Monday, April 09, 2018

Blind Item #8

This A+ list mostly movie actress who is permanently A list at this point has put her foot down and is not going to let her daughter near the drug addicted foreign born former boy bander alone or unsupervised. She reads the gossip pages and she knows what's up. She has lived through the same type scenario in her own past and won't let it happen to her daughter.


  1. Ava Phillipe. But I can't think of the foreign born former boy bander... Zayn?

  2. Yep you guys got it

  3. Wow a parent actually protecting their child, that's a rare bird in these woods.

  4. Let's see if the Zayn Defense Squad shows up again to fight for their man.

    Zayn has a dedicated following, most of them lovely dark girls, whom he low-key disses by going for blonde after blonde after blonde.

  5. Good for Reese. That guy is bad news. His followers are probably from his country and need to wake up. He hates himself and that's why he uses

  6. I’ve always gotten the sense that he was abused in some way and/ or is closeted and self-loathing. Wish he’d get his crap together. He has a beautiful voice.

  7. I know Reese is disliked here but if this is her, I love her. Awesome!!!

  8. Wasn't Reese the most popular answer to the BI regarding the racist A+ actress? If so it would not be surprising that she'd not allow her daughter to date anyone non white.

  9. @Krispy, I don't know that he was abused - he seems to have a very nice family, with parents who have been married for decades and several adult sisters who are frequently pictured with him.

    But I also don't think he ever really wanted to be famous. His mother had to drag him out of bed to get him to the X-Factor audition in which he was chosen to be part of One Direction.

    He'd probably be happiest living in the countryside, just doing his thing, but too many people are profiting off him for now.

  10. Anonymous9:58 AM

    @sd_auntie: Zayn's country is Great Britain and while he has a great many fans from there, the majority of his fans are in the US. Whatever issues he has - and there are many - xenophobic comments don't help.

    1. Not a xenophobe @ fred...just have seen it myself with my own race. It happens and they turn to drink mostly. Don't mean to offend just stating an observation. I have friends from all over the world ..that's my job on earth.

  11. A mother being a mother, this is unusual here!

  12. A closeted junkie working his way though his fortune.

  13. @Fred, actually many of Zayn's fans are in Asia, particularly Southeast Asia, as well as the Desi diaspora around the world.

    He does have a US and British fan base as well, largely around the urban music scene. He had opportunities to collaborate with some major urban names, but reportedly flaked out on the recording sessions.

    Tyler the Creator wrote a song for Zayn but ended up recording it himself after Zayn failed to show up twice.

  14. So who is the man that Reese went through this with?

    1. Anonymous10:34 AM

      You can’t think of a boy banger she was flat on her back for? Coughmarkymarkcough

  15. "His followers are probably from his country"- what, the UK?

    Check your casual racism there!

    1. Lol, UK folks are their own race now? Maybe just the Geordie's.

      No racism here, even if s/he meant his Pakistani half (still not a race).

    2. The Stans from ME. Fact not a racist bonehead tween Emma. If anything he is. Only dips with certain females. No melanin please.

    3. Boo hoop he has fans everywhere...who the f cares.

  16. Um, Parenting 101, first day of class:
    Forbid something and that is exactly what your child wants.

  17. this sounds like a kindness blind

  18. That's great Reese, an excellent parenting move - but while she's at it - she may wanna teach her daughter NOT to make and send homemade porn vids from her iPhone. Like Reese did. Because they end up on teh interwebs. Like Reese's just did. Especially when you send them to married actors along with your birthday greetings to them. Like Reese did. Err...I mean, so I heard.

    1. Oooh. Thanks for that interesting tidbit Mr. Himmmmm.

  19. Reese is not racist. She constantly hangs out with Mindy Kaling among other things.

  20. But can it be any better than her arrest video though?
    I'm still organizing my Oceans 11 operation to get into that pb vault ;)

  21. @Brayson87 - you taking job applications for the PB vault Oceans 11 team? I have a couple of super powers you should know about. I make a wonderful carrot cake from scratch. I even make the frosting from scratch. Just putting that out there... :D

  22. @Himmmm...why are people so dumb about taking pictures with their cell phones, etc.??? This is why God made Polaroids. Geez.

  23. Parents need to start acting like Da Boss again.

  24. Lots of rumors floating around about Reese's agent husband and her covering for him with the perfect family routine. This is Hollywood, not mama bear fairy tales.

  25. "she may wanna teach her daughter NOT to make and send homemade porn vids from her iPhone. Like Reese did. Because they end up on teh interwebs. Like Reese's just did. Especially when you send them to married actors along with your birthday greetings".

    Yeah.... I'm gonna need to go ahead and verify said vids, Himmmm.
    Feel free to PM, DM, whaever works for you.
    Preferably sooner rather than later.

  26. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Kind of sad that no one cares enough to get Malik into treatment.
    I guess Simon Cowell is too busy rolling on the sand in Barbados all year long, to ever place a call to the young men who he put under contract at 18 years old (in Harry's case it was younger), and convinced them to sign their lives away.
    Maybe just one call would make a difference.

  27. Ryan Philippe would kick his ass if he got near his daughter.
