Friday, May 25, 2018

Blind Item #1

This permanent A+ list rapper and this permanent A+ list singer have largely remained silent about this former A+ list rapper. That does not hold true for a sibling of the singer who thinks the former A+ list rapper is trying to sabotage his career to get out of paying debts to the previously mentioned couple. The sibling has been talking smack to anyone anytime about what she thinks.


  1. Jay/Beyoncé/Kanye

  2. Yeah, I'm with Geelijire on this one.

    Black America is powerful, but promising to always vote for the same party no matter what gives away a lot of that power.

    Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, White Americans, Jewish Americans - politicians never know who they're going to vote for, so they have to create policies that appeal to them.

    I'd like to see Black Americans start to leverage some of their political strength.

    1. Are they supposed to vote for Republicans instead? Time and time again republicans have shown they literally don’t give one fuck about black people or POC in general.. they literally don’t care about their lives. It’s either vote for the Democratic Party or not at all. This man is only a “trump supporter” not because of his policies.. policies he’s been asked to explain but can’t nams one. He’s a supporter because it’s “different” from what many people believe in and he wants to “stand out” that’s not cool at all.

    2. Anonymous9:03 AM

      Straw man argument. Try harder. Or don’t try so hard...

    3. @unknown. We are seeing the lowest black unemployment in history under Trump. Tell me again how republicans don't care about black people? Unless you don't think black people are capable of working and providing for their families? Are you racist?

    4. Republicans don't care about black people. But neither do democrats. They're both garbage parties and anyone who blindly follows either is an idiot, unless they're wealthy and connected because those are the only people any of the parties actually represents.

  3. So Kanye is sabotaging his career by being a Trump supporter in order to get out of debt with Hova and Queen B? Is this right?

    Any links to Solange airing out this piece of information?

    1. If he knew anything he would’ve said so when he had his “breakdown” he’s just pissed because Beyonce doesn’t want to be friends with his wife and because they didn’t attend their wedding let’s be real. They would’ve probably gone if they weren’t filming that ridiculous tv show.

  4. I bet Kanye knows lot's of Juicy stuff so they probably don't want to set him off and Solange is always in their business it's ridiculous she needs to live her own life it makes Beyonce look weak.

  5. @NuttyFlavor, I agree. Blacks voting 90+% for one party is INSANE! They're taken for granted by the Dems and are expected to tow the line no matter what. Sad.

  6. I would definitely respect Solange more if she just stayed out of her sister's business and focused on herself.

    That said, I couldn't give two shits about Beyonce, so anytime she gets exposed or criticised is fine by me.

  7. Anonymous7:01 AM

    @Unknown - Exactly.

  8. @Unknown, I believe that within the next 20 years the Republican party will be increasingly led by Indian Americans and other Asian Americans. (Nikki Haley is just the first among many.)

    These are successful, often wealthy people who are already joining the party in significant numbers, and they tend to be pro-business without all the racist baggage of both major political parties.

    Why shouldn't the Republicans appeal to, say, Black female entrepreneurs?

    There are millions of them out there running small businesses and dealing with some of the dumb taxes and regulations imposed on these businesses - like having to get a license to braid hair.

  9. I can't understand how any POC could vote republican when they consistently try to suppress their votes in many states, this is beyond shameful and anyone of any colour who votes for them while they continue to do this should be ashamed to vote for people who are trying to take people's rights away to get or stay in power.

    1. Suppress votes Leanne? You mean by expecting voters to be able to prove who they are? Are you one of those people who thinks poor people and minorities are too stupid to know how to get a state issued ID? 😂! You don't care about "rights" Leanne! You care about regurgitating your party line like a good little tool!

  10. What if black people had a party?
    Would there be too many Democratic temper tantrums?
    This, "working families party"/NYCC, and a pervasive snitch network on a community board level is why it doesn't happen in NYC.

  11. Laurie Cumbo should be deposed.
    Hi Laurie.
    Remember me?
    That Rochester snitch ain't close to on my level.

  12. @Unknown
    The main reason why blacks vote Democrat is because they're wholly beholden to them. They rely on them for nearly everything. Black people make up a huge swathe of the Federal and State employment, which the GOP is always trying to cut. The public sector is a huge reason for the black middle class so they will defend their jobs by voting Dem. Then there is the issue of blacks being disproportionately on welfare more than any other race. That's based on their population, not overall welfare use.
    Then last the media is always portraying the GOP as "racist". The GOP wants to cut government, limit it, that's their whole platform, but the media spins it as they want to harm black people. Cutting government /= harming black people. Being wholly dependent on the state and one party harms black people. The Dems pretty much have black people in check.

    Time and time again, intelligent and successful black people tell other black people that they cannot rely on the Dems and government their whole lives. But they're shut down as Uncle Toms. Even if Kanye is insincere, people shouldn't be shutting down other black people for thinking differently, and going their own way. Kanye is a self made man. Black people need independence and self determination away from being reliant on the state and a single political party.

  13. @Leanne That's nonsense.

    Voter ID laws are basic common sense; you have to show who you are in order to vote. They're standard all over the Western world, including Canada, Australia, and the social democracies of Europe. I'm not sure why people get all up in arms about them in the USA.

    In fact, what I think is offensive is the suggestion that nonwhite people are too lazy or ignorant to get a photo ID. To me, that's the bigotry of low expectations.

    You need photo ID everywhere these days, including to take a flight or use a check-cashing joint.

  14. JayZ/Taykor Swift/Kanye West
    Her brother definitely doesn't shy about Kanye West. I remember him throwing his yeezys pair in the trash on Instagram when the Famous song controversy started.

  15. Kanye seems pretty sincere, whatever is going on in his head I doubt it's all a scheme to shaft them out of money. I'd like to see him run for public office, the campaign would be fantastic.

  16. @Bryson87, I agree.

  17. @Nutty Flavor
    Exactly. The voter suppression stuff trotted out by the media is largely bogus. Voters have to have an ID, can't register the same day, and cannot have a felony conviction of "moral turpitude". Oh no!

  18. This is the biggest bunch of horse shit ever posted on here. First Jay-Z doesn't lend money out to anyone. He's a low rent crack dealer and murderer, he's also fucking terrible at business. All his ideas stink, and the success he has had amounts to ripping other artists off and scamming investors. That's beginning to catch up to him, which is good. As for Beyonce's sister, fuck that crazy bitch.

    Kanye may or may not be semi broke, who the fuck knows, but this kind of bullshit is only being pushed because he's MAGA. Every 2 bit liberal and SJW is all broken up that a prominent black man is acting in a non approved manner. I'll leave up to others to decide if that's racist or not.

  19. @Vessimede
    How is it racist to take one black guy's side over the other? That "racist" canard is starting to have less and less power to shut people up. It's not racist to want to see black people succeed, think independently, and not be beholden to a single party.

  20. Happy Memorial Day CDAN

    Partial transcript of "The Big Story With John Gibson," March 5, 2007, that has been edited for clarity.

    JOHN GIBSON, HOST: Now for a "Big Story" exclusive: the author of the column "Why I Hate Blacks."

    Last week we told you about the overtly racist column which was published in San Francisco's AsianWeek. At that point the editor of the paper had apologized for publishing the column and since then he has also fired the writer, Kenneth Eng.

    What made Eng write that column in the first place? Why does he say that he hates blacks and whites and even his fellow Asians? With me now is self-proclaimed Asian supremacist Kenneth Eng.

    So, Mr. Eng, have you changed your mind?

    KENNETH ENG, AUTHOR OF "WHY I HATE BLACKS": Well no, and personally if I'm racist then so is Sofia Coppola. And more importantly I'd like to talk about the philosophy of "Dragons: Lexicon Triumvirate," which tells a story about cyborg dragons fighting in the Middle Ages. And in this realm, evolution has worked in a more logical way, even though it's in a fantasy setting which makes it logical that dragons are more superior than humans, in that they have intelligence and are larger and they can...

    GIBSON: You're talking about some of your science fiction writing. You're a science fiction writer, correct?

    ENG: Yes, but it relates to this as well.

    GIBSON: But in your column you say, "I hate black people." In an earlier column you said you hate white people. You also said in an earlier column, evidently, I hate Asians. Now why is it you have, I mean, do you really believe that? You hate all those different people?

    ENG: Well, I generally hate black and white people, but the Asian article was sarcastic. It's kind of like the sarcasm I had in my novel, in which dragons slay tons and tons of humans. But this relates to — in the sense that dragons logically follow evolution so they would be able to wield metal.

    GIBSON: Right, but you don't have any regrets about saying something as overtly racist as you hate somebody because they're black or because they're white?

    ENG: Evidently Sofia Coppola and Quentin Tarantino have nothing against that and neither does Shaquille O'Neal and Chris Tucker. So I have no regrets at all.

    GIBSON: Why do you hate blacks?

    ENG: Well, you know, just to be blunt, 90 percent of them usually walk up to me and call me, you know, like for instance, ching-chong and stuff like that. I mean, I don't really give a damn, but you know, I mean, after a while it gets pretty damn annoying. And not to mention they get so much media attention. But you know, I mean aside from that, you probably want to know why I call myself the god of the universe as well.

    GIBSON: No, I wasn't going to ask you about that. Why do you hate white people?

    ENG: Well, you know, I mean, part of that is the fact that so many of them are Christians and religion is obviously [no audio] like a pathetic religion, just like any other religion. And the reason why I call myself god of the universe is because it's a play on religion. It's a parody.

  21. Look out, Kanye.

    Solange get special treatment from the authorities. She can physically assault people right on camera and nothing happens.

  22. LOL, Asians have no white guilt. They will probably not treat other POCs with kid gloves and instead assert themselves as supreme.

    But of course, white people are the only ones capable of being racist? LOL. What a ridiculous clown world we live in!

  23. @J I think if Jay Z pressed charges Solange would have been arrested. What kind of comment is that?

  24. Please don't presume to know why Black people vote or feel the way they do. Most people don't actually care to understand, or listen without prejudice. The ONLY thing i saw here that made any type of sense was that black people should put together resources to gain a footing for our own party, but that would never happen because then we would be seen as racist. Growing up in a predominately upper middle class black area has allowed for certain comforts that many of my race haven't had.

    Oh and the whole "black people on public assistance" thing is played out. Keep in mind that some of those black people who receive food stamps are in college and are afforded them through aid. The statistic is still reported, but not explained out. I have never personally known anyone black who was on welfare.

  25. @Nummi, I don't think black people are a monolith, and I don't think an "all black" party makes any sense.

    What does Malia Obama at Harvard have in common with someone in rural Mississippi or a bad neighborhood in Chicago? Or a new African or Carribean immigrant, for that matter?

    White, Asian and Hispanic people all have varied points of view depending on their own personal histories. Skin color does not triumph over all.

  26. Every culture, race and every nation, at some point in history, have invaded and enslaved other people AND have been invaded and enslaved themselves. White people have nothing to feel guilty about. PoC have, historically, committed the most atrocities and have indulged in slavery the most. The largest Empire in history was the Mongolian Empire which enslaved and killed a third of the world's population. White people are increasingly sick and tired of the cherry picked history and the false victimhood created by parasites who live off White achievement and accomplishments while demanding compensation for slavery they never experienced on behalf of an ancestor they never met..

    1. Your vaunted "white" (not a real nor meaningful term) achievements led us here.

  27. @Nutty- Exactly. I hate generalizations. Nobody can speak for everybody, and the sooner everyone is able to see people for who they really are instead of their race we will all be better off for it. Doubt it will happen in my lifetime, but I can hope right?

  28. @Nummi
    The stats don't lie. Black people are disproportionately on welfare more than any other race. It doesn't matter if some are in college or not, they're taking assistance. They also make up a huge swathe of Federal govt employment. Again these stats are verifiable facts.
    The point is that no other race is wholly dependent on a political party like African Americans. I am not saying this to look down on black people, but instead to explain the voting patterns.

    Black people don't need a party of their own, that's silly. They only make up 13% of the population. I can't even believe you would consider that as a viable option much less think it was the "only" thing that made any sense on this board. A black political party would probably only pull well in a few majority black cities and wouldn't help out black people as a whole across the country.
    The point is to stop looking to the state as a way out.

  29. @Viking Song
    The anti-white rhetoric is a socially acceptable form of racism in our society. If we question it, we're looked at suspiciously. If we debate it, we're seen as failing to acknowledge our "privilege", and if we denounce it we're seen as "supremacists". It's a Klan if you don't, Klan if you do, type of thing. It's a set up, plain and simple. The politics of revenge.

  30. It's not just about voter ID it's about purging of voter rolls, closing polling stations in areas with a high amount of minority voters, restricting early voting times and often only having one polling station open for early voting in a county.
    Getting on a plane or driving a car aren't rights like voting there shouldn't be the same barriers in place. The amount of documented voter fraud is miniscule and in the majority of cases are unintentional and are not prosecuted.
    Ask yourself what their motivation is to bring in ID laws when they know the majority of voter's with no ID wouldn't vote for them, it's shameless and as bad as gerrymandering which both parties are guilty of, but the republicans have taken to a whole new level. Look at some of the maps they've drawn up. Lot's people with no ID don't have the documents required or the money to get them it's a tax on voting that suppresses the vote of poorer people especially if they are on a fixed income like the elderly or disabled. Do you think it's a coincidence that republicans brought in these laws that mainly effect people who don't historically vote for them?
    In the UK we don't have voter ID's and when they ran a pilot in the local elections it causes thousands of people to be turned away at polling stations.
    We need more people to vote not less.

  31. Possession of a photo ID should be a prerequisite to voting. The other things you mentioned have their reasons. Everything is not some racist conspiracy. The only reason why gerrymandering affects black people is because they vote for Dems 90+% as do other POCs, so when the GOP engages in it, the Dems spin it as being "racist". The GOP is the party of limited govt., and they tend to support things that go against more spending. So, since AAs and other POCs tend to be rely a lot on govt, anything the GOP does will be spun by the media as an attack on POC.

  32. The greatest destruction of black wealth happen under obama who deliberately favoured wall st. over main screw then over. The clinton's gave black america the welfare reform and crime bills that decimated their communities. The democrats have a lot to answer for. Always remember Flint happened under obama's watch and he did jack s*** to help. There is a great interview with pusha T on hot97 today where he tries to square his support for hillary with her disasterous policies.

  33. I don't like voter suppression of any kind, but is it unreasonable for an adult to have some kind of ID? You get carded at the club, at the bar, at the liquor store, at the bank, at the convenience store for cigarettes, at the doctor's office, at the pharmacy, at the restaurant for wine, at college enrollment, at the car rental place, at your employment, at hotels, etc. As for so called rights, just try purchasing a firearm without ID. We thought it was a good idea to require ID for all of those things, why not voting? Isn't that as important as everything else?

  34. @Unknown @LEANNE Are you out of your mind? I'm not voting democrat because you or any other black/non-black person of color says so. I vote for whomever I please. Democrats don't care any more about us than republicans do. Their racism is insidious, which is what I dislike more than outright, blatant racism. Hillary Clinton for example, pandering to us black people by saying stupid shit like she carries hot sauce in her bag, having concerts done with big a list celebs like Jay Z and Beyonce. She talked to us like we were stupid. Let us not forget she called my people "superpredators, with no conscious, no empathy, who need to be brought to heel". And let's not get into her husband's crime bill, which was a lose-lose for black Americans. Shut up. Black people can vote however they want to or they can not vote at all. We are not a monolith, we don't all think alike and we don't have to.

  35. Meek Mills and Dolange

  36. @Rennie Rose as stated above I'm from the UK so I don't support the democratic party, I'm much more to the left of most democrats! I guess if I was American I'd vote democrat because of the two party system making third party votes basically irrelevant. You are the one regurgitating your party line ignoring what your party has been found guilty of multiple times. I'm not blind to my parties failings the Labour party has many flaws and I'm more than willing to point then out I don't blindly follow anyone unlike you who seem to be another Clinton conspiracy obsessive by your comments on other blinds.
    It's not about thinking anyone is too stupid to get ID that's just a diversion tactic on your parties behalf, it's about taking people's rights away and if it didn't work why would your party keep doing it in multiple states as well as other voter suppression tactics I stated above, but hey you keep blindly supporting your party and not expecting them to be decent and fair to all Americans because it suits them.

  37. How did this go from Kanye, jay/bey and Solange to the state of the Black voter? I don't much care who Kanye votes for, he's a problematic dumb ass on so many other levels, his vote is a moot point.
