Thursday, May 17, 2018

Blind Item #10 - Early Retirement - Mr. Hedge

About 3 decades ago, he was the producer of a very hit network TV show.

He left the business in his early 50s, at the height of his success. 

About a decade ago, he was found with a large stash of particularly horrific child porn, and sent to prison. 

If you read an arrest report from the Feds online - he expressed a clear interest in having sex with a very young boy, when busted by an undercover officer in the online chat room.

The last 2 TV series he was involved with featured many children.

Considering all of this - why did he retire from Hollywood at that age, at the height of his success?

Who knows what he may have gotten away with, while around all those child actors in Hollywood for decades.  If there is anything to be exposed, you know the sorts of people to contact.

last hit show:
next to last hit show:


  1. Henry Johnson?
    Just the 10 of us
    Growing Pains?
    Sup Hedge?

  2. Steve Marshall executive producer
    Growing Pains
    WKRP in Cincinnati

  3. This one! Great work!

  4. I don't understand why and how Hollywood became a haven for so many pedophiles. What in holy hell? And let's not mention the hypocrisy of people like Cate Blanchett holding a metoo protest in cannes when she named her first born son after Roman Polanski ( she's on record with this so not conjecture on my part) . Roman Polanski AFTER he was convicted of drugging raping and sodomizing a 13 year old girl. And 5 months ago a woman came forward to say Polanski had molested her at the age of eleven. How much more hypocrisy will Hollyweird barf up?

    1. Because to be honest they really don't care. Hollywood stars become major celebrities through sheer egotism and shitting on people. They are ruthless and sociopathic. We shouldn't expect any empathy as they are not able to see beyond their own importance. It's that simple. That have a missing chip of humanity.

    2. Until they become a 'victim' and lose work-that's when they start to 'care' about others.

    3. The Satanists were so mad at Polanski for the Rosemary’s Baby hit piece, they’ve been after him ever since, and it’s worked.

  5. I don't understand why and how Hollywood became a haven for so many pedophiles.

    Predators go where the prey are. They network, position themselves, and promote others like them to positions of power. (Look at the allegations around the coterie of industry execs supported and promoted by Barry Diller.) They also have money to pay people off, so the victims, parents, enablers become compromised as well and don't bring the perpetrators to justice. The whole industry is a House of Cards.

  6. That is a great point SDaly.

  7. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Steve Marshall didn't produce WKRP, he was a writer - but his age and last two shows he did produce were kid-heavy, Growing Pains and Just The Ten of Us. Not sure why you brought up WKRP.

    1. I stand corrected😳 and appreciate you clarifying. Just The Ten of Us wasn’t on my radar as a “hit”.

  8. "Killer Diller." Hmmm. He called David Geffen "family" in that recent interview with Maureen Dowd.

  9. +1 HoneyRyder and Unknown, Growing Pains just gets shadier and shadier.

  10. Thanks, Hedge, for continuing to post these. We need to keep these names circulating.

  11. I think the more prominent question is how these pedos get into the business in the first place? Do most of them start of as film students in college? And then just work there way up to these powerful positions? It would make sense, as ive seen psychological profiles on men in high power positions: many of them show anti-social traits which allows them to be ruthless, thus them holding such high positions. However, they have to show they are capable of doing the job in which the titles hold to even get there. Anyone can be a exec producer of something, but a director or producer? Different story.

  12. Peter Principle, Jesse...along with SDaly's excellent writeup. Whoever said that these people are the best/most competent or even capable of fulfilling the roles of their job titles? Most are just incompetent fluff yesmen, anyway, and never earned their positions but rather were appointed/"ordained" via networking/connections. It's who you blow not who you know.

    And yes, sociopaths tend to rise up the ranks because they can fake it with the best of them while at the same time be cunning and brutally vicious in their backstabbing and sabotaging of competition as well as their bosses/higher ups.

    These scumbags like Diller reach a position of power and bring their sick networks of scumbag underlings with them wherever they go - hiring them, promoting them, advancing and recommending them.

  13. It seems all of my favorite childhood shows have been tainted by pedos. I just don't understand how anyone could hurt a defenseless child and where are the parents?

  14. I think overall there has been a devaluation of children's lives since the late 60's early 70's overall.

  15. As SDaly said, predators go where the prey are. That means they're also drawn to places like schools and organizations like Boy and Girl Scouts, and they do show up there. But people are more likely to be alert for them in those places, so they have to be more careful.

    Hollywood is different, because fame blinds people. They get carried away by the glitz and glamour and meeting people they've always admired, and they drop their normal defenses. They don't want to see the ugly side, if it shows itself. If they do see something wrong and object to it, there's plenty of money to buy them off, or to buy off anyone they report it to.

    They also recruit across the country for likely victims, as we've heard, which concentrates them even more into one place.

  16. @Brayson87

    Yeah, I got a feeling that show was a real pedo paradise.

    According to IMDB, Brian Peck, another convicted child abuser, appeared in 7 episodes of Growing Pains over the course 3 years. Always in different, minor roles. In season 4, episode 14 he played a 'photographer', in season 5, episode 16 he was a 'pizza guy', in season 6, episode 18 he was a 'concerned passenger'...and so on.

    I wonder whether Marshall was the one who supplied him with these jobs. Interestingly, Peck didn't appear in season 7, which was the only one where Marshall wasn't involved. But apparently Peck would hang out on set even if he had no business being there. At least I remember watching an old documentary about Leo DiCaprio, a few scenes of which showed him on the set of GP - with Peck (who called pre-pubescent looking Leo 'hunky'). And Leo was only part of the 7th season. Why would Peck be on set during the filming of the 7th season if he didn't even appear in it? I mean, I don't know if episodes of TV shows are always shot in chronological order. Maybe not. But it kind of looks to me as if this pedophile just loved the GP set and nobody kept him from lurking around the kids.

  17. Pedos are everywhere, Hollywood pedos and their victims are just higher profile.

  18. @trufflepig, yeah I wouldn't be surprised if there were others too.

  19. So Kirk Cameron became an evangelical lunatic because he was molested.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. I just watched that documentary ( again to see if there's any clue given as to what Peck was doing on the set of GP during the filming of season 7. He's referred to as 'stand-in for Leonardo DiCaprio' (at 2:27).

    Wikipedia says stand-ins 'must have the same skin tone, hair color, height and build as the actor so that the lighting in a scene will be set up correctly.' From what I can see in the video, Leo and Peck had about the same height. Same build, hair color, skin tone? Not even close. I'm not an expert, and maybe I'm reading too much into this, but it looks like an absurd choice to me. More like an excuse for Peck to be on set (but in that case, they would have needed another stand-in). Who gave him that job?

  22. There is a saying "men are only as faithful as their options".

    I believe similar can be said about pedophiles. If an opportunity presents itself, they will take it.
    There may be more opportunities in hollywood, but the average person needs to be vigilant, too.

  23. Wasn't brain bonsall on growing pains?

  24. How the f do i get rid of the pop up video at the bottom of mobile site? It is blocking access to the navigation arrows and there is no option to close window or skip ad... and it just keeps replaying. Grrrrrrrr

  25. Amy's got a point. What they all do now is be saints on Twitter. On Twitter, they're all 100% in favor of women in the industry, diversity in the industry. They support #metoo. They support BLM. They are quick to call out anyone who doesn't spout the party line. Any enemy of Trump's is a friend of theirs, no matter who that person is. Actresses tweet about not wanting their character to be in an unhealthy relationship and talk about girl power when we all know they're in an unhealthier relationship in their real life. Oh, and everybody in the cast just loves each other (no, they don't.) It's so easy to be a good person in 200 characters. If you look at their actual actions, they don't resemble their sanctimonious tweets one bit. But they know that 99.9% of people will never do the research. And on the occasions they DO get called out, nobody remembers the Twitter war because it's been replaced by another one in 2 days.

  26. JW, had the same thing happening. Loaded the site from Duck Duck Go. Even displays in embedded format like on your phone which I prefer

  27. Didn't one of the actors on Growing Pains commit suicide? Kind of makes you wonder. And yes, Brian Bonsall was on Family Ties. Played the youngest kid.

  28. Steve Marshall also executive produced "Gloria," the "All in the Family" spin-off starring Sally Struthers ... and pre-fame Corey Feldman as her son.

  29. Steve Marshall wrote a book, In Larry's Name, Amen, and I wrote a one star review here
