Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #2

April 9, 2018

This A+ list mostly movie actress who is permanently A list at this point has put her foot down and is not going to let her daughter near the drug addicted foreign born former boy bander alone or unsupervised. She reads the gossip pages and she knows what's up. She has lived through the same type scenario in her own past and won't let it happen to her daughter.

Reese Witherspoon/Ava Phillippe/Zayn Malik


  1. Good for her!
    Imagine a celebrity protecting their daughter instead of sending her to yacht school, Reese could start a movement.

  2. Bravo Reese!
    I think we all had this one guessed right.
    Bye Heroin Zayn!

  3. I hope Hmmmm comes back to this thread with another comment. :D

  4. Hooray, Reese! Let's hope Ryan is also participating in this "real parenting" initiative!

  5. I'm with Reese on this one.

    I've been around drug addicted people in the course of my life; and they are so more than willing to drag you into their life's downward spiral.

    Enough said!

  6. Zayn was publicly dumped by his management yesterday.

    It was a remarkably frank announcement for the entertainment industry: the headline in Variety was "First Access Entertainment Terminates Relationship With Zayn Malik".

    Within the article itself, there were gems like "sources say the artist is challenging to work with, declining many promotional opportunities and not touring behind his last album."

    Gee, I wonder who those sources might be.

    Zayn's ex-manager is quoted as saying, “Sometimes in life you have to make extremely difficult decisions to effect positive change for everyone.”

  7. I wonder how long this self-medicating closet case will burn through his bank balance? at what point does a cynical music manager figure out a dead act with a cool poster is worth more than an inactive live junkie in the winehouse sense? if you think these ideas are not floating around you are naive.

  8. @Thia, Right? Hmmmm mentioned something but I never heard it reported anywhere, did it get scrubbed or did he have the wrong person?

  9. @Brayson87 - he specifically mentioned Reese, so it's either been hushed or just hasn't reached our non-celeb view yet. He seemed super specific about Reese and her video.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. A parent that supervises (and actually gives a fuck about) their kid in hollywood? Wow props to reese

  12. The Reese video and photos Himmmmm referenced are out there. A man I know showed me where to find them. I have seen them. I would not call them "porn." They are naked but not full frontal. Basically T&A. She is still in excellent shape.

  13. Reese is a favorite of mine, but good for her for doing this.

  14. I struggle so much with Reese. I think she's a great actress, and "Election" is a classic, but she also has such a stank attitude that I can't like her. I also fully believe Kevin Smith's account of how she treated him & Joey Lauren Adams. But yeah, I do like a lot of her work, and she's very talented. Anyway, good on her if this is her, especially since I figured that whole debutante thing was her way of facilitating Ava's entrance into the gossip rags & celeb world & figured here we go, a new trainwreck...

  15. @Ddonna, oh yeah finally saw it, real cheesecake stuff no biggie. Although it can't bode well for her marriage if she's sending that to a married man like Himmmm said.

  16. LOL Ava's 18. Good luck with that.

  17. When you are famous and caught drunk driving with your husband at the wheel it’s a bad look. Reese Witherspoon is smug. The “don’t you know who I am” to the cops during the arrest was made public. Her kids have no respect for her. They won’t care what she says.

    1. Anonymous11:56 AM

      That’s laughable, assuming her kids don’t like/love her, your just a Reese hater. Puke on you!

  18. Anonymous2:58 PM

    I don't know what party Zayn was dragged to.
    What ritual he was forced into.
    He's off in the woods, Zayn is. He has the same look Peaches had, Michael had, Amy had.
    I hope he comes back.

  19. That girl needs to be in school or traveling the world she does not need to be in Hollywood.
    Reese knows.

  20. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Dr. Asher, in London, wasn't too crazy about his daughter Jane dating this big pop star called Paul McCartney, back in 1965. Paul lived on the top floor of the Ashers' house for awhile.

    Jane broke up with Paul, when she found him with another woman; but they were an 'item' for a long time.

    We cannot protect them from everything, sadly.I have a daughter; I know
