Thursday, May 31, 2018

Blind Item #13

Apparently this A list reality star is not sitting idly by while she continues to get cheated on by her celebrity boyfriend. She has been texting and sexting that directionally challenged rapper for the past few weeks. Yeah, I'm sure that would work out well.


  1. Replies
    1. And French MontanašŸ˜°

    2. Why is she sexting her old pimp? Maybe still current?

  2. KTrash Jr. \Tristan Thompson\French Montana

  3. She just had a baby FFS. What is wrong with that mutant family!?!?!?

    1. I assume some of it has to do with PMK ingesting large quantities of coke/drugs her younger years...(still?) lolšŸ¤·‍♀️

    2. They all suffer from Massive Whore Syndrome!

    3. MHS- lol. They need a prescription methinks!

  4. Didn't Khloe and French Montana already date? I'd think Enty would put in a mention of an "ex" if it were Khloe.
    I'll go for something different -- Katy Perry and French Montana because of the "idly" bit.

  5. She just keeps making a fool of herself.
    Get off social media and take care of your newborn baby!

  6. Why does he call French Montana "directionally challenged"?

    1. I guess because France and Montana are in different continents, I always assumed

  7. So much for being a new mother...

  8. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Jennifer, please shut the fuck up. You can nurse a baby and be on social media. I'll assume you're not a mother. Just a judgmental bitch.

    1. Wow! Someone took that comment a little too personally! Maybe you should work on why that bothered you so much.

  9. Just don't text me, Kong.

  10. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Because I think its shitty for people to mommy shame? and over social media of all things when were on a gossip blog ffs. everyone was begging for her to come back to social media when she had the baby and now that she is, everyone is shitting on her. Just doesn't make sense to me.

  11. We really need a fresh family to watch them sell their souls off a piece at a time, the House of K is running on fumes.

  12. Kfitz, I for one don't know anyone who missed Khloe on social media. In fact, we all bet it was because she was faking that damn pregnancy. She used a surrogate.

    I don't feel bad about any of the shit Khloe gets because she is a vile, lying beast. Always has been.

  13. FM started following Khloe on IG after the cheating scandal broke.

  14. Khloe is probably texting him for cocaine to lose that giant ass of hers that inflated even more during her "pregnancy."

  15. Funny how no one slags off fathers for using the internet though, eh? My youngest is 18 before some snotty childless cow says anything. Popping on Twitter or FB etc., for five mins while the kids are at school/asleep isn't tantamount to child neglect. I know it's shocking but mothers are allowed some free time too. It's not just for dads..

  16. Have you been living under a rock for the last twenty five years, noneofyourbusiness? Mommy shaming is a thing. While fathers are put on a pedestal, given preferential treatment and told how special and spectacular they are just because they ejaculated, Mothers, who carried, gave birth, breastfed and did the lionshare (if not all) of the parenting are slagged off for being too young/too old, for staying at home/for working, for being single/unmarried/divorced. The mother gets the blame for unwanted pregnancy or a child's misbehaviour (even when they're fully grown adults). Fathers? They can fuck off on their stag nights, go out drinking with their friends, sit on Xboxes etc., all day and no one says nothing. Gee..I wonder why?

  17. @Viking Song I have a couple of years before I turn 25, I'm not as old as most people who frequent this site. And yes, I've heard of mommy shaming. I laughed because no one here is shaming Kong for being a mother. She's a vile, disgusting human being like the rest of her trashy ass family. As for what you're ranting about, you sound very mad and need to take that rage and put it somewhere where it'll actually matter, not telling a complete stranger on a gossip site.

  18. Free Fanatic - Pimp Mama Kris.

  19. Mama Kris tells reporter Khloe will remain one more month in Cleveland and then return, with Tru, to Los Angeles. Will believe it when I see it. Must be time to start filming Season 15.

  20. Low Key said...
    Calm down, Khloe.

    Crazycatlady said...
    Take a chill pill Khlogre.

