Thursday, May 31, 2018

Blind Item #11

This foreign born former A list singer who has not had a hit in what seems like a decade or longer is known by all of you. She is using coke to an extreme I have not seen from her in about five or six years. Apparently it is incredible quality stuff and she can't get enough of it. She is so giddy about the quality she talks about it constantly to her friends.


  1. Joss Stone maybe or Dido

  2. Lily Allen doesn't say the hits were here

  3. I was thinking Lily Allen because she hasn't had a hit since 2006.

  4. Anonymous11:43 AM

    My mind went to Kylie Minogue.

    1. Just had a No1 Album over here. She's still big news in the UK.

  5. Probably Allen. There have been articles published recently about how she turned to drugs after having kids and snorted ketamine at an awards show some years ago thinking it was coke.

  6. My first thought was Avril Lavigne but I hope not.

  7. Can't be Avril. The Canadian Avril died a while ago and the doppelganger Avril was born in Montana

  8. Not surprised with Noodles and Company always pushing their Coke de Mexico, cane sugar my ass.

  9. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Bjork ?

  10. Natasha Bedingfield?

  11. I snorted ketamine thinking it was coke once. Terrible experience.

    For anyone who doesn't know, the amount of cocaine in an average cocaine line is MUCH more volume than the amount of ketamine in an average ketamine "line" so a cocaine-sized ketamine line is NO BUENO.

    K-hole united. I think I forgot my name for awhile there and didn't know how to get home (I lived across the street).

    1. This sounds like the K-Hole
      (I have never been!)

    2. Oh God I have....terrible, came to my senses in Finsbury park station I got there, who knows? No more gay pride for me!

  12. There is a series on Netflix entitled, DRUGS, INC. that will give you a Masters Degree in drug terms and who runs what in the US of A. Amazing! Ten episodes, ten cities. Portland, Oregon episode was incredibly sad. Season 6, Episode 1 was entitled, New Year's Eve-NYC. About my neighborhood and who really owns and runs it. Like I didn't already know! America The Beautiful is now America The Pitiful.

    1. So sad buy true. No foreign power could have destroyed us so well.

  13. Lily Allen isn't somebody "known by all of you". Plus, she had 3 top 10s, including one #1 off of her last album in 2013.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. this isnt the answer for the blind, but gaga has been looking creepy skinny these daya. coke dates in the studio? wish she would put out another hit - she has the talent, she just needs the songs worthy of radio again.

  16. She was over exposed. Her team tried telling her that but she wouldn't listen.
