Sunday, May 20, 2018

Blind Item #1 - Reader Blind Item

This foreign born permanent A list comedian and actor has been publicly wishing for the untimely deaths of his ex-wives and daughters for at least the last couple years. A couple months back, after an interview on late night tv, he was approached on the street by a couple of fans seeking autographs. Because of one fan's ethnicity, and the stereotypes associated with it, he asked this person if he knew anyone that could take care of his "problems." Apparently that's the kind of "joke" that makes you "delightfully grumpy."


  1. If we're reading about it on CDAN, he's not that bright

  2. Yeah def John Cleese, this is a direct lift from the DM

  3. Is Enty a republican, was hoping for a bit of gossip about the Royal Wedding, not a whisper. Disappointed.

    1. so I guess you weren't paying attention to all those Meghan blinds the past few months 😂

  4. What does Enty's political leanings have to do with an event that was completely overreported on in every single way for the last three days? He's published plenty of blinds on those two previously.

    1. Anonymous12:41 PM

      Republican in this instance means anti royal. The head of state should be elected not born to it. Jeeez. Not everything is US political parties. VIVA LA REPUBLIC!

  5. Fine, here's a CDaN style Royal Wedding Reader Blind:

    Which of the flower girls at the wedding yesterday also has a lucrative side gig in yachting?

    Which archbishop is also a member of the Church, and takes direct orders from the Widow about killing extremely minor celebrities who are working against child trafficking?

    Which new princess is asking about the surrogate that the Royal Family typically uses?

    I once met this A+++ rock star who performed at the afternoon ceremony. Boy, was I suprised when he turned out to be a Reptilian! Also, he takes direct orders from the head of the pedo Reptilian ring, an A++ music mogul all of you know.

    1. This is one of the greatest comments ever written and deserves a pulitzer

    2. Anonymous12:42 PM

      Krab i always love your posts!

    3. 😂😂😂😂😉😉

  6. Small correction - Meghan isn't a princess - she's a duchess.

    I wish people would leave out references to politics and political figures.

    1. She is Princess Harry, but in this instance Duchess is her more senior title (and her own!)

  7. Fucking hell, what sort of fucking cretin is going to take that remark seriously?

    As the man himself once wrote,"Ah yes, fun, I remember that."

  8. She is so a princess--she is Princess Henry. Just as Kate is Princess William. But she'll mostly be called Duchess of Sussex.

  9. Also, brainiacs, the reference to little-r "republican" above is about Britain being a republic with no hereditary monarchy, not about being an American Republican party member. Jesus, you people are just not smart.

    1. Anonymous12:44 PM

      This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. After seeing the drivel you post krab, I'm sure everyone you just called "not smart" are really torn up about it 😂.

  10. Well I for one I'm happy that Harry has married the Markle girl. She isn't pretty but she scrubbed up well for the wedding and thankfully God didn't make the church fall on them for her wearing white (has there ever been a more vagrant breaking of the custom?). Yes she's black on her mom's side and white trash on her dad's but at least she isn't a Jew. So all in all Harry could have done worse I suppose.

  11. Flagrant, not vagrant, Vessimede. If you were Jewish, you'd be smart enough to know the difference.

    1. +100 Krab 😅😅😅😅

  12. Anonymous9:54 AM

    @barstool Thomas Markle is not her bio father....
    As I'm sure you are aware

  13. Krab, your Royal Wedding Reader Blind is hysterical. Kate did a bit better on her last faux-pregnancy and put on a few pounds so it wouldn't look so obvious. The Monarchy is indeed a reptilian show that serves adrenochrome, pizza and walnuts at select gatherings

  14. Was hoping for some Royal Wedding blinds and you didn't disappoint Krab!

  15. Trust a Jew to be a grammar Nazi.

  16. Vessy, I'm not Jewish. My ex husband was though. I am, however, a grammar Nazi.

  17. Don't lie Krab, we all know you had to convert for the wedding.

  18. My ex was an atheist, as am I. I wouldn't convert for anyone. I'm too much of a kranky ass Krab for that.

  19. Hold on. I'm a godless fornicating librul with social anarchist tendencies and that wedding is eating up my weekend. Such a nice occasion. Loved it all.


    ROFL! I expect an Entern to be cribbing your post.

  20. Krab, you are correct as a Brit, I did use the word republican to mean a person who does not believe in a hereditary monarchy. I meant no offence to anyone American of any political persuasion.

    I did enjoy the wedding and think the monarchy need some fresh air blowing through their castles. I hope they are very happy.

  21. Are you bothered by the fact that the wedding cost like $42 million of taxpayer's money?

    1. Anonymous12:52 PM

      Yes i am. But most British people are thick and don’t care that the health service is cut, the streets are full of addicts and homeless- as long as they can get the bunting out and drink cheap prosecco. Brain dead mostly.

  22. Not sure how many taxpayers there are here Solo. But say it cost £2 a head, it was well worth it for such a wonderful day of pomp, ceremony and sheer good will. We had the neighbours and friends round to watch it, everyone brought a dish, we enjoyed fizz, canapes and a British afternoon tea. The sun shone it was a memorable day for many here.

    1. Anonymous12:51 PM

      Are you and your friends unable to have a summer party without some stupid reason?

  23. As a Brit I think it was well worth the cost of the security. It was a really unifying moment (excluding the racists) and showed Britain off at it's best. I think that money will come back in tourism. It was such a beautiful day I'd rather pay for that than subsidising food and drink for MPs at the houses of parliament or paying for Trump to go golfing especially when he's profiting off of it.

    1. Anonymous12:49 PM

      Come back in tourism? How exactly? To the likes of Travel lodge and Macdonalds? Who employ young migrants on minimum wage? FABULOUS!

  24. Far better use of money than a $55 million military parade to raise Trump's flaccid self-esteem.

  25. $42 million? That seems cheap actually.

    Are you including the big party afterwards? Prince Charles paid for that. The wedding breakfast? Her Majesty paid for that.

    It was a lovely day and a lovely ceremony. Optimistically, I think Harry and Meghan are going to make a good team.

  26. Anonymous12:48 PM

    As a brit i would say that money would have been better spent getting all the tramps and drug addicts of the street. But what do i know right! Lets all pay for a load of rich people who could well afford it themselves. Makes me ashamed to be english sometimes. We are such bloody brain dead sheep.

  27. I have attended a July 4th party and a thanksgiving. Americans have two extra events which they excel at. Both were wonderful, friend and family orientated. I do envy you these events.

  28. Anonymous1:06 PM

    ...Aaaaaaaand that pernicious squat little 4chan toad Vessemede shows his true 4chan Stormfront colors. There it is, "THE JOOZ". Fuck off, would ya? Go back to 4chan and jerk off to Meine Kampf, you filthy little shithead.

  29. Enty needs to hire Krab.

  30. Enty needs to delete Barstool. He must be fun to hang out with at parties. With all his vitriol and hate against everyone. Hates women, hates jews - I agree unknown he needs to go back to 4chan.

  31. Don't reply to Vessy's posts then. We all know he's a 4Chan crank who can't get laid. Starve him of attention and he'll soon get bored.

  32. >"such a wonderful day of pomp, ceremony and sheer good will"

    It's nice that you & others enjoyed the show, but,

    **Bread & Circuses**

  33. Nice work, @Krab. I hope you were wearing a fascinator when you wrote your post.

  34. this has to be the best grouping of comments ever on this site, thanks to Krab and Unknown
