Thursday, April 12, 2018

Blind Item #5

This A+ list mostly movie actor has been spending more and more time with his not public girlfriend. She traveled with him recently to a family vacation even though they only got to spend one evening together. She also was with him on set while he worked. I love the tabloid stories that have him deciding between his ex and his public girlfriend when the third option is the one he seems most in to.


  1. Ben again😂

    1. Let me guess-she was watching the kids....

  2. +1 Tricia, Ben is always the one with the "not public girlfriend."

    1. Either she’s Quasimodo or Christine “Nannygate” Ozoanian

  3. He's more committed to his sidepiece than most guys are to their barber.

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  5. At this point in his life, he should just date whomever he's most into. I think he thought the public would warm to Shookus because she's age-appropriate and has a respectable day job in the business, but that went over like a lead balloon because of the public's love for Jennifer "I have the paps on speed dial and pimp my kids for attention" Garner. The irony is, I live in Boston and my coworker is a photographer and has shot many famous Boston faces. He said Ben was nothing but kind, warm, and friendly and even remembered my coworker's name when he ran into him years later at the Children's Museum in town. On the other hand, despite the public's obsession with him, the "GOAT" who married an "Angel" is not a nice person at all. I'll leave it at that.

  6. She must be pretty in to him too being that content with being non-public and taking whatever she can get of him

  7. Gonna take a wild guess that it's cheating Ben's into, more than any one woman. The secret girlfriend is the most exciting now is all. Give awhile and there will be someone new.

  8. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Who can forget this photo?

  9. @Lucy

    Can confirm your take on BA there. Nothing but good things said about him have drifted my way. Attentive, yes, that's the general opinion.

    About that GOAT, he's is dismissive and arrogant (the wife isn't, actually)...and not very bright, almost stupid.

  10. @LUCY, Who is GOAT?

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  12. Anonymous8:37 AM

    @heyfrau Tom Brady

  13. G.O.A.T (greatest of all time) = Tom Brady?

  14. I met Affleck once and he was a gentleman.

  15. For everything the GOAT has going for him, I look at him and feel nothing whatsoever. No vibe, no feels, nada. He’s like something from Body Snatchers.

    1. He couldn’t even shake hands with the Eagles? Come on now.

  16. @Plot - you nailed it. Dismissive and arrogant is EXACTLY the way he acted at the photoshoot according to my coworker. He made them wait around for hours while he chatted with someone else, set everyone behind schedule, and then when he finally decided he was done chatting and ready to have his photo taken, he looked down at his very expensive watch and said, "you have exactly 2 minutes to make this happen." Not very nice at all.

    By the way, I'm not making any of this up about Affleck or the GOAT. My coworker witnessed all of these happenings in person.

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  18. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Side kitty keeps him going and going. He feels energized with a little side kitty.

  19. I always heard Ben was gay and it was well known in Hollywood. Back in the day he went to gay clubs all the time and didn't hide his boyfriends. This would have been around 1998 to 2000.

  20. Maybe the not public girlfriend is his sober coach.

  21. So she has sex with him, watches the kids, if she cooks and cleans I think he's set.

  22. I only care about the news coming out of when Ben will finally do time for what he did to the Batman character in movies.

  23. He should really revisit the plot of Gone Girl.

  24. He should really revisit the plot of Gone Girl.

  25. He just needs the drama of a "relationship" with an affair. If he had an open relationship he would be miserable because he needs to create the chaos and drama. It must be exhausting.

  26. Brad Pitt could fit this one too. Tabloids always trying to link him back with Jen. Maybe he’s really into the MIT professor?

  27. Brad Pitt and the MIT professor makes me laugh a little. Chortle slightly. It's so pretentious -- like Clooney going for Amal, the international human rights attorney. Or Angelina wanting to be Ambassador to the U.N. You probably amuse her, Brad, but bore her to tears. Spoiler alert: None of you is ever going to win the Nobel Peace Prize. Just sayin'.

    Boy, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed!
