Thursday, May 17, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 9, 2018

This mainstream newspaper is trying to get the world to normalize child porn so that people will see it the same way as alcohol addiction - as a sickness rather than something criminal. Umm, no.

New York Times


  1. I find both the Times and the Washington Post unbearable these days.

    I subscribe to them both for business reasons, but I don't get my news there.

    1. The opinion section is where they gives the sick f*cks a platform

  2. They try to normalize everything to look the same way as alcohol addiction. When all you have is a hammer every problem looks like a nail, especially through the bottom of a glass. Pretty sure they've applied the addiction model to anything and everything.

  3. How is this a blind item? You could just link to whatever they wrote.

  4. It's true that there are people that are genuinely attracted to children but do not act on it. Only those that act on it are the criminals. Those that are attracted to children may seek counseling and some may even choose to be chemically castrated via Lupron or some other sex hormone suppression drug.

    With that said, being sexually aroused by children CAN be a sickness but should not be normalized because those without the sickness will only use it as an excuse.

    Source: Criminal Justice grad major and we learned about this last semester in our Sex Crimes and Behavior class.

    1. Did you listen to that story This American Life did on a teen pedophile? Tarred and feathered. There's no help for people until they offend which is severely fucked up, not enough study has been done about prevention. Castration doesn't work.

  5. I haven't read it in 20 years. I won't click on links to it either. I admit I miss Will Shortz though.

  6. Mark Thompson, CEO of the NYTimes, helped cover up Jimmy Savile's crimes at the BBC. Thompson was Director-General of BBC as its own reporters were trying to dig up and expose the truth and he did everything in his power to shut them down. The man seems like a evil monster and probably is.

    1. I was about to post this but saw you did. Good job.

  7. Did you know: that the urban myth that nobody did anything when Kitty Genovese was stabbed to death in Queens in 1964 was an untruth first published by the NY Times?

    1. Every newspaper pulled that shit in that era, but it shouldn't happen now.

  8. Someone speaking like an expert on a subject and then unironically revealing the source of their expertise to be an undergrad class they are enrolled in is my favorite thing about the internet.

  9. Alongside the WaPo,it really is an embarrassment to journalism in the US. Their columnist's especially are beyond stupid.

  10. Says it on the first page - All the news that's "fit' to print.

  11. Exactly, Catwalk. It is an affliction. That should NEVER be acted on. Some people know this but can't seek help because of the laws. The help they need is chemical castration. Meds that take care of it.

    People who act on this are effed up, period.

  12. It's not just the New York Times.

    Many powerful pedophiles (particularly in Hollywood) are working around the clock to railroad this particular piece of social engineering through. Social integration of child molestation is the holy grail to the degenerate hordes. Though I suspect that considering the much vaunted #MeToo "movement" failed to bring down any of these vile creatures they're somewhat relaxed and we may see them easing up on this a bit.

  13. "failed to bring down" anyone? Al Franken resigned the Senate. Bill Cosby was just convicted. There is a criminal case being prepared against Harvey Weinstein as we speak.

    1. DT, none the people you mentioned are pedophiles. #MeToo has done a lot of good for serial abusers of adults, just not children.

  14. @Nutty_Flavor - YES! The Washington Post used to be fantastic but I think since Bezos bought the paper it is just a propaganda sheet and it is laughable. The WaPo Express paper they give riders in the DC Metro subway is just as bad- full of extreme left wing slanted innuendo. So depressing, and this NYT reasoning is absolutely crazy.

  15. As far as pedos, what have you seen Kevin Spacey been working on lately other than a tan and a legal defense?

  16. "Mainstream" to those who think left of left.

    1. Pedo's come from both sides of Politics.

    2. +1 hothotheat. I’m sick of this being turned into a “my party is clean, yours is dirty and responsible for all of the evil in the world” type of narrative. Politics should not come into play at all- evil is evil, period. And there’s evil (and also good) on both sides.

  17. @Nutty

    "I find both the Times and the Washington Post unbearable these days."

    Why? The NY Times is badly damaged as far as it's rep goes (latest quasi apology for burying stories about Trump's Russian connections before the election and non-stop coverage of HerEmails! is yet another in a long string of "mistakes" they've made.) The Times is also falling victim to millennial "think" pieces like the pedophile piece. But the WaPo is one of the few independent news sources out there anymore and they are making great use of that.

    The New Yorker has been astounding in the last couple of years, too, in it's reporting. Ronan Farrow, among others, is doing excellent work there. Just yesterday he revealed that someone (Mnuchin at Treasure most likely) is ripping files out of the suspicious financial transaction database if they in any way compromise Trump.

    Scary times.

  18. @longtimereader

    "Alongside the WaPo,it really is an embarrassment to journalism in the US"

    What did you dislike about WaPo?

  19. @Lisa

    "full of extreme left wing slanted innuendo."

    You mean stories about the way Trump is profiting from his government connections? How he is securing jobs for China while ignoring jobs for US Americans so he can make money? How his children are writing exemptions for their own businesses from any legislation changes?

    Those are slanted innuendo. Those are fucking FACTS.

  20. @DDonna They do run in packs. If you find one, you should smoke out his coven. A judge, a politician, a lawyer or two, someone with a car dealership or other business large and bustling enough to write off expenses and hide income, a summer camp or youth program director, and always some smooth lothario or two who can woo women and make babies. This is why The Crow blind spoke to so many of us here. We loved that movie because he did the things we wish would happen to the vile creatures who slither under the radar and hurt people.

  21. Jew York Times. The Tribe attacks again. Oy Vey!

  22. And now, as the subject turns of the media's pushing for normalization of paedophiles comes up, Surprise!, plot jumps in (again!) with anti-Trump bashing to derail the argument into a political spat.

    How much are you being paid? Seriously, it must be a good gig.

  23. @Do Tell

    You're a fool if you think Harvey Weinstein or Kevin Spacey will see a day of jail time. At worst these people will go into Polanski exile-living out a life of luxury somewhere in Europe with access to plenty more victims to boot. Bill Cosby's current troubles predate MeToo and are in part because he was extremely rapacious even for a Hollywood rapist, Al Franken was a sacrificial lamb to protect the rest of the predators in the senate.

    MeToo was mostly noise about drunken groping and awkward flirtation and Hollywood deflecting the blame off of themselves and onto the rest of the country (as usual). If you think that's anything on the same level as raping women and children you're exactly the kind of fool these people thrive on.

  24. STFU Rafael, you worthless bigot.

    plot, the #MeToo movement is primarily aim is fighting for women, so I was just saying to OffWithTheirHeads, from that perspective, it's been successful.

  25. OffWithTheirHeads, quite a few of the allegations with MeToo HAVE been about rape, particularly with Weinstein. Others have had to do with sexually exploiting/quid-pro-quo-ing women as a power play, something only an idiot wouldn't think was serious. I don't expect a fool like you to have been paying attention to details, though.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Do Tell, you are a mindless simp with your head in the sand trying to make yourself feel better about the fucked up world ignorant people like you allow to keep running. MeToo is worthless and has changed nothing. I'm done with you, a farm animal is not worth talking to.

  28. Exactly how are they trying to normalize it?

  29. OffWithTheirHeads, you are a brainless, knownothing misogynistic idiot unconcerned with facts or reality. Good luck with that.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Could someone provide a link to where the Times is trying to normalize pedophilia?

  32. @plot, I can't really see a newspaper owned by one of America's richest men as "independent", any more than I see Murdoch's papers as "independent."

    Bezos has a point of view to sell (plus tax advantages to safeguard) and he bought a newspaper based in Washington DC to do just that. Not wrong, but not "independent" either. It may seem that way to you because it echoes what you already believe.

    I like to read a mix of sources every day, from The Guardian, Atlantic and Daily Beast on the left (and "Current Affairs" on the hard left - plot, you'd probably like that one - it's well written) to Quilette and City Journal on the non-racist right. Occasionally the Standard and the National Review as well.

    Real Clear Politics generally does a good list overview of the stories of the day on both sides of the aisle, as well as some good pieces from local papers like the Raleigh News & Observer and the Detroit News. (RCP's own stories aren't that good, in my opinion.)

  33. @Adrian, I'm not claiming expertise but I'm sure I know more about the subject than others that didn't study it. *I* certainly did not know before taking these classes. I thought all pedophiles had a choice but that's not the case. It's their actions that turn it into criminal behavior. Btw, it was a GRADUATE course. ;)

  34. @Coffinnails

    "They do run in packs. If you find one, you should smoke out his coven"

    Y'all need to find an artist and a colorist for you comic book.


    "MeToo is worthless and has changed nothing."

    Except it won an Alabama Senate election for a democrat who only yesterday helped secure Net Neutrality for all of us. That ain't nothing.

    Except it causes the loss of many state races because proven sexual harassers were forced to resign. Again, not nothing.

    Except a movie studio is now DOA, not nothing.

    Except Fox News, of all places, had to fire it's money makers and shell out many millions of dollars to victims, because of Me Too. Not nothing.

    Except more accusations are treated seriously, through out all industries. Not nothing.

    "a farm animal is not worth talking to. "

    Come on, pet, you'll be back to oink or cluck very soon. Let's be honest.

  35. Plot-TWISTED wrote: "The WaPo is one of the few independent news sources out there anymore and they are making great use of that."

    This pretty much seals the deal that Plot-TWISTED is some kind of intelligence plant. The comment is so catastrophically stupid that it can only be a misdirect.

    CIA owns Washington Post. Period. Full stop.

    You got to think that by this point Plot-TWISTED has got to be getting sick of himself, even. The propaganda is so obvious, so stupid, so knee-jerk. The money must be real, real good.

  36. Let us also get back to the fact that the NYTimes CEO Mark Thompson led the charge to cover up for Jimmy Savile at BBC.

    Talk of the corrupt intelligence house organ Washington Post has nothing to do with the NYT and only changes the subject. Another thing Plot-TWISTED does with alacrity on this site. Remember: Whatever Plot-TWISTED says, the opposite is almost surely true.

  37. @DDonna, key words always cause him/her to appear. Nail hit squarely on the head

  38. @Nutty Flavor

    " I can't really see a newspaper owned by one of America's richest men as "independent""

    Fair enough. But having read WaPo since 2001, when their reporting was leaps and bounds above the NYT, I don't feel that Bezos has changed anything inside the aggressive investigations and reporting that it has practiced for a while.

    WaPo is not all left wing by any stretch, but I find the right wing op eds to be more conservative than stupid silly (like Bret Stephens or Paul Krugman at the NY Times.) I don't feel berated by WaPo, that is true, whereas the NY Times seems to deal in a lot of shame throwing at it's readers, much like Manhattanites themselves.

    "RCP's own stories aren't that good, in my opinion.)"

    Thank-you for that! I was wondering if you depended on their own reporting which isn't very good. I'll look through their site on your recommendation.

    I generally waft around a lot and use some Reddit groups to steer me, too. Mostly, I still depend on hard media which for some reason encourages a focus that online sources do not. I listen to podcasts as well.

  39. @Ddonna

    "CIA owns Washington Post. Period. Full stop. "

    The proof being the new thrilling narrative for your delicious Outrage! Don't forget The Children, Ddonna, except those killed in mass shootings since that is ALWAYS a CIA lie, right?

    "The propaganda is so obvious"

    When one can't distinguish facts from fiction, the last hold onto one's cognitive dissonance is IT'S ALL PROPAGANDA!!!!

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. "I generally waft around a lot" - couldn't agree more, plot. Your landfill-esque stench is unmistakable.

    Google: "plot"


    1. a plan made in secret by a group of people to do something illegal or harmful.
    "there's a plot to overthrow the government"
    synonyms: conspiracy, intrigue, secret plan; machinations
    "a plot to overthrow him"

    1. secretly make plans to carry out (an illegal or harmful action).
    "the two men are serving sentences for plotting a bomb campaign"
    synonyms: plan, scheme, arrange, organize, hatch, concoct, devise

  42. @plot. If you like investigative journalism, there’s a separate site called Real Clear Investgations that aggregates investigative stories from all over the web. Lots of Trump/Russia stuff and even international investigations.

  43. @Wellywood, there is help for people who can afford to go to therapy. Chemical (and physical) castration do work if their urges are sexually motivated. There are many studies on this topic.

    The problem is, and will always be, is that people with power and/or money that have a sexual interest in children feel they do NOT need to suppress these urges when they have the connections and money to pay people off. What is even more digusting is that they have absolutely no regard as to the damage the child suffers in their hands.

  44. @DDonna Tarttty +1000!

    NY Times isn't even good enough to be used as toilet paper.

  45. @ Nutty

    Just gave Real Clear Investigations a gander. Interesting resource, yeah, I think I'll you that.


  46. @ DDonna Tarttty
    I'm sure you're right about shadowy elements in the intelligence community paying people like Plot to post here in the comments section of CDAN....because what we say here echoes in eternity!

  47. This doesn't seem like much of a blind. More like fan-service to the influx of posters here to take political shots.

  48. @Ddonna Tartty - I pretty much always agree with what you say on here and you seem a very up-front and honest person.

  49. This site has made me view all news sources much more objectively. It’s so much easier for me to spot an attempt at a slant on either side of the political divide. I’ve found the only true and completely unbiased, fact-based reporting to be from PBS (despite their recent scandal) and NPR. That’s not to say I don’t read my fair share of news from most other mainstream sources.


  50. they went after Nixon but they knew their place RE JFK and RFK

  51. "paying people like Plot"

    Goddamn I wish!

    Where can I sign up?

  52. @Plot Thank you for stating the truth of things when it comes to what inhabitants of what Rachel Maddow calls "Earth One".

    The NY Times did serious damage to it's reputation as the "paper of record" with its relentless pursuit of "her emails" while ignoring what average NY'ers walking around in the street knew about the occupant of the WH. They were in a perfect position to report on nefarious ties, how his wife became his wife and why she isn't going anywhere, and the role of his "lawyer". Meanwhile the WaPo has become the place to find genuine news from all points of view. They even print the fluff stories about the occupants wife once or twice a month.

    The NY Times semi apologized for what it did but we're all living with the damage that was done.

    Thank you @Plot for sometimes being the sole voice of reason here. I suspect you have more supporters than you think.

  53. SDaly, the lot of you cynically using pedophilia to rescue Trump should be ashamed of yourselves. You and Benza and the others trying to dress Trump up like an anti-pedo warrior should be aware he's the biggest pedo in the business. Everyone knows it.. Bill Clinton is a hebephile, but Trump goes for little girls who look like his daughter.

    They're all going to prison - all the pedos including Donald Trump.

  54. Bullshit. The New York Times is not trying to normalize pedophilia. Seriously, anyone who believes this probably also believes that actual journalism is fake news and trump is an honest, hard working family man...smh

  55. have someone any indication of another smug newspaper or magazine that does not support pedos to me?

  56. @Aoife

    You are so kind. The NY Times has been inexplicable to me for a long time now and I don't read it regularly. Every time it leads us into a cesspit, they apologize (kind of) and promise to do better....then do it all over again.

    The agenda of the NY Times doesn't even make sense most of the time. Who exactly is it's intended audience? Is it trying to gain Alabama readers? Become Newsweek? Commentary? What's the game here?


    They don't give a shit about kids, abused or tortured. All they want is entertainment value and to create a thrill around Trump.

    They are terrible people, the lot of them.

  57. This can be any left wing news outlet. WaPo, HuffPo, NY Times, The New Yorker, any leftie websites like Vice especially have pushed some pro-pedo stuff.

    The legalize pedo thing runs strong in liberals for some fucked up reason.
