Monday, April 02, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #5

March 24, 2018

Look for this former foreign leader to end up dead. He skimmed a lot of the money he was in charge of finding for the Church. With all his connections to the former colonies of his country, he was the point person. Now, he is going to start naming names and that won't be allowed. Notice how nothing has been written or any sign seen of that missing US government employee I wrote about last month. A flurry of stories in the press and then radio silence. Not a peep. The Church at work.

Nicolas Sarkozy


  1. and HOT will remain in silence ...

    Letting down ANGEL wasnt enough it seems ... "HOT" WAS ALWAYS EAGER FOR MORE ...

  2. which church? which country? i've heard "Libya" bandied about, and while it is true that Libya was under occupation by Allied Forces post-1943, the French never colonized the place.

  3. I'm kind of confused about this.. So if you look for nicolas sarkozy who is in hiding or whatever and who stole money from the church you'll end up dead? I don't get it at all... And he is gonna start naming names of members of the church or?? Someone explain please I'm scatterbrained..


    1. Two week news cycle (barely) and then media is on to next story, like Trumpnsleeping with porn worker 10'years ago and who bit Beyonce. Important stuff.

    2. Yes! Can we discuss this CDC Employee who went MIA!?

  5. LOL you are a very bad writer, Enty. Your imagination runs faster than your plume.

  6. Amal Clooney’s arms dealing uncle in the one who flipped on him and she’s representing Saif Qaddafi. Is this the same Church referred to in AZ a lot? Where Casamigos co founder Mike Meldman is located? When will Clooney go down?

  7. Is the "church" really the CIA?

  8. The Church is in Arizona, same place Diddy went for relaxation. Ghaddafi had money hidden all around Africa. They supposedly found his treasure map and were flying money out on palates disguised as aid packages. Same Church working with Geffen UCLA to make germ warfare and test it in Africa.

  9. @Josh: "...test in Africa." I think we can connect the Apotex deaths to this.

    1. Apotex was connected to Bill Clinton, not sure about Church. The outbreaks in Madagascar and Rwanda (?), were connected to Church along with the lab in South Africa.

  10. This one isn't hard to follow. It's saying that Sarkozy is facing criminal charges (related to Libyan money). As a result, he's willing to cut a deal and name other names that he knows, involved in other crimes. He knows these names because he was involved in the deals. These other deals involved former colonies (Note this doesn't require Libya to be a former French colony, only that the *other* nations in *other* crimes were)

    And then supposedly the missing CDC worker somehow ties in.

  11. I still think there is a difference between The Church and the Church. One of them is CIA, one of them is that place is Arizona or Hillsong or LDS or some mix of the above or maybe I don't understand that part of it at all!

    1. Not Hillsong, but is involved with FLDS, the polygamists.

  12. Sleazy Sarkozy, no not him.
    Yes that's how professionals work unless someone is trying to make a statement. No body no crime.

  13. I feel like I had read he had been arrested a week or so ago, in France.

  14. If le Sark goes down via plane crash or heart attack in the next 90 days, there you will have your signature act of the boys.

  15. Entry has many imagination. All what I want to say

  16. Is this the NXVIM church? There's one on here described as basically a paid private slave service. I'm gonna guess it has its roots in CIA.

  17. Nope. Completely wrong. Only an anglophone could write this. Those who read the francopone press and who are familiar with the ins and outs of french politics and political scandals over the last seven decades of the 4'th and 5'th Republic know how the game is played. This is purely an internal play, part payback by multiple blocks, around Chirac, around DSK, contra Bouygues, etc, and part pure Enarque play trying to destroy the upstart. Never underestimate the Enarque when it comes to destroying outsiders. Sarko was the only president of the 5'th Republic who did not go to an ecole superior. ENA, SciPo, etc. This is a really big deal in France with the ruling elites. They hate outsiders. They destroy anyone who does not know their place. And they totally control the judiciary.

    1. This ^

      Arcane illegal campaign "donations" into the various political party war chests, funneled through the "FrançAfrique" have been a long ongoing thing in French politics. People like Charles Pasqua had enormous influence for precisely this reason. And that sort of network seems to consistently center around a network of people who all come from the same place in France. Sarko knows far better than to start naming those names and for that matter, it's doubtful that the rest of the political class would even want that since they are no doubt hooked into the same sources of illegal funding.

  18. Is church Red Cross? Simple allusion but feels right

  19. I was kinda surprised that they arrested Sarkozy. Everyone knows that he's sleazy but he's a worldly dude who moves in dark circles with lots of other famous people who are also involved in human trafficking, drugs, gold, diamonds, and rinsing dirty money. It is now obvious to me that this Church is a CIA front. A Lot of the money had been flowing through Gaddafi via much of northern, western, and eastern Africa ...much of which were former colonies of France. Vast amounts of the cash that they were expecting to collect has vanished. And the criminal cabal want their money.

    Sarkozy will not be allowed to name any names. He should know better. Those who try to make such deals always end up being quietly suicided. And the powers in the dark make sure that the stories disappear from the news within a few days.

  20. Yeh, sure, as a French citizen I'm not exactly holding my breath on this one :p

  21. But hey, good clickbait, google referencing and whatnot ;)

  22. Can you post your link to the government worker?

  23. @Sakebomb darling!!!!!

    If you knew the dirty shxt I have about her!!

    1. Velvet Voice, I have read that the smiling pirahna was disliked even by Sarko's colleagues. I think your outer self with age comes to reflect your inner. Bruno is ugly these match her ugly heart.

  24. If all this is true, this is actually one of the more important blinds.

  25. Justin K:
    “An Atlanta-area epidemiologist for the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention went home from work sick almost two weeks ago, but family and friends haven't seen 35-year-old Timothy Cunningham since.”
    “The accomplished CDC employee, who has responded to both the Zika virus and Ebola virus outbreaks, complained to supervisors on February 12 that he wasn't feeling well and went home from work early. ”

  26. Africa, Haiti, Central America, Brazil... longtime hotbeds of nefarious activities by outsiders.

    "clinical trials"
    "Industrial development"
    "foreign aid"
    "NGO projects"

    Some good, many useless and a certain percentage total cover stories for bad bad things.

  27. Can someone please define "the church" for me, or possible meanings? TIA

  28. Anyone else rooting for the church here? Sarkozy was an evil bastard who brought slavery back to Africa, f*** him.

  29. @Water Lily

    HOT deserves anyyyy BAD thing that happens to her .. annoying gold digger from hell she is

    Pitty I didnt continue my BI about medels ..

  30. You know the Zika virus is fake?

    Those deformed babies are a result of giving the mums whooping cough vaccines while they were pregnant.

    You can't catch it.

  31. Coincidentally (or not), the body of Timothy Cunningham, the missing CDC worker, was fished out of the Chattahoochee River on Tuesday and identified today.

  32. @doppelganger

    Today's Blind Items - On The Run For The Church

    This is what happens when you are doing dirty deeds for The Church and their drug experiments. You have to run for your life.

    This employee had outlived their usefulness and had too much knowledge to spill. Apparently he found out about it and ran as quickly as he could from his high profile position in the government. It is interesting that he earned his current position because of some of the work The Church did that he was able to make his own.

    I honestly don't know what triggered The Church wanting him dead, but they generally get what they go after so I fully expect to hear that he has been killed and IT WOULDN'T SHOCK ME IF HE WAS FOUND DEAD A LONG WAY FROM HIS HOME


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