Thursday, April 26, 2018

Blind Item #6

There is no favor this tabloid/television show creator won't do to stick his head further up this momager's butt. 


  1. God he is awful.

  2. Or her fist up his.

  3. This Kanye thing might finally put a stake through the heart of this monster.

  4. Maybe Kanye can get some action there?

  5. I wish literally, but it's starting to reek of PMK attention whoring bullshit.

  6. he is a LAWYER he reminds us every day. Who cares. Lawyers apply for my $65k claims job every week.

  7. I bet she puts on a strap on, so Harvey can give her a reach around.

  8. If both lost their perch, it would be a great day for America.

  9. TMZ is now saying Kanye is the "complete opposite of erratic"....smells like a PMK spin to me

  10. Lol @Count she's definitely into S&M and dominating men. Brucey gave her plenty of practice.

  11. @sandy: Bruce & Rob, every man in that house became a mess.

    1. Just like Joe Rogan said in his act.

  12. I lost a lot of respect for Harvey when it came out that TMZ was holding back damaging stories on celebs in exchange for exclusive interviews.

  13. Yep mr levin and his band if merry monkeys had Justin bieber making a racist joke and blackmailed him with that for years. Justin would be forced come and be interviewed on tmz, by levin himself and have to kiss levins ass knowing what levin had on him. Imagine. Finally Justin refused to kiss his ass any longer and the tape was magically leaked. Scooter Braun worked a damn miracle there keeping Biebers career on track. No wonder this grotesque industry has fucked that kid up. Btw, just as a fun little aside... Weinstein for years feed intel ( gathered by retired massad) about his victims or detractors to the national enquirer in order to intimidate them. He would warn them that they would be " ruined " through the enquirer. Another super fun fact, Trump is doing the same thing with the national enquirer as we speak. Except he's not using massad he's using underworld/mafioso from more Eastern European/ Russian sources ( you know like the one he sent to intimidate, kill(???) Stormiest Daniels. Smart lady saved her own life by going public otherwise she may have been yet another tragic suicide . She needs to watch over and protect her child and parents though.

  14. TMZ is on the lowest rung of the tabloid ladder.

  15. Don't be too hard on Levin. TMZ has all kinds of dirt on people, and schmoozing with the Kartrashians only means that TMZ has heavy-duty shit on them for leverage. That's why, folks!
    Don't you all think the Paris robbery was a stunt? TMZ probably has proof.

  16. POS PMK seems to make all her money extorting people. I'm waiting for the day she and her garbage family is wacked off.

    1. Jeesh... it's just TV!

      Lighten up Francis none of this is real. Now get your ass back to work!!!

  17. TMZ comment section is a cesspool of racism but if you mention Harvey/Kimmy/PMK your comment gets deleted.
