Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 14, 2018

It's amazing how hands off this disgraced A- list dual threat actor was with the woman he was with until he saw the paps. At that point they were all over each other until the paps left. Then, it was back to separation.

James Franco


  1. I'm super confused. Is Franco a closet case? A serial abuser of women? Both? Wtf is going on?

    I always took him to be a narcissistic piece of shit who used his charm to skate by with minimal effort. He doesn't work on his craft but he has enough talent and charisma to bullshit people into thinking he's some kind of driven actor. Look at the Disaster Artist, a movie based on a book about the worse movie ever made. Franco removed all the elements from the book that made it interesting, the serious interpersonal conflicts, the worrying weirdness, if not outright psychopathy, of the main protagonist, and transformed it into a one dimensional crowd pleaser about a loveable eccentric. He'd have been given an Oscar for it as well if it wasn't for pound me too.

    Anyway he was sucking face with a girl for show and then stopped when the cameras turned away? Only one type of person who does that, and it isn't a homo bearding it up for the cameras.

    1. Lmao tbh I think he stayed with her for this long bc of the me too thing.. he wants it to seem like he isn’t jumping from woman to woman, is able to maintain a long term relationship and isn’t a creep. He’s trying haaaaard to rehabilitate his image so he’s playing the game

  2. Franco's a pansexual ephebophile. The woman's around for show -- to show he's 100% straight and a one-woman-man who'd NEVER do those nasty things he's accused of. He isn't into her as a sincere love interest, hence the on/off lovey-dovey switch.

  3. He always came across as a creep to me, even before he was outed for his behavior. He's grossly overrated and can't act in my opinion. I think he's for whatever he can get his hands on, whether that be a man or a woman.

  4. Yeah I think you got it. His pedophilia is the real issue here, and it will be the thing no one in the media will ever bring up about him. He gets a bit handsy with the ladies sometimes is better for the industry than he likes to rape 12 year old girls.

  5. He's tainted goods, everyone and their mother knows it. If he wants to rehabilitate his image then he'll have to give up some bigger fish.

  6. So horrible this guy is being persecuted for doing nothing wrong. His worst crime was being mean to an assistant. Total smear campaign.

    1. 100% agree . It’s not a crime to not want to be monogamous

    2. Have you not heard about his “Acting School”?

    3. Papaya: people came out of the woodwork with worthless allegations, yet no one from the acting school accused him of anything. Quite telling.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Who would hire him? What actress would work with him? What director would direct it? How would social media react when the casting was announced? How would social media treat the actresses working with him? Who else might come out of the woodwork?

    I don't see how he works again outside an ensemble TV piece like the HBO thing for a long time. But maybe I'm kidding myself.

    1. Franco will be around for a long time . He has a huge fan base works hard , is very talented and absolutely nothing has Been proven against him

  8. It's been said...Franco is a sex addict and likes to push the envelope to the extremes for the thrill. Watch the docudrama he produced/directed "Leather Bar" if you wanna know what really gets his blood flowing. Well, that and young tenderlings (of both sexes)

  9. He is an extremely talented and artistic person who has the potential to become a legend over time if he could check his ego, control his urges for the younglings, and tone down his issues with being a control freak(ie, abusive verbally, mentally, physically)

    He actually has a brilliant mind IMHO

  10. Hey I've always enjoyed Franco's acting, but you can shill all day for him, America isn't listening.

  11. James Franco according to the blinds is BISEXUAL! I know some people don't want to believe MEN can be BISEXUAL but that is what Franco is. Someone mentioned in another thread he was screwing men openly making out passionately with other guys while in Brazil a few years ago. I guess because Franco is somewhat masculine people don't want to believe it. But Franco is not straight and that is what he is trying very hard to protect. Notice Franco has made gay films BUT he always is coy or tries very hard to hide his true sexuality. He needs to stop being a coward and come out.

  12. Not a bad actor, I liked him in The Deuce. He is still a creep though.
