Anything they damn well pleased to any human female, and boy, they owned. Only men deserved to have the rights of citizens.

    Yep, now it's clear why you trumpet the fallacy that Trump has arrested all those pedophiles (are you going to trumpet the fact when most of them are released? It was all a snow job for you?) It's quite common for the patriarchy to project it's sins.

    1. **"why did you leave his identity black?"

      Freudian slip there @ plot ;), what does race have to do with it?...

      Nothing has been "held back."

      Paranoia...delusions That people are trying to trick you....

      You're starting to sound like a conspiracy theorist @plot

  86. "Now, Do tell me how a thrice divorced adulterer with children by (at least) three different mothers is going to do anything at all to “balance” forces that seek to nullify the family union? "
    I don't give two shits about a politician's private life. I leave that to the moralists who have nothing better to do than exploring somebody else's personal shortcomings. I'm on CdAN exclusively for the pedophile hunting and the stories that are in general illuminating on what human nature is. for the rest, it means very little to me who a politician is personally. What matters is where they stand politically, and what effect can it have on society at large to have someone in power not playing along with the vast majority of leaders around the world, in encouraging demented educational practices in school or poorly conceived efforts to allow anybody's preferences or requirements in "gender" or "race" to be sanctioned by law. Someone who will clearly not be on board with self-destructive ideas like Universal Basic Income or merit based on diversity...
    The rest is the reality of politics, where the individual rectitude or honesty of the single politician means little and often stands in the way of that person being effective in what he does. You wouldn't have expected Hillary to come to this from a standpoint of rectitude and purity, right? Wasn't her thing to be experienced and knowledgeable in the game of politics? Wasn't that the line of defense of the left to justify her dealings with everyone from wall street to the Saudis or the Russians?

    Again, my mentioning of Sowell was in response to your argument of the "working man" (the fact that the Guardian supports your idea means nothing, since it's exactly the media that has invented it and planted in your head), and in no way can tell you "who I am".

    As to "not caring what happens to blue collar workers", that's just nonsense. It's not about caring or not caring. These empty words are a good example of the tragic fodder that liberals and the left have to carry around as self-punishment. It's not about caring, it's about what's the best policy to bring people out of poverty. It turns out that it is NOT socialism and it is NOT government intervention... Just like more black politicians do NOT make for better conditions for black people... Or gender laws, as it will soon be clear to everyone, do not make for a happier or more sexually "liberated" society.

    1. @ancoranon

      Dude, you’re the one who brought up the family unit thing, not me. I still fail to see how someone with Trump’s record can find the approval of people who want to blah blah blah the family unit.

      In response to your Sowell quote, that’s a good example of what I mean when I say he preaches to the choir. Liberals, at least, the many I know and interact with, are well aware that trade offs are necessary in just about anything.

      Also that absolutes don’t exist in the real world.*

      So what’s your game plan? Do nothing and hope things get better? I’d rather try new things and keep what works than repeating what doesn’t work hoping for a different result.

      That’s been described as insanity. And I may be crazy, but I’m not insane.

      Your last paragraph just convinced me that you’ve never experienced systemic disadvantage, don’t really understand it, and don’t think it’s worth understanding in the first place because those people are, according to your last paragraph, better off being disadvantaged.

      It’s just the same old colonial meets in practically unconstrained capitalist attitude in new wrapping.


    2. PS You didn’t read the article, obviously.

  87. Just one quote to summarize why Thomas Sowell is such a great thinker, and so important for our times:

    "There are no solutions. There are only trade-offs".

    The liberal intellectuals that drive the garbage propaganda that is poured onto society will always represent reality in term of Problems and Solutions. And this is why they always fail to understand reality.

    1. *writes 100x on the blackboard* “I will not trigger Godwin’s Law.“

  88. Since we are still posting here I guess... Marlo, I actually like you, when you stick to the board topics and stay away from the politics and the anti-Muslim b.s. you are wonderful here. It's when you go off and start hating, it gets bad.
    As far as the fucking troll and his insipid spamming, commenting and copy and pasting his religious b.s. on this board under a variety of names, you better damn believe I'm going after him, especially since he's an acknowledged anti-Semite and doesn't have much good to say about blacks or gays or women under any of his fucking names he uses on this board. So forgive me for that.

    1. Go, Sandybrook! I can’t tell when people post under multiple names. I’m a complete fail there. So I appreciate those of you who can.

    2. Bismillah ar-rahman ar-rahiim
      Walahi I only have one account and only post from a phone. It isn't a good use of my time or energy!
      You are way too invested here!
      May you be cured of your delusions in'sha'allah!

  89. "These empty words are a good example of the tragic fodder that liberals and the left have to carry around as self-punishment"

    Oh all libruls represent one beast, I see.

    Self punishment? What, do you think you are some political therapist? Let me lay a theory on you. Any using such a phrase would be a victim of some sort of guilt themselves and are trying to project it on others. Your ebil libruls are a concoction of your own escape mechanism, nothing more.

    " Just like more black politicians do NOT make for better conditions for black people"

    Compared to the conditions of African Americans when only white males were in charge, I'd say black politicians have been pretty effective, just was female politicians have made conditions better for women.

    Sounds like you are inventing things so the white man can be in charge again.

    "Or gender laws, as it will soon be clear to everyone, do not make for a happier or more sexually "liberated" society."

    Except that is not the point. Why do you ascribe emotional conditions to those you argue with, the ebil librul and dem black folk, while labeling yourself rational, superior, a clear thinker? I don't see that as the case at all.

    1. @plot

      I can also confirm options and access are much better for women now than they were prior to “women’s lib.”

      Reading the (then secret) diaries of older women after they’ve passed away is often an exercise in secondhand heartbreak.

      Over and over I see a young woman with ambitions and skills beaten down into a “wife and mother” who is virtually subsumed by her husband and kid/s because she faced insurmountable hurdles with every avenue she tried to express herself, make a career, or enter a compelling field.

      All of those things are taken for granted by most women of my generation and younger. It’s really not that women were more content as housewives and mothers without lives of their own so much as it is that nobody would listen to or support most of them or even give them the opportunity.

      So, uh, yeah, that’s changed a lot. So has existing in a society where being LGBT is no longer criminal or a mental illness. The change between the 60s and 80s was notable but the change in quality of life between the 80s and now is light years away.

      And that’s just two groups of many who are doing better today than in the 1950s.

    2. Gender dysmorphia is still a mental illness.

      Just because it's treated with surgery, doesn't mean they aren't ill.

  90. "Just one quote to summarize why Thomas Sowell is such a great thinker, and so important for our times:

    "There are no solutions. There are only trade-offs"."

    Damn! What a genius!

    I suppose you've never read any other political theory dating back to the founding of this country, because the trade-off has been a mainstay for 250 years now.

    Hardly the great mind there.

  91. Of course Gee Whiz of course. You're just too fucking pathetic and stupid to realize 1) your troll names and alts all post the same way and that your primary troll name disappears every single fucking day from 1:30-3pm and all the spamming and trolling stops then that fucking shit starts as soon as one of the 5or 6 names appears again. But nice try goatfucker, nice, nice try. And anytime you're up to escalating this I'm there any way you want: e-mailed, face to face you name it motherfucker, you've got it. I'll teach you some history lessons like Israel vs. the Arab Nation (I'm Israel) or anti-faz vs. white nationalists (I'm anti-faz) name your game pussy c'mon! Fucking clown you're even worse than "Derek Harvey" was as a troll and "he" was completely pathetic. I'll be waiting asshole.


  92. "I can also confirm options and access are much better for women now than they were prior to “women’s lib.”"

    I'm sure you can using the biased sources I'm already aware of.

    So most of your evidence sounds anecdotal, which means it is solely based on what you want to believe, not on what is factually true.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. @plot

      I think you either misread me or have an impostor going on.

      My evidence is based on a pretty wide cross section of primary and secondary source candidly recorded experiences of mid-Century American women compared to late 20th Century American Women on the same metrics.

      That’s what we call “statistically significant,” not “anecdotal.”

      I didn’t say things are perfect for women now vs the 1950s, but there’s strong evidence things are BETTER. Especially for queer women.

  93. Are you admitting you're a fucking jackass Gee Whiz?? HOLY SHIT!! you're a fucking troll stupid fucking moron.

  94. Now I know why sandybrook is so mentally deranged, he is a fucking zionist!

    I am not a bot or a troll.

  95. @Han

    Yes, I misread you and I'm so sorry.

    I was really busy and wasn't careful.

    Humblest apologies.

    1. @plot

      We’re cool. I know I come across like the right wing trolls sometimes in my herky jerky intellectual language. It’s prob because we’re all on the spectrum. At least that’s my hypothesis. I know I am.

      But most of the spectrumy white dudes I know are total Trumpkins.

    2. Jesus. Y'all love shit talking so much you turn on each other. You guys used to be such a good team.

      Also stop making fun of mental illness.

      You always reprimand people for being insulting, but you stigmatize the autistic constantly

      I don't care if you're "on the spectrum." Quit diagnosing other people as mentally ill and insulting them for it.


    3. @Schneiderisnext

      Ooh. Did I diagnose anyone? I’m Autistic. So what? Most of the white guys (but not all) I know who have ASD diagnoses are Trump supporters. So what?

      It’s my pet theory. It’s totally untested and I didn’t name anyone. (Though Geeljire did say he’s autistic)

      What I didn’t do is make fun of mental illness, stigmatize the Autistic community, or insult anyone for or with it. Don’t be so sensitive. That’s very snowflakey of you to make that assumption and get all butthurt.

      Oh, and @plot said she misread what I had said and apologized. That’s not exactly turning on each other. It’s what rational people do when they realize there’s been a misunderstanding.

      And one more thing ASD is a neurodivergence. Not a mental illness.


    4. PS The snowflakey butthurt thing? THAT was me being insulting.



    5. "I didn't name anyone"
      "Though Geeljire did say he’s autistic"

      .....>_<...see what I'm talking about?

      I've seen you use "geeljire's autism" as an insult in multiple separate threads. So yeah. You are naming people and using statements like "needs a nap", "Trumpkins", and "challenging to talk to"

      You're relatively polite, but referencing a specific person's "neurodivergence" as a means of discrediting them is a straw-man and hurtful. Also it is COMPLETELY unrelated.

      "But most of the spectrumy white dudes I know are total Trumpkins"


      "Ooh. Did I diagnose anyone? I’m Autistic. So what? Most of the white guys (but not all) I know who have ASD diagnoses are Trump supporters. So what?

      2 different statements. 1 is insulting, generalizing, partisan, and very loose. You used the term "spectrumy". Spectrumy =/= diagnosed

      You then rephrased it when I called you out.

      And when you use "neurodivergence" as a cudgel to attack people for being "Trumpkins" you might as well be saying "mentally ill"'s like blaming high crime rates on "urban youth"

    6. Yes @plot apologized.

      But @Plot also completely misunderstood you because she "was really busy" posting comments on a gossip blog

      "I was rushing, not reading clearly even for the names of posters."

      I'm just pointing out that when you read these posts in a breathless rage, looking to correct wrongthink, you end up tilting at windmills and turning on allies

      She did turn on you because she was too excited to correct you. Fueled by righteous anger, it's up to plot to correct the record.

      @plot "the propaganda points under similar names are ALWAYS the same...So laugh at them. They are screwed and twisting inside a net, trying to present something reasonable, something they don't actually know about or care about.
      It's fucking hilarious, really. Don't let them waste your precious anger."

      So yeah. In her attempt to shut down "paid shills", she isn't even bothering to read.

      This isn't to attack you @Han, I appreciate that you are willing to respond even when we disagree. You have excellent reading comprehension and arguments. Also I do like your snarkiness ;)

    7. @schneiderisnext

      Thanks for the last paragraph. I do appreciate it. My snark is one of the joys in my life.

      For what it’s worth, I don’t view myself so much as attacking people as I do as disagreeing strongly with them. One I view as civilized, If passionate, discourse. The other, I view as uncivilized and only to use when I have lost all damn patience. That doesn’t happen often.

      I do feel like I should clarify (as my rephrasing was a clarification) that I will NEVER use Autism or Autistic or Spectrumy or anything related as an insult or an attempt to stigmatize. I’ve taken years to be at peace with my autism and the differences in communication style which are part and parcel of the diagnosis as well as an enormous part of my lifelong social fail. I’m not only comfortable in my existence as an Autistic person but a strong advocate for all of us. Even those of us I disagree with.

      If you go back to the post where Geel revealed his diagnosis you will see that my response was to back off him for the most part. But I’ll still stand up for myself against him and call him out when he’s gone too far for me.

      Back to the first post, “spectrumy” is the language I use to describe people who are either ON the spectrum or show traits that I can’t help but recognize as key parts of ASD diagnosis. I use Spectrumy to avoid diagnosing anyone or implying anyone HAS that diagnosis. Maybe that’s not as effective a differentiating tactic as I hoped it was. But it’s my attempt to defuse the “I’m NOT Autistic!”/“How dare you refer to my Autism” dichotomy preemptively.

      When it became clear to me in your next post that my words didn’t land as I intended them, I became more precise in my language. With me, taking the time to rephrase is a sign of respect for my conversation partner, not backtracking, for what it’s worth. I’ve learned to assume that it is entirely likely I will be misunderstood from time to time, especially when I’m too passionate to go back and rephrase things.

      Admittedly, stating my personal experience with white guys on the spectrum and their overwhelmingly conservative political proclivities still doesn’t make sense to me as any kind of insult. It’s just an observation and a personal hypothesis that grew from the observation. I hope that comes across clearly this time.

      I appreciate the amount of work and passion you put into your posts and putting everything together coherently with links and receipts. We may not always agree, but I do repspect you. :)

    8. @schneiderisnext

      Part 2. :)

      As for @plot, I really can’t consider something an attack if it was accidental. I try to give the benefit of the doubt when something seems out of character.

      That’s one of my coping mechanisms for Autism. Otherwise, I’d think everyone was out to get me, and that way leads madness.

    9. You've clarified your positions, so <3. Still find some of your phrasing a bit insulting, but perhaps that's me being hypersensitive.

      Salaam @Han niam

      P.p.s what do you think of the "spectrumy" white males that dominate the silicon valley? Thats my home, and my perception is that they skew liberal/anti-Trump (zuck, @jack, gates, pincus, etc)

    10. @schneiderisnext Wow this is a late response. Hope you ticked the “notify” box because it’s been a busy May for me.

      I admittedly don’t know enough about ALL of the “big fish” spectrumy guys in SV. From what I do know and have seen, those of us on the spectrum with similarly liberal views gravitate toward the companies with corporate environments compatible with their politics and world view.

      I know there ARE SV businesses with a more conservative or even misogynistic culture and I assume that’s where spectrumy types with SV skill sets and similar views end up. But I also think that more of the super conservative tech businesses have either left or are leaving California because we’re too librul out here. (Based on limited anecdotal evidence picked up over the years widely reading news and editorials across all disciplines).

      I apologize for my phrasing feeling insulting to you. All I can do behind that is assure you that it wasn’t MEANT to be insulting, and certainly never discrediting. I’ve never known someone on the spectrum who COULDN’T research rings around neurotypicals given enough interest in a topic.

  96. @sandy - aww this warms my cynical heart, us agreeing on things.

    Look, I am completely aware of my feelings towards a certain ideology (it's not a religion), but I also can not understand what is loveable about it. It's such a hateful, intolerant and fascist ideology, that brings so much war and misery into the world, relentlessly, how can anyone be 'tolerant' of it? It's like being tolerant of the Waffen SS or scientology, imo. And scientology is not even gassing humans beings.

    Anyway, we do seem to agree on some things (like Israel for example), and I'm glad. I will try to keep my sentiments more to myself (even if there's muz here who keeps quoting passages from his bloody book! I mean ffs, can you imagine if some Christian would come here quoting the bible? He'd be crucified - no pun intended).

    So here's to you sandy, definitely not having a heart attack on my watch, us disagreeing at times, and agreeing at other times, but keeping it civil.
    (raising my cappuccino cup)


  97. @ancoranonhocapito: Naviglio Grande per me, anche se devo ammettere che sembra di essere una scelta tipo 'risotto allo zafferano verso risotto al tartufo'....decisione durissima perche' li voglio tutti e due ;)

  98. @Low I know a few people that have worked with the Hdawg and every single one of them despises her, and not all of these guys are conservative. I know maybe two people that worked with Trump and said he was respectful and decent enough so I think with the people in my work community, Trump was seen as the lesser of two evils, oddly enough. I also know a relative of one of the guys that died in Benghazi and there is no love lost there for Hdawg.
    I agree with you re:a lot of Trump voters though. My husband wants him gone now even though he voted for him.

  99. @Han

    No, it was really me, not you, because I love your intellectual language and ideas. I was rushing, not reading clearly even for the names of posters. Don't ever change.


    "I know a few people that have worked with the Hdawg and every single one of them despises her"

    That solves everything! Gosh how did you manage to find those people?

    "I also know a relative of one of the guys that died in Benghazi and there is no love lost there for Hdawg."

    Then this relative of a guy let Fox News use Benghazi! to make him hate old HRC. If this relative of a guy wants to know the real villain, it was Bush2 who cut the protective details at embassies, worldwide, much to the chagrin of every Middle Eastern, North African, and many a Southeast Asian staff at our embassies. But let's not allow your relative of a friend lose any authority on that account when good old HRC hate hangs in the balance.

  100. PageDown-PageDown-PageDown-PageDown...

    Can somebody tell me who won the argument?

  101. Lol!

    It keeps slipping around doesn't it. I fucked up and apologized then bored did her usual thing - drunkenly swirl around the room in her poodle skirt throwing some words around. Then orange said she knows people who know people which proves HRC is the most dastardly killer whore on the planet...I think.

    It's more like a collection of poses rather than an argument.

    1. @plot and @doug

      Collection of poses is a good way to describe it. I don’t think the premise of the argument has ever been established, TBH. But it goes on whenever it pops up again because unlike explicitly political forums, there’s a spectrum of views here at CDAN where we’re all here for the gossip and blind-solving, so one “side” of the argument isn’t just shouted out of the room. (Okay and a few who are apparently here for the pedo-hunting, according to their own statements.)

      Like I’ve openly admitted before, I have a hard time keeping my yap shut, especially in the face of arguments I find illogical, incomplete, biased, lacking in evidence, whatever, so I stopped really trying. That’s why my name pops up in so many of these.

      Haven’t regretted it.

      And thanks, @plot. I don’t have any plans to change. I’m not sure I even could at this point.

  102. Clearly, Plot and I have different political views. Probably different life experiences too because judging by Plot's comments, she/he/zhe/xhe has never been to the middle East.

    I 'found' the people that had problems working with H-dawg because I've worked with government agents. I know two very good buddies that accompanied her on a private jet tour to the middle east. She treated them like crap. I get that you're trying to be clever. I get that you're trying to make me look stupid. I have actually worked with the government though, as have my friends (the ones that died because of Hillary's incompetence) . How involved are you with the local government exactly?

  103. My bio does not matter when the fact is George Bush II pulled the military security details off the foreign embassies in the Middle East, not Hillary. So your blame is misguided, probably to support narratives of your alleged friends more than anything else.

    Hillary is by all accounts pretty hard to fathom. I can tell you stories of the nicest celebrities and politicians in the world being assholes at times. So what is your point? I've been an asshole before. Have you? I can make myself upset over all the people who deserve apologies for my perfunctory treatment of them. I'm sure HRC and YOU have similar feelings. Or are you exempt?
