Friday, May 25, 2018

Blind Item #15

This foreign born B/B- list actress/model with the hard name to spell has been trying to land a sponsorship gig with a certain kind of foreign based/kind of not company. She is always carrying their product but they don't want to have anything to do with her.


  1. I don't blame them. She's a ho with no talent or redeeming qualities.

  2. The company is Mondelēz International. Emily Ratty's been Toblerone Tunnelling

  3. I always forget that Emily 'Look, I have boobs!' was born outside the US since she grew up here.

  4. Rideajetski is a fucking joke. Why would anyone want her as a spokesmodel?

  5. I feel like Enty is usually more fun with his descriptions of Emily Rata but yeah that name is tough.

  6. Emily's last name isn't hard to spell - it's Ratakowski, no? It's not like its Schwartzenneger.

  7. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Emily Rataspreadslikepeanutbutter

  8. Actually it's spelled Ratajkowski, sounds Polish.

  9. She needs to layoff the lip fillers. Nothing wrong with a little enhancement but oy.

  10. well I mean she's just a rack with a rodenty face. hotter models for spokesperson out there.

    surprised her 15 minutes has lasted this long. she probably gives great head for gigs

  11. I'm disturbed that the llama faced one could be considered B list. I'm also disturbed at her seemingly complete lack of self awareness of how ugly her own face is. Like at least take a look at yourself, and try to stop with the "sexy face" photos, as llamas are not sexy.

  12. Lol, her name is the best thing about her, so many possibilities .......Ratoncowskis
