Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Blind Item #15

Oh, I guess she is a C+ list celebrity offspring if you live in the city where she lives. Her parental units are much higher on the list, but not in entertainment per se. Sort of. Anyway, she hit on this A+ list mostly movie actor hard but he turned her down. She then said I guess all those rumors about you are true and the actor shrugged his shoulders and walked away.


  1. Who hit on Leo and where was he?

  2. Leo has the right to say no.

  3. Leo's "gf" would fit since she's Al Pacino's step daughter but she already knows she's a beard

  4. I'm just sick of #MeToo as a whole.

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  6. It must be someone who is the daughter of a famous businessman, like a tech daughter in San Francisco, or a politician.

    Sean Penn lives in San Francisco, I can see him not caring

  7. Does Angelyne have a daughter?

    (^joke for old people)

  8. I dont know about Penn. Are their gay rumors about him?

  9. @gauloise

    sean penn does not live in SF, have no clue where you got that.


    and who gives a fuck? you gonna affect history with your opinion? thats what I thought, now get back in your lane and shut the f up. its a movement whether you like it or not. ALSO

    THE TROLLS ARE SO OBVIOUS ON HERE. can you guys at least try to troll good, like count jerkula good? or candy? like, your game is so sad, please notch it up, you're just taking up space in the comments and all the veterans here are sick of you guys wasting our time.

    1. Wow notthisagain! You sound so tolerant 😂

  10. Dear unknown, learn the difference between raping/sexually assaulting someone/sexually blackmailing someone and flirting with someone. They're not the same. The only "double standard" exists in your head.

    1. Are you kidding me? If man flirted with a woman and she felt uncomfortable she’d be on twitter right now saying she was assaulted......

    2. Oh grow the hell up

  11. I honestly thought someone would have suggested Tiffany Trump by now.

  12. @nonya You're not the only one.

  13. @bollybiy --- anytime someone types out Angelyne's name, an angel gets its wings!

  14. Tiff Trump was my first thought as well.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Malia, behave yourself.

  17. +1 @Boldblonde
    “No” is a complete sentence.

  18. One of Sarah Palin's daughters?

  19. This could also be the daughter of a celebrity chef/famous spouse or a famous couple in the fashion world.

  20. @notthisagain You clearly give a fuck because you went on a full blown rant about my opinion. How tragic. Put all that energy into something that actually matters. Bore off.

  21. This sounds like Tiffany Trump. But, who did she hit on?
    And, suggesting someone's gay becasue they don't find you attractive is just pathetic, Tiffany.

  22. Also, being a veteran doesn't mean anything on a gossip site. I can't believe some people see that as some sort of accomplishment. Lol.

  23. Hmmm...when I read this, I thought of Chelsea Clinton. Has she fallen to C+ now? Enty had her at B in 2015. Would be hilarious if it's her...she's carefully cultivated such a proper public image. I'd like her more if she was lusting after Leo at a party, being all flirty after a couple drinks. :)

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  26. No idea about the offspring. Probably someone I've never heard of. Is the actor single? That would rule out most of the usual suspects (Clooney, Cooper, Statham). Cruise is single as far as I know, but I think he'd lose his shit over that comment.

    Leo's probably the best guess. He has a gf ('gf'?), but I don't think anyone would consider him off the market. Plus, although I'm still not entirely convinced he's gay, I have a feeling that IF he is, he's tired of hiding it/not really giving a fuck anymore. Not sure about Cooper and Statham either, but both seem firmly committed to keeping up a straight image, as does Clooney. Having a child with the beard would make it hard to smoothly sneak out of the closet.

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  28. @notthisagain
    Penn has lived in the Bay Area for ages. I have lots of friends in SF and it is common knowledge, you see him hanging out at bars like Tosca.

    you are such a lame troll, lol you act like he's your best friend or something.

  29. What, Sean Penn is gay now, too?

  30. Steve Jobs daughter?

  31. So some nobody inbred offspring from a celebrity (only a celebrity in their little cowtown in Kansas. Probably a rodeo clown) begged some celebrity to impregnate her so she can get child support, but he showed no interest?

    Hmm, this is truly fascinating

  32. Someone hitting on Keanu?

  33. Eyeroll

    Chelsea Clinton is married and has been for quite some time. I think she has two children.

    There should be a troll handbook so they don't post non factual...oh wait.

    I vote for Marla Maples daughter too.

  34. I honestly would have thought many more would have said Chelsea Clinton.

  35. But on second thought, Malia or Sasha Obama are the obvious choices.

  36. The casual bigotry of the remark about being homosexual screams Clinton but does Chelsea Hubbell rate as high as C+? Seems doubtful.

    Couldn't be one of the Obama girls (daughters?), there was no immediate cry of RACIST! when turned down.

    The mystery deepens ...

  37. BCoop and Tiffany Trump maybe?

  38. @Unknown

    What happened baby? Too many of those nasty women shoot you down and call the cops when you stalked them?



    Get used to the trolls. Enty and AJ Benza campaigned for them from 4chan and becoming political by entertaining the Pizzagate crowd.

    @anyone guessing Chelsea

    Oh come on you aren't even trying!


    Best guess, as usual.

  39. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Meghan McCain for the offspring

  40. plot would have CDaN be a safe harbor for pedos - where the commenters against child molestation are merely trolls, only in it for the sport of the hunt, and not to be taken seriously even when presenting overwhelming evidence otherwise.
    And THEY insist THEY are not getting paid for it, so what would motivate the self-appointed pedo-protection-squad?
