Thursday, May 31, 2018

Blind Item #7

At this point, they just want to humiliate this permanent A list "singer" by leaking whatever answers she gives unless she forks over the money they want. This is going to be a very ugly situation and cause a permanent divide in what had been a pretty amicable situation the past six or seven years.


  1. Kevin needs a damn JOB! I’m sure he’s paying child support for his other 2 kids and I’m SURE that money is coming from the child support Britney pays him! Complete BUM.

  2. Hire vicky to create an 'accident', problem soled.

  3. K-Fed needs to get off his lazy ass and get a damn job! I feel sorry for Britney -she’s been used and abused by people in her life who dont give a shit about her and just want her money.

  4. Kevin knows lots of bad things
    Britney may end up with no visitation

  5. longtime reader deserves an award for that comment!

  6. Contrarian here! I think Britney should fork over the $1 million a year and be done with it. KFed is a shiftless baby maker who can barely speak. He is using Britney for income for his whole houseful of kids. All of that is true. But a million isn't really that much (it's probably just $700K actually) to keep his raggedity ass happy.

    Britney did marry him, have two of his kids, and greatly depended on him during her mental breakdown to keep those kids safe. If the unfairness of life means she has to part with a million every year, she should just do it and move on.

    1. What kinda wack ass liberal thinking... Just give him a million, no problem!

  7. Correct me if I'm wrong, but no one made her hook up with that dirtbag parasite.

    Bad decision => bad outcome. Happens to guys all the time.

    Tough luck, girlie.

  8. Does she even get a say in what happens if she has her parents as conservator?

  9. He should be careful. Trying to take advantage or exploit a woman for money could backfire, and he'll have the entire women's movement on top of this demanding he gets nothing and pointing out he's lazy and just wants money.

    1. I would think people with a penis could see that about him too though lol.

  10. Unknown, you just switched me to team Federline, dickhead though he is.

  11. Can her fucking family and her stupid lazy exes just get off her ass. Make your own money you lazy fucks. Brit has been through enough

  12. I know tons of divorced dudes who have also been through enough. Doesn't help them, though... they still get extorted.

  13. Hopefully KF will get a vasectomy soon. How does that wife of his put up with his slacker ass? Hopefully the next 5 years will be over with.

  14. Anonymous10:46 AM

    I'd give him the money on one condition; he must have a vasectomy immediately!

  15. I just feel like Brit Brit could afford better lawyers that could put and end to this and maybe even make us never hear his name again. I mean, if you’re gonna pay out the ass for something, don’t let it be to kfed

  16. SSDD, Kfat has always had dirt on Britney. I don't think it's like dead hooker dirt, but stuff that would make her look bad. It's up to her to decide if paying him to shut his blowhole is still worth it.

    1. I doubt it’s the kind of ‘dirt’ that’s hidden. Given the state of things, wouldn’t she have dirt on him too?

  17. Get a job Federline, you fat, lazy cunt!

  18. I love Britney. Always have. She fucked up because she had fucked up people around her and was forced into the paedo world of celebrity from a very young age. She now is basically owned by people and is used for her money. She lost the plot. I would too. She was affected by the cesspool that is celebrity. At least she is working her arse off these days.

  19. Funny thing about people who “punish” you by humiliating you in public is, they don’t necessarily pay their fair share (and just because I used the word “pay” doesn’t mean I’m referring to money—I’m talking about respect and common decency, giving a person the amount of attention you expect from them, making sure things aren’t so one-sided).

    Hey, Enty. WTF happened behind the scenes? The usual suspects (as in the ones I suspect are agency/PR people) have completely changed tune. You can tell something happened by judging what they post/comment (like how people who live near volcanoes watch animals/monkeys descend the mountains to check when the volcano is active). It was the complete opposite in late April (I remember thinking something big was about to happen around April 25-ish). And now this.

    What happened? New blackmail material or is someone just being a spiteful, needy-big-ego asshole as usual?


    2. Kindly shut up, James.

  20. Um - nobody is mentioning the House In Virginia she is rumored to have, that could be pretty massively detrimental to her public image, career prospects, and social standing.

    1. Do you have any other details on that? I can't seem to find any information.

  21. Can she have really done anything worse than the time she walked barefoot into a gas station bathroom? IIRC, it was during her Cheetos phase.

  22. Why doesn't she just use for sole custody, he gets visitation and no child support on either side.

  23. House in Virginia? Never heard about that. What's the story?

  24. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Call Federline's bluff. Let him release whatever he's got.
    They are all living off Britney's little Vegas dance numbers. That's their meat and potatoes.
    Why would they release anything that affects her public image?
    Do they want her to lose Vegas? Nope.
