Monday, April 30, 2018

Blind Item #15

This former A-/B+ list tween actress is going to be changing her tune. Look for this actress all of you know to say that she lost her virginity to this permanent A list mostly television actor who raped her when she was on his very hit show. 


  1. Lisa Bonet and the POS?

    1. Bonet doesn’t fit. She wasn’t a tween on that show. She was born in ‘67. She would be 15 or 16 in ‘83 when Cosby started. That’s not a tween.

    2. Mika Kunis and Danny Masterson?

  2. Oh wow - Lisa Bonet makes sense, and that is horrifying. I can't believe I used to love that show.

  3. Could be Lisa Bonet or Raven Symone.... or even Keeshia Knight Pulliam but she would have been way young and not Dr.Huxtable's type (we hope...).

    1. The show ended in ‘92. KKP would’ve been 12-13

  4. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Isn't he under house arrest now? Wearing ankle bracelet, awaiting sentencing?

  5. This could be anyone.

  6. Didn't Cosby get all moralizer with Lisa Bonet after she did nudity in some (awful) movie? Angel eyes, or some such 80s excresence. At the time, it kind of made sense. Like, girl what is your rush to show it. But, now in retrospect, EWWWWW, gross, feh.

    1. Angel Heart.
      And yes. She was ousted.

  7. On the subject of Cosby, it is outrageous that he is the only big time A-lister to have been brought down so far. If it ends up being just him and Weinstein, know that there are a lot of people who were let off the hook and ask yourself why that might be.

    1. Really ?? And it only took over 20 years and 2 trials..why do you think that is ?🤔🤔🤔

  8. mercyprosperity, I doubt that he'll be sentenced to anything, other than house arrest, on account of his age and that no prison would reform him at this point.

    However, it does open the possibility that he will spend the rest of his life defending himself against one lawsuit after another, unless he flees the country.

  9. @Amartel - it's Angel Heart and it's actually one of my favorite movies, lol. I just watched it the other creepy and full of dread. I'm pretty sure the critics agreed with you, but I don't care, I LOVED it.

  10. I'm hoping Cosby is just the beginning. It took years for his case to move forward, so maybe Harvey et al will have their legal comeuppance.

  11. @Catsup, it's definitely a memorable movie. Not least of all for the sex scene. It wasn't just nudity that Cosby objected to, and considering the clean image of the show she was on at the time, he had a point, at least on the surface.

    @Amartel, I know what you mean, and Weinstein hasn't been convicted yet. I haven't followed the Cosby case enough to know whether justice was done. I hope so. But it's hard not to notice that he's a black man who was excommunicated at times by the left for making politically incorrect statements, so once he was accused, no one was going to defend him with charges of racism. Let's see some action on predators who aren't such safe targets.

    1. Plenty of people defended him just like they defended oj...this Cosby thing has been an open secret for 20 plus years with actual penetration and a self confession how about we give t some time before claiming racism and perhaps you should look farther into the Cosby case he confessed to giving woman pills for sex years ago and it just now made big news in the last 5 years tell me was justice racist when it didn't persue Cosby or it only now that he's been found guilty that it's all about racism and not getting a solid case right ..these Cosby women have been trying for decades to get justice ..Weinsteins only in the last 2 years decided to band together and seek it and support each other instead of hiding in shame

  12. I hope that more people are punished as well. But that won’t happen unless people keep pushing for prosecution. I hope that convicting Cosby using his own words doesn’t let prosecutors think that enough has been done. Lisa Bonet said herself in March that Cosby hasn’t touched her and that she would have said some if he had. I believe her and hope it’s true.

  13. I don't think this is Cosby. Presumably his rating might not be permanent given his conviction. And, I would have said Cosby was permanent A+ (before all the accusations starting coming out)

  14. Lisa was 17 at the time of the Cosby show pilot, so not her.
    Tempestt was on the show from age 11 to 19.
    Keshia was on from age 5 to 13. So it has to be either of two, unless it was a guest star.
    I don't recall what either had to say about the disgusting pig to be changing their tune.
    If true, I hope this comes out before sentencing.

  15. @canroadrunner
    No other actor who starred in "his very hit show" (as opposed to "a" very hit show) comes to mind.

  16. Cosby is black. Weinstein is not.

    1. Allegations against Cosby began in 2014 vs Weinstein's 2017. Can't reasonably compare the progress, can we?

      Justice is slow.

  17. It may be someone that guest least that is my take from the wording. If it's one of the regulars then maybe Cosby/Keisha Knight Pulliam.

    1. Keisha escorted him to court a few times

  18. I hope she gets her justice, didnt cosby turn on her after she was in that Angel Heart movie, cause she was not having a pure enough image?

  19. If its Cosby, he's beyond a hypocrite. When Lisa Bonet switched to mature subject matter like "Angel Heart," Cosby publicly disapproved. Everybody thought what a wonderful father figure he was, watching out for his TV daughter....

  20. Cosby also squelched Bonet's pregnancy storyline on "A Different World" and made her exit the show instead, IIRC.

  21. Lisa Bonet was already a teen when she was on Cosby show -- 17 when she started.

    For it to be a tween, it would have to be the girl who played Vanessa. She has been silent til now.

  22. I hope Cosby lives a very long life behind bars, chain him to life support if they have to.

  23. @T. W. You are so full of it. LA and NYC police are both investigating Weinstein. They want to make sure that they have enough evidence to convict. Has nothing to do with race.

    1. @Todd Brink

      You must be the insane stalker the Himmmms have been talking about.

      You don't know me. Attack the comment, not the person or just keep quiet.

      Everyone with a TV or newspaper/magazine knows Weinstein has been investigated for months.

      How long has Cosby been investigated? Cosby was most likely raping before Weinstein started doing it.

      Weinstein is being investigated in 2 continents. All these credible women coming out of the woodwork but Weinstein has yet to go before a grand jury.

  24. @Todd Brink

    exactly! The news about Cosby broke in 2014 and he is only going to trial now. Weinstein broke just a few months ago. The legal process is extremely slow

    1. @gauloise
      @Todd Brink

      The Cosby stories have been around since the 70s. I wasn't alive then but I have heard and read the stories in every decade I have been on this earth.

  25. Noelle Rochelle
    Trial protester said her experience was positive, but was hurt by the revelations.

  26. Raven was not a tween when she was on Cosby Show. She was a toddler. Cosby is vile enough without making him into a child molester

  27. Keshia Knight Pulliam defended him in 2017... maybe that's what is meant by "changing her tune"?

  28. I'm not so sure this is Cosby....maybe Stamos?

  29. Anonymous2:51 PM

    I agree with unknown. Sounds like Pulliam walking back her defense of the monster.

  30. I hate that disgusting pos.

  31. Eggert/Baio/Charles In Charge?

  32. For some reason I thought about Biehl

  33. I thought Eggert and that asshole, Scott Baio.

  34. It's not Keisha. I know that one as a fact. It could be Bonet, and as this has all unraveled, I've wondered if part of the spinoff was bc of what he may have done to her.
    But I'm going with the Charles in Charge guesses.

  35. @T. W. I'm not the insane stalker....but hey way to sink down to name calling. Again all I said is that it has nothing to do with race. Cosby was raping long time before Weinstein but no one came forward until 2014. Weinstein will get his once the evidence is collect and the prosecutions cases are tight. Just like the 3 yrs it took to get Cosby. I didn't mean to anger you, but I really hate when race becomes a cop out or an excuse for when things do not go the way someone wants it to go.

  36. Is Cosby an A list? Shouldnt he be A+?

    In what planet is baio A??? No .. it s not him

    I m having doubts about STAMOS ... BUS IS HE AN A??

  37. How did I know that once Cosby was convicted the racism card would be dealt ...because it's what America does when it's not happy with the justice system yes it's flawed and dated perhaps we should be pushing for better and updated laws rather than playing the race card ..even oj confessed and he got off was that racism too ? Face it Cosby had this coming along time and he played his persona and status in the black community to get his way outta these charges for years ..can we now blame him for the bad things he did or do we have to keep turning a blind eye to it because he is black? Can we not celebrate the fact that all his victims can finally seek healing knowing he's being held accountable for at least 1 of his 50 abuses against women..he sure didn't choose his victims based on race but hey let's keep this card in play

  38. keisha knight pulham.

    defended him a lot before. silent now.

    opening up about it better now than never....

  39. To a couple or few of you who presented the argument that Cosby was FINALLY convicted due to race, what you should be asking is WHY did it take over 50 years to not only bring him to trial but to convict him? Yes, the first allegation was over 50 fucking years ago.
    Black women weren't taken seriously then and by the rape kits still untested due to police profiling, they still aren't.
    That's your race card. Not the fact that a man, so revered in the black community, got off FUCKING scot free (no accident that I used that term) for all of these years.
    Think about his many, many victims (and many more who've been too embarrassed to come forward) before you spout racism being used against Mr. Bill Cosby, aka drug 'em and fuck 'em. Pathetic.

  40. Weinstein will never face a judge. That is my prediction.

  41. Lisa Bonet. Even back in the day, I thought it was weird that Cosby criticized LB for turning up to the set late and openly questioned her work ethic and didn't like her relationship with Lenny Kravitz.

    Then he gave HER the spin off show.... (out of all those kids). Granted, she had the most charisma/fashion sense.

  42. "he's a black man who was excommunicated at times by the left "

    No, that's not what happened. Cos was criticized for his statements about young African American men having no moral substance (ironic, donja think?) by other African Americans. There is and was no big Left who rejects anyone as a mass. That would be Fox News and it's viewers who exhibit that behavior and project it on others.

  43. If we are looking at Cosby, the A-/B+ actress is throwing me. Lisa Bonet is the only one that reached that status, but she was clearly a TEEN when on show. Whoever it was, I hope she shouts it from the rooftops.

  44. Sam and Tony Miceli

    Kelly & Al Bundy

    Stephanie and Uncle Jesse
