Monday, April 30, 2018

Your Turn

What is your favorite daytime talk show?


  1. The problem with sex in the movies is I always spill my popcorn.

  2. I actually have to none of them.

  3. I haven't watched any talk shows since that psycho Morton Downey Jr got taken off the air

    1. Good news Sandy!
      RDJ loves my writing sooo much he sent me an autographed copy of "Avengers: Infinity War" that says "Geeljire is Iron Man now."

  4. ^. Although work is subjective since I'm on here all day...

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I used to love Jerry Springer way back in the day (to quote Enty). That show was a slow motion train wreck.

  7. I actually know people who went on Springer, paid to play a role. One of them was brought on three or four times when the show was still in Chicago and she still lived there. And she would bring friends\associates with her

    1. @Sandybrook

      Did you watch Another World?
      I attempted to tape the final episode. It got iinterrupted by 9/11. Let's just say some of the conspiracy theories are legit and let's leave it at that.

  8. NONE of them...still watch my soaps, Days and GH. Still mad because they took One Life to Live off. Could never stand daytime talk shows with all the nuts on them. ALTHOUGH yet again showing my age,, back in the 60's and 70's I watched Phil Donahue and Mike Douglas..not Michael Douglas for you young kids lol. These things now days, no thanks.

  9. I love DOOL! I'm watching it now. Marlena just told Vivian & Kate about the time she was demonically possessed. She said she attacked a group of Biblical scholars and then she laughed hysterically.

  10. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Jerry Springer.

  11. This is like asking “What’s your favorite venereal disease?”

  12. I just can't decide! I love so many of them. It would really help if I got a TV, though, don't you think?

  13. @Sandybrook - I have heard the same thing from friends of friends - people paid to go on. Wouldn't surprise me at all.

    And I used to watch Guiding Light. Still bitter it's not on anymore. I started watching it in 2nd grade when I lived in Indiana with my grandmother. The month of February, there was so much snow that school was cancelled all but 4 days and I became a soap addict. LOL.

  14. Every since the incident a couple months ago, I watch Wendy Williams, hoping she'll either pass out or show up incredibly wasted.

  15. I loved Phil Donahue back in the day. There isn't any daytime talk show today that is worth my time or interest.

  16. All the long time posters know I watched all the soapies most of my life still watch Y&R and DOOL. As a spoiler Stefano isn't dead even though he died in real life and will now be played by his storyline son who was murdered by Gabigail😮

  17. Anyone started hating Ellen after she starting inviting Kim K regularly?

  18. Same. At work during the day. Don't have the pleasure.

  19. I DVR Wendy and do a lot of Fast Forwarding

  20. I watch Wendy Williams every day AND I have a full time job believe it or not. PVRs are a wonderful thing.

  21. Sorry, life's too short.

  22. Jenny Jones was fun to hate on back in the day when she kept bringing on “goth” kids (whether they were or not) and subjecting them to horrible makeovers. I was genuinely outraged a time or two, but mostly it was stupid kids going through a phase rather than people with actual sartorial talent.

    I knew one or two of the people who went on the “goth” episodes hoping to get in some intelligent words, but every time they did, those portions were cut out of the aired episode.

    Nobody was surprised.

    1. How'd Goth/Got/God/Gad work out in the end?
      Allah isn't surprised either.

    2. @Geel Depends on the person. Some of them moved on to other theatrical styles, others kept up their “goth” interests/music/personality but toned down the look, some lost interest and moved on entirely, and others are still pretty damn Gothic, one of whom built a novel and completely aboveboard business around it and has been succeeding wildly year over year ever since.

      No real correlation between any of those and individual life success, by the way. Interesting how that works out.

      And when the 90s “goth hysteria” died down people went back to living their lives, with or without the black eyeliner.

  23. TW I watched Another World but it ended in 1999. I had the last show on tape, it was part of a tape I made later that night of an NBA Final game. You must have been watching the Soap Opera Channel repeats.

  24. Hate 'em all. I watch two or three of the soaps and that's it. (I'm in and out with B&B because it's just so stupid I have to stop after a while. I used to love Y&R but stopped watching it altogether for the same reason.)

  25. TW the final show was June 25, 1999 a Friday. I taped it because a friend of mine wanted to go to the racetrack, go out to eat after and then watch the Knicks vs. San Antonio at a bar. I taped the game on the tape of Another World because the Spurs were up 3-1 and could win the series that night which they did and I tried to tape all the final games of championships back then. So they wound up together. Anyway, Cass got married and at the end Rachel and her husband went upstairs to not go to sleep heheh.

  26. I was a huge Mike Douglas fan, and Dinah Shore. Really young then but it was the minute I thought I was too grown to watch cartoons anymore

  27. @sandy Stefano IS dead. It was Shane made up to look like Stefano in that jail cell. Hope really, truly killed him dead.

  28. Nope Cee Kay

  29. None. Sadly nothing is really appealing anymore. Bring back Sally Jessy!!!!

  30. @sandybrook

    Thank you!

    Will Thaao be Tony, Andre, or Stephano?

  31. I watch NONE of that mind numbing drivel.

  32. laugh at me:
    "this week in agribusiness" 5:00am saturday morning.
    I'm surprised at the chemicals, genetically modified seeds, and other topics that are highlighted that affect the food we consume.
