Monday, April 02, 2018

Blind Item #5

This A- list mostly television actress from a long running hit network comedy is being cheated on yet again by the guy she was set to marry. She catches him, but she never splits with him and this will be another short lived marriage as a result.


  1. She's got a type at this point.

    1. Ouch I know....and it leaves skid marks:(

  2. Maybe she's one of those who thinks the guy will settle down after marriage, he's just sowing his wild oats. Cheaters gonna cheat.

  3. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Most men have completely unrealistic expectations of what a healthy sex life looks like. For these unfortunate souls, it’s all about penetration, intercourse, and climax. Usually in that order.
    Now if they could shift their thinking to something like “if I take out the garbage and do the dishes, I might get a handjob” marriages would last a lot longer.

  4. @Normal, maybe women should shift their thinking to something like, "If I drain his balls every night and twice on Sundays, he might take out the garbage and do the dishes."

    1. Anonymous9:34 AM

      Nope. Men have to make the sacrifice play. Real men know this already. It’s our burden in life.

    2. I like how you think

  5. Or at least he won't have the energy to cheat.

    What the hell is wrong with her though? That is some serious mental issues to keep repeating this same bad relationship over and over.

  6. Anonymous10:50 AM

    She's working for Chuck Lorre.
    When you are making nearly one million dollars per episode, the producers will have some strong suggestions about your personal life. It may even be in the contract.

  7. @Cail and walk the dog. Without even being asked. ;)

  8. Poor Kaley.

    Kaley, please get therapy. You deserve better.

  9. Kaley C falls in love fast and hard. Always has. Needs a therapist to shut that shit down. She's stepped in enough horseshit over men.
