Monday, April 09, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #4 - Mr. X

March 2, 2018

This A++ list celebrity has moved on from diet pills back in the day to a stronger substance now because of tolerance issues. He doesn't do it for diet, but to stay awake for long periods of time.

Donald Trump


  1. Maybe he's on Adderall like half the millennial generation.

    1. Frightening, though I know it's true. Even more frightening, the adderall babies!

    2. Not a millennial but I am on adderall to help manage a life long condition. In normal doses it’s effective but no big deal. It’s people who take the narcolepsy level doses who are courting a heart attack.

  2. AAAARGH.. My hair just turned white. This is horrifying.

    1. Many people who work late shifts take the same kind of stuff to stay awake

  3. I dunno. It worked for JFK. He was on speed for most of his presidency.

    1. Anonymous10:02 AM

      Didn’t he trip on acid and drink like a fish also?

    2. Wasn't it to counteract all the pain meds?

    3. Wasn't it to counteract all the pain meds?

    4. Think so. Always heard about red and black beauties. It was too complicated for my naive mind. Lots of adults were taking them under the guise of dieting. Relatives would get shots then lose tons of weight only to gain more afterwards. Pretty sad

    5. I was always told JFK had Addison's Disease/adrenal failure.

      That family is cursed.

    6. But so good looking...

  4. Team Heart Attack.

    How hard is it for him to lounge in bed eating his two scoops of ice cream and ranting on Twitter while Fox "News" verbally jerks him off?

    1. You clearly dont watch Fox. Practically all the contributors are Never Trumpers

  5. Is that why he was always sniffling during the debates & sometimes when holding a presser?

  6. Don't they also make you loose weight? trump is on the plump side...

    1. Big Macs and KFC are putting up a fight

    2. Bwahahaha!! Good one!

    3. @longtimereader they suppress the appetite, but an emotional/comfort eater won’t usually lose weight from appetite suppression.

      This does not bode well for his stress tolerance. I don’t like him. I didn’t like him when he was a Democrat. And I thought he was tacky in the 80s. I thought his campaign catered to the lowest human fears.

      But I can’t help hoping he exceeds my low opinion as pres because I really want the US to do well and my standard of living to continue or improve like we all do. So Every day, I hope he will pleasantly surprise me by not acting on his worst impulses and maybe succeeding for the benefit of all Americans or even the world with things I personally doubt will work - I don’t mind being proven wrong in my pessimism. It’s happened once or twice on smaller things. But an exercise in WTFery otherwise. And as a gay woman, Pence doesn’t even bear contemplating as a president. Brr.

      So with that background information, I’m going to add that the signs of his stress cracking at his age and weight are seriously concerning. And should concern his active supporters* too. It’s not funny watching someone who can tank world markets at a word or nudge us toward WWIII showing signs he’s losing it.

      I can tolerate latter day PT Barnum as POTUS until 2020 if I have to, but the sanity and stability behind the curtain is kind of critical. And that’s all I’ll say about that on a non-political forum.

      *I consider myself a supporter as far as wishing him good health and sanity until we can elect someone else in 2020. Pence. Brr. Ryan. Brrrrrrr.

    4. Excellent comment, Han Niam. Excellent.

    5. Thanks, Mary. I had to get that off my chest somewhere.

  7. Whatever he is on is definitely not helping him lose weight.

    1. Have none of you people ever heard of Provigil? It has less of an effect on appetite

  8. That does explain in part his habit of repeating himself. Ever hang around a speed freak? They tell you the same thing over and over.

  9. He needs to be awake to make late night phone calls to his boyfriend, vlady. And to send raging messages to this site, to tmz and to all his many cult members on twitter. Good times. But yeah he's as high as a kite. Hence the erratic behavior and elevated sense of confidence and self importance. Just like Adolf Hitler was blitzed 24/7. Megalomania, narcissistic personality disorder plus substance abuse never a good combo.

  10. Not buying it. It’s been known for decades that he is totally against substances of any kind. His brother died of alcoholism and he had to watch that. He told all his kids there would be zero tolerance for drugs or alcohol. He’s very anti drug.

    1. For many, anti drugs does not necessarily parlay into anti pharmaceuticals.

    2. He's anti-illegal substance abuse. Pharmaceuticals aren't illegal. They also aren't helping him lose weight. A lesson for us all.

    3. I'm so sick of hearing that bullshit. He drank champagne with me and my friend circa 1983. Two glasses. Total misogynist douche. Dumb as a fucking rock. Ass hole.

  11. Fake news. He's sober. He's a loon, but he's a sober loon. He goes to bed at 8pm which is why he's up at 3am tweeting. No entern would have close enough access to Trump to know this, anyway.

    1. That was for orangesoda. He's on drugs. Anyone with eyes knows this. *sniff sniff*

  12. JFK was on strong pain meds for his back, that are considered controlled substances now.

    Don't buy the Adderal or coke theory, his head would be jerking everywhere.

    The blind says he has a tolerance built up, which means his body has gotten used to the diet pills, so he wouldn't lose weight.

    1. @Thursday Adderall does not make your head jerk around. FFS.

    2. Lol No, it does not make your head do anything funny hahaha
      You might be thinking of meth mouth? When used extensively (meth/coke) can cause permanent damage to the mouth and face/head. Weird tics and movements...
      Bad news.
      But adderall doesn't lol
      And honestly, when used in the right dose, for what it's INTENDED for, it has the opposite effect of speed.
      I have the best naps and nighttime rest when I take adderall.

  13. @orangesoda. Exactly what I think. How would Enty know this? Flies in the face of reporting on him for decades. I know his behavior seems like it should be due to drugs on occasion, but I don’t believe it is at all.

    1. @Simon. Maybe it one of many cabinet members who have been fired or quit. Oh hell yes I believe and declare that this rumor is TRUE! Praise Jesus

  14. Max Jacobsen, aka Dr Feelgood, injected JFK with a mix of ampthetamines, steroids, vitamins and hormones.

    It wasn't just pain meds for his back.

    1. That was the trend CJ or folks on the 60s and 70s. I witnessed it myself...

    2. The Crown made specific mention of this too. From an article: "Among the drugs he’s thought to have taken were: painkillers codeine, Demerol and methadone; the stimulant Ritalin; to tackle his anxiety meprobamate and librium; barbiturates as a sleep aid; thyroid hormone; and injections of gamma globulin to boost his immune system."

    3. Didn’t he have terrible liver problems too? Hence the permatan (actually jaundice)?

    4. Jaundice makes you yellow. Not “tan”

    5. @Nutty_Flavor
      JFK isn't our president. He's dead. The man currently in office is a drug addict. Trump is who we have to rely on being sane and logical, in the present. He's neither.

  15. I'm not buying it either. I have relatives who have been totally sober for 25-30 years and they're in bed at 8-9 PM, up at 4 AM. Full of energy, etc. And Trump's energy feels the same -- a crazy teetotaler pumped up on Big Macs and Coke (TM), note coke. His diet sounds atrocious, like a 20-something programmer.

    1. Yeah but my great grandfather lived to 98 smoking and eating mostly ice cream for the last 50 years of his life.

    2. Christina - I actually had an acquaintance who worked for him. While McD’s is terrible, he only ever orders two fish filets - no cheese, no sauce. No fries. Just fish and bread. While I would imagine he could get a better piece of fish and bread from ANYWHERE else, its not that bad considering what other choices he could make from that menu.

  16. @Christina. Same here. When my mom got sober, she went from going to bed at 1-2am to going to bed at 9. Granted, she stays in bed til about 5-6, but she sleeps a lot longer than most people. And this was just after a month of sobriety. So for someone who has been sober for years, I can totally see him being pumped full of energy in the early am, especially when he's full of caffeine and crap food, like you said.

  17. Uh-oh! You all finally got your Trump blind!
    Make hay while that sun shines!

    1. Get it all out CDAN!
      Whether Vlad and Don are gay as Bert and Ernie and Russia installed our President or the praetorian successfully staged a coup against the imperial ruling elite, just say it!
      Then leave it alone.

  18. Whatever it is, I hope he takes too much

  19. Wrong, naysayers. AJ Benza, who's as diehard a Trump supporter as there is, confirmed this to me on twitter recently. I mentioned the rumors that Trump used to use coke to get by with only 4 hrs. sleep. AJ corrected me -- he knew the scoop then and he knows it now.

  20. Here's the thread. AJ would never say anything untruthful about Trump to make him look bad.

    Twitter conversation about Trump's use of diet pills

  21. Wow. So natural substances are bad, but synthetic substances, which are all black oil based, are good.

    I'll never understand the minds of the mainstream.

    Nice tip/link! Thanks.

    1. @sole

      Thats actually one of the very few areas where I’m of the same opinion as DJT.

      I can’t speak for him obviously, but in my case it has to do with regulation and testing. If I’m taking a substance that will affect brain and body (especially brain), I want it to be consistent, tested, and what it says on the label.

      Street drugs are lucky dip. You have no way of knowing exactly what you’re getting, generally speaking, or how pure the substance is.

      Even cannabis, which I am all for as a tested and dose-controlled medication, is a crap shoot. Which variety is it? What weather conditions was it grown in? How was it processed/dried/stored/pressed? All of these and more affect how the substance will affect your body, and you don’t know what you’re going to get until it happens.

      That’s why I hate starting on new meds too. I don’t know how my physiology will react until it does. And that’s not a fun thing for everyone.

    2. After kicking black tar and then methadone, I'd sooner stick with natural things as opposed to synthetics (one would've taken 7-10 days to kick/get, "right," whereas, the other, years). But, I'm a firm believer in everyone having the right to choose what they feel is right for them.

      As for trusting the FDA, never. They are easily influenced with money. As are most people and things.

    3. @sole That’s absolutely fair enough. Like you, I can only ever speak for myself. I don’t blame you at all in your choices.

      As for trusting the FDA, everything can be influenced by money, and I don’t have the energy to be paranoid about everything, so I go with the information that is available.

      It’s more a case of accepting the known risk of the FDA’s approval process more than I trust a cartel and not having any interest in drug experimentation or jail time. :)

    4. Well said. :)

      I'm a bore. I don't do anything anymore, not even soda! Non gmo carrots, and celeb gossip are my current addictions. Peace to you.

    5. And to you. Careful with those non-GMO carrots. They’re habit forming. Rumor has it there’s a reason we haven’t seen much of Bugs Bunny lately.

    6. The husband says, I'm orange. Others say, it's a nice glow. LOL.

  22. @just sayin' -- so what exactly is he on now? Diet Coke and diet pills??? It's good he doesn't touch booze, if he added that into his system with the fast food and stimulants, he'd probably have a stroke.

  23. The president on diet pills is right on. But he ain't touching anything other than that. He can't stand the sight of any drug, not even caffeine. He's always been like this.

  24. I don't know, Christina, and don't think AJ knows either, he just wouldn't be surprised. Maybe Adderall (though if Enty knows his rx drugs he knows Adderall was originally released as a diet drug called "Obetrol").

    There are several new "Smart Drugs" such as modafinil, prescribed for narcolepsy and fatigue. The movie "Limitless" was based on it being some sort of miracle drug.

    1. It isn't that much of a miracle drug, at least not for me. I have taken this for several decades (legally and for narcolepsy) and while it does keep me from having episodes, it doesn't make me "high". No clue how it would affect someone who doesn't have narcolepsy though.

  25. You need SOMEthing to keep you awake while tweeting on the crapper all night.

  26. +1 just sayin, armodafinil too.

  27. That's a good move sandybrook, leave it alone.

  28. His anger, hours, insanity and erraticness scream "Methy" head to me. Probably used an OTC decongestant for years, until they regulated them, and still uses/ need his ephedrine, or something stronger at this point.

  29. Hi AJ! (aka Pope of Hollywood. Perfect handle for you by the way, lol!)

  30. You know La-Juice they still sell meth inhalers though they were supposedly discontinued. Look at the main ingredient in the Vicks inhaler. They spell it "Levmetamfetamine" to disguise it, and it's supposed to be a much milder variation, but you can buy it on right now.

    1. @just sayin'
      Does that make you sniff? Seriously asking.

    2. @mary They didn’t make me sniff when I tried them as a substitute for my regular asthma med. but they didn’t do anything for my asthma either. :)

  31. @Pope of Hollywood:

    "He can't stand the sight of any drug, not even caffeine."

    ??? Maybe Trump used to be averse to caffeine, but certainly not anymore. His affinity for Diet Coke is well known at this point, and even if the amount he supposedly drinks per day has been inflated, he's at least been photographed with a Diet Coke - not caffeine free, either.

  32. Newsflash: the older you get, the less you sleep. I get 3-4 hours a night. No alcohol, no drugs except a thyroid medication. Been like that for 35 years now. Geez people want to crucify this POTUS and will grasp at anything to do so. He runs on pure Adrenalin and ego.

  33. ^^^meant to say 25 years.

    1. I used to sleep 9 hours a night. Now its 5...but you should take magnesium with d. That may help marlin. It extends 2 more hours. Miss my dreams too.

  34. BS. I go to bed between 10:30-11:00 pm wake up anywhere from 3-5 am. Many require less sleep as we age.

  35. @weekittylass. +1. I also have a cup of coffee in morning and from there it’s pepsi or coke(cola) all day til bed.

  36. Sleep has to do with more than age and substance use. Genetics play some role, I’ve heard. My eternally healthy dad sleeps a lot more sober in old age than he did back when he was young and a drinker/cannabis smoker.

  37. The backstory, which itself goes back to the 80s, concerns T's purported use of prescription diet pills, and an alleged stint in some kind of inpatient or rehab facility at the end of the decade or early 90s (when the proverbial you-know-what, financially speaking, was hitting the fan). It was to be featured in a 2015 or 16 profile piece by Kurt Eichenwald, but was axed because (if I'm remembering correctly) a lack of corroborating sources:

    "But now, almost 16 months after the election and more than 13 months since Trump’s inauguration, Eichenwald has posted the suppressed results of his investigation into Trump’s medical records, finding not only that Trump was diagnosed with a “metabolic disorder,” but that Trump took the diet drug Diethylpropion, also known by the brand name Tenuate, to treat the condition at least until 1990.

  38. Still refusing to accept reality. This is only the tip of the iceberg on the guy.

  39. What I'm shocked about is nonone has nonsensically tied his drug use to Hillary Clinton or Obama. Lol ... here's a list ofthings hating Hilary Clinton and liberals who just won't shut up won't do . 1. Hating liberals and becoming a tinhat won't grow your penis longer than the two inches you have now. 2. It won't make all the rich people in Hollyweird poor. They are still going to be wealthier than you and be able to take better vacations, sorry. Also they LOVE Trump's tax cuts for the rich because with those tax cuts they'll have even MORE money. The irony kills, don't it? 3. Hating dems and female politicians and immigrants ( you know immigrants like Milania) won't erase your abusive childhood with your drunk father. 4. Focusing all your attention and hatred on liberals will not alleviate the emptiness and pain in your soul and life. Only hard work with a therapist and perhaps a spiritual or religious practice will accomplish that. I was wondering if Enty had been bought out by Trumpski and Murdoch the way that blindgossip, Fox News, the national enquirer, us weekly and now 3/4 of local market main stream media stations have but Enty remains the rouge libertarian we've all come to know and love (?)

    1. This isn't true.
      I use tinfoil daily and my penis is a solid 8" and FAT. Not internet 8" either, that's like 6' in Hollywood. Actual 8" and some change.
      Please send more tinfoil.

  40. Great info Kendrick!

    Congratulations, soleJahway. I've heard that methadone's even harder to kick than heroin. With only 5% or so overcoming heroin addiction you are a champion. I thank my lucky stars I never tried it.

    One of the things that my son keeps doing is trying to find a legal substitute. He's done methadone, suboxone, something herbal, something else I don't remember. The bottom line is one has to be willing to be somewhat miserable for a pretty long time, longer than the "withdrawal" stage, which is hell. I had to start looking at all addictive substances as my enemy and fight like hell to get them out of my life once and for all.

    Sorry for preaching, I just hope our cautionary tales might help someone struggling out there. I can't help my own son, but maybe I can help someone else's child.

    1. @just sayin. Thank you for the kind words. I've been called a lot of things, but never, "champion."

      I have created a website/blog where I've posted the steps that I took to get myself well. It's free of charge. I don't believe, "getting well" should ever have a price tag.

      If you'd like, you can email me at and I'll forward you the link. All ask in return is that you, Please, come in peace.

      And, might I add, I truly fear for anyone kicking synthetics, for when I did, I would say it felt like red ants attacking my central nervous system. And it lasted years (I went ama off 115 milligrams of methadone via a 30 day detox). What angered me for years, if you can remember back to when Anna Nicole Smith's son's autopsy came out, saying he died of an accidental methadone overdose, that same day, two headlines down on yahoo news, was the headline, "methadone is the most prescribed pain reliever by US MDs." Pain reliever! That, infuriated me, and look what we have now!

      Anyway, enough of my soapbox. Honestly, I rose practically from the dead. I was beyond a lost cause. The absolute bottom of the barrel, on my own, with two toddlers to boot, and zero support other than myself and God. So, my theory, I'm not special. If I could've done it, anyone can do it. The power is within us all.

      I hope to hear from you.

      Many blessings, to you and your son.

  41. Geelijire... I don't know where you came from, but you crack me up.

  42. This is literally every president since ever.

  43. Kurt Eichenwald is a laughingstock. No one should believe anything he says. Where should we begin on Kurt?

    His unconvincing explanation, when he was caught looking at Japanese tentacle porn, that he was actually just sharing it with his family?

    Maybe the time he smeared, then tried to bribe a Sputnik reporter?

    How about the time he got fired from the NYTimes for joining an illegal underage porn site, even though he claimed he was "only posing as an online predator"?

    Know your Kurt Eichenwald facts. He is a laughingstock. He is a disgrace. He is not a journalist. He should not be trusted.

    None of that means Trump is a good guy or that this blind is a lie. It just means Eichenwald is a bad guy.

  44. I would love to examine Donald Trump's poopoo. And it would probably sell well on eBay.

  45. He's taking Alex Jones endorsed Caveman Vita-Sludge!

  46. I am NO Trump fan but I also wouldn't be surprised if every President EVER had some sort of help like this. Imagine the hours, the stress, the multi-tasking. No wonder Presidents come out of their 4 years looking like they've aged 10-20 years! But Trump on drugs SCARES me. He is unhinged anyway so that kind of ego and anger streak and low self esteem/need to prove himself on any speedy substance is downright TERRIFYING.

  47. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Corn syrup is addictive. It's added to virtually all pre-packaged foods in the US.
    McDonald's food is laden with it.

    Humans were never meant to eat corn. Corn is a grass; the human stomach cannot process it, it produces gas.

    Because maize was so cheap and plentiful, it became our main crop. Bad idea.

    Read "Omnivores Dilemma". it will change how you look at the American diet.

    1. Not to mention that most of the corn consumed in the US is gmo. Forget about corn oil, syrup, and starch.

  48. I was at Trader Joe's about a week ago, and had a nice lady pass my cart In the corn chip isle while my 3 year old son and I were perfectly happy In our (own)conversation about which corn chips we were going to get. He's never had them-I was explaining. This lady stuck her head right in between us and said "Cornsnotgoodforyou! " I said .and so she she kept going "No!reall!youshould watchtheshow blahblahblaha"
    It was bizarre. But, she looked like she was going home to her 6 cats and recycled toilet paper, so i considered the source and grabbed some regular salty potato chips and walked off.
    Whatever. That was weird

  49. It’s no secret he was addicted to Tenuate Duospan during the 80s and 90s....

  50. Him having two glasses champagne with you in the early 80s literally proves fuck all. I believe that he's probably on some prescription stuff but there is absolutely no evidence to suggest that he's a drinker or drug user now, in 2018. As I said - he's a loon, but I don't believe he's on anything illegal.

  51. I actually know a couple of guys who have worked with Trump in the last year, one of who would have probably sucked Bernie off given the chance, so he definitely wasn't a Trumper. Both said that he never touched alcohol. I'm obviously a stranger on the internet so you don't have to believe anything I say, I'm just putting that out there.

  52. Also for those of you struggling to sleep, consider cannabis oil if it's legal in your state/country. It doesn't get you high but several people swear by it. I haven't tried it because it pops on a piss test but everyone I know that can use it thinks it's a miracle when it comes to getting a good sleep.

  53. Lol welcome to the white collar life

  54. Methadone as a pain killer?!

  55. Lol at those sticking up for Trump. Keep holding on! He’s fine! Everyone else is wrong!

  56. LOL +1 totaji

    people here somehow don't realize DC is just as corrupt and disgusting (possibly moreso) than Hollywood. and Trump is someone who's now dabbled in both.

  57. Long Live Metabolife, o how I miss you and your over the counter ephedrine

  58. soleJahway -- I'd love to read it, I almost always come in peace, lol, and am even more convinced now that you are a champion. In this "immediate gratification" world, being willing to be miserable for a higher cause isn't the popular choice. Blessings to you and your family.

    Mary -- No, stimulants shouldn't cause sniffing. If anything they should help with congestion. His sniffing is what made me believe the stories of his coke use back in the day -- he did all hang out with partiers like Jeff Epstein and Tom Barrack. I think his sniffing may be due to small nasal passages and poor fitness -- lack of exercise and being overweight can both contribute to snoring and sinus problems. I have a similarly small nose to his and have difficulty breathing sometimes (but I did coke back then too and wonder if it did damage).

  59. Seriously stop wishing ill will on the President...unless you want Pence running the country and I surely do not.

  60. Jesus Christ. Not spreading fake rumors does not mean you're standing up for Trump. You're just not spreading fake rumors.


  61. BTW I took speed for 20+ years and the "slimming' effects don't last beyond a certain point. Although if you combine that with exertion, you can stay quite slim...and on the verge of a heart attack.

    He might be taking Provigil. I've taken it but I don't get much out of it. at this point in life I don't care if I can compete in the workplace.

  62. The magical stupidity of Trump Supporter Logic in these comments:

    "When my Mom/Cousin/Friend was on drugs they went to bed late...but when they got clean, they went to bed at 8 pm! Trump goes to bed at 8 pm, so he must not be on drugs!!!"

    Jesus be 1/2 a brain and some critical thinking skills!
