Saturday, May 26, 2018

Blind Item #9

This alliterate basketball player is still cheating on his celebrity girlfriend with the same woman he has been seeing for months and months.


  1. Tristan Thompson

  2. Lol I thought we already knew this.... not shocking at all. She’ll stay with him and let him cheat in peace because she wants him in his daughters life. She sees he isn’t in his sons life and doesn’t want that for True. This girl will NEVER learn

  3. Koko is an idiot.
    Take your baby and go home.
    You'd think that the cheating days before she gave birth would be enough to send her packing. This guy ruined what should have been the most special moment in her life. And probably dealing with the baby blues too...

  4. Khloeger. Why is this a blind? We know that whole family is all about making decisions based on what is best for their publicity.

  5. as long as the klan can make a storyline out of it, PMK & co. dont care.

    who are the fools that stan the kartrashians? why do they still breathe our oxygen?

  6. It;s all means more money for America's Sweetheart, Ryan Seacrest.

  7. Well her real father obviously wasn't in her life
