Sunday, April 01, 2018

Blind Item #7 - A Reader Blind Item

A couple of decades ago, a movie crew was in my Western city to film a crime drama with the city's name in it. The cast was full of some of my favorite actors. It starred this foreign-born, mostly movie, then A/A- leading actor who seems to have transitioned from good guy roles to mostly playing the villain as he did in that long-time franchise.

Since they were primarily night filming, the leading actor had time to explore the city with his family. One afternoon, he came into my midtown hotspot restaurant with his wife and children and some of the crew. He was very soft-spoken, shy and kind to all of us. He seemed just like a regular dad except he was quite dreamy.

Another film actor who you all know, A- comic actor from his iconic role in the way-back then franchise came in a different night and closed out the bar. He sat at the bar drinking, flirting and telling great stories about his famous franchise, and stayed past closing. It got to be 4am and there he sat. No one knew what to do with him because we all loved him. He was so drunk, he was throwing up on himself; vomit was bubbling out of his mouth and onto his shirt, and he didn't even notice. Kids, this is how rock stars die, don't try this at home!

He went from being the coolest guy in the place to the weirdest. The bartenders swore they had not over-served him and we suspected he was mixing drugs with alcohol so we didn't want him to get arrested.

One of the cocktail waitresses took him home with her. All of us were grossed out and she was a pariah from then on. Looking back, she probably saved his life. I kept expecting to read about his death but he's still with us.


  1. Things to do in Denver when you are Dead
    Andy Garcia and Christopher Lloyd (iconic role Back to the Future)

    1. +1
      Bad guy franchise is Oceans.
      Andy Garcia really was dreamy at the time. *swoon*

      Any stories about the director Gary Fleder? He (allegedly) raped Natasha Lyonne and (probably) Brittany Murphy. Among others, I'm sure.

  2. L.A. Confidential. Russell Crowe and Danny DeVito.

  3. What franchise did Russell Crow play a bad guy in ol' wise one?

    1. You got it. I forgot about Andy Garcia as Terry Benedict.

  4. " He was so drunk, he was throwing up on himself; vomit was bubbling out of his mouth and onto his shirt, and he didn't even notice."

    Hilarious that this is Christopher Lloyd because it sounds exactly like Rick the drunken grandfather scientist antihero from "Rick & Morty," who is based on Doc Brown from the "Back to the Future" movies, who was played, as we all surely know, by Lloyd.

  5. Andy Garcia is definitely dreamy.

  6. So it was your restaurant but you had the waitress take him home and then treated her like a pariah?

    1. Doesnt sound like its OP's restaurant, but that they worked there. Also don't think they made the waitress take him home, but she did. Probably was treated like a pariah because she took some drunk celebrity home, maybe golddigging much?

  7. This blind has given me a mental image that I can't get out of my head. Gross.

  8. Good work with TTDIDWYD! I immediately thought of that. My sister was an extra on that shoot, but she didn't end up in the final movie.

  9. Why be mean to the waitress who took him home? Everyone should have been thanking her and offering to help.

  10. Andy Garcia .. Hubba hubba hubba.. 😍

  11. "we suspected he was mixing drugs with alcohol so we didn't want him to get arrested."

    It must be nice to be a celebrity. You can go anywhere and make a nuisance of yourself, and people who have never met you before, whom you're inconveniencing and potentially getting into legal trouble, will bend over backwards to make sure you're not held responsible for your actions. Sweet deal.

  12. ....and how do you not know your vomiting on youself. that bar got lucky but they shouldve called 911- it could've been alcohol poisoning or an O.D.
