Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Blind Item #2

This former A+ list singer has some of his people outside concerts passing out free t-shirts to women that support the singer/child molester. If they are willing to wear them, they get invited to a party to meet the singer.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ugh, R fucking Kelly. Why is he still alive?

    1. Or why the fuck does the idiot who writes the blinds keep giving him credence.

  3. Let me guess, the shirts are yellow with the slogan "Pee On Me"

  4. lmao I wanna see the shirts otherwise I dont believe this myth. Like at this point we get it. R Kelly is a POS with a mini sex cult in his home and is involved with a pedo ring which has powerful people that protect him since he supplies young girls to other gross men which is why he is not rotting in prison rn.

  5. Is this the same person who has his people finding girls at high schools from a few days ago?

  6. R. Kelly now being sued by former girlfriend for sexual abuse, locking her up and giving her the herpes. Whole host of accusations, she’s seeking damages.

  7. @Thonker

    Oh of course, R. Kelly knows the most powerful people. He's an illiterate POS with a small circle of friends, most of whom are now rushing away from him. RK rarely even leaves his house. How is he going to foster this vast web of Powerful Pedos?

    RK has gotten away with this for years because he's hermetic and chooses to live in areas where the cops rarely investigate anything at all.

  8. Reminds me of last year when i saw someone in a 'lost prophets' t-shirt at work.

  9. @longtimereader Awkward!

    It’s like R Kelly is flaunting his perversion at this point. What a terrible message this gives to young black girls and women about their worth in society.

    I follow The Shade Room on Instagram and it shocks me how much support there still is for R Kelly. Also that a lot of the support is actually coming from black females. What a messed up world.

  10. A little less gossip, a little more meaningfully coordinating taking down of this vermin.
