Thursday, May 24, 2018

Your Turn

Have you been ghosted?


  1. Friends, I’ve just changed chiropractors. It was quite an adjustment.

    1. Are you the journalist that dirty laundry was written for?

  2. I'd say one house had more of a residual haunting, but occasionally there seemed to be an intelligence.

  3. I've been married way too long for this to have happened!

  4. It's a shitty thing to do.

  5. Yeah when I was 15 but it broke my heart

  6. Once, but they began to regularly contact me again after they ghosted me for 3-4 months. I'm usually the one doing the 'ghosting'.

  7. No but I wish some people I know would ghost me. Yes, I know I can do it to them, but they are just pains in the ass and not people I'd deliberately want to hurt like that.

  8. By a friend. It's a terrible feeling.

  9. Yes, and have been the ghost. Not proud of it.

  10. I'm not proud of it either, but those that I did ghost were just such incredibly toxic people that I couldn't deal with them any longer. That, or I didn't have anything to say to them after a certain point. We just grew apart. It happens.

  11. do you mean have you ever scene a ghost?

  12. I am currently being ghosted by my husband & seen a ghost or two in my life...

  13. I have seen ghosts, ghosted others, been ghosted.

  14. Yes I have been from my ex boyfriend and am still wondering what happened... to be fair, I did it to him before which I deeply regret. So, I don’t know if there’s still hope or not (I did come back to him after 4 years!!) we grew up together and have known each other for almost 19 years. But I want kids and don’t know if I should still wait... but to be honest, I don’t really have a choice since I never met anyone remotely like him...

  15. I am the ghost and I've been ghosted.

  16. The fact that grown adults can't cope with their feelings or face issues like grown ups is ridiculous.

  17. I had a platonic friend do it. It hurt when it happened. Now I’m the type of person who won’t beg you to be around me.

  18. Oh that, yes light ghosting both ways.

  19. Since some people don't seem to know what ghosting is: Ghosting is when someone just suddenly drops out of someone's life. They just stop answering texts and calls, etc, rather than just having a friendship or relationship fade over time.

  20. About 10 years ago a really good friend got dumped by a boyfriend who humiliated her with his cheating. She lost her mind and instead of being angry at the boyfriend she took it out on her friends, like me. She turned into a major bitch and misinterpreted everything I said and snapped and took offense at everything. She was really evil. Then she just dropped out of sight when we had been pretty close friends for around 10 years. I tried to reach her and she never answered or returned calls or emails. Around this time I was going through a tough time and really needed a friend and she never returned a call or text. I think it was just her immaturity that caused it. She has made feeble attempts to contact me by a group email or text about something random but what she needs to do is own it and apologize to me if she wants to be friends again. Ghosting is so lame- it is done by people who are poor communicators and emotionally immature.

  21. Ohh yes. It's maddening.

  22. Shamefully, I have been the ghost

  23. it depends. not everyone is emotionally stable. You think you can have an adult conversation over things like romantic or platonic relationships and the issues that lies within them but sometimes you can't and it is safer to ghost. I've known men who can't handle rejection and I've known women who can't handle not getting their way. God help anyone who meets the woman who can't handle no and because retaliatory in some sort of way. those are the worst. A girl at work who had authority over me once tried to spread the rumor of a male co-worker having an STD because she didn't want the other women in the office to get linked with him romantically. I stopped having lunch with her after that without giving her a reason why. if you can just can't come to common ground with those type of people, what other option is there? Im not a therapist so I am not going to try to correct someone's awful behavior. Sometimes those people losing friendships without explanation start changing for the better.

  24. Yes, I have been ghosted by the last two men I was involved with. It seems that nobody really breaks up anymore, they just ghost.

  25. Yes. Ghosted and ghoster.
    Have not actually seen a ghost though but expect that one or two have seen me.

  26. I don't think so, but yeah, my spouse, friends and I are all too old for that shit.

    I did ghost somebody once, because I was honestly just so mortified by her behaviour that I didn't know what to say or do. I regret it, but I also don't think she would have really heard anything I did say.

  27. yes and 20 years later it still hurts.

  28. Technically, no. It’s not being “ghosted” if you were catfished and the relationship was never real.

  29. Yup. And it really sucked.

    OT, has anyone read the blog about the movie Show Dogs being a molester's grooming film?

  30. Anonymous10:00 PM

    one time i wanted to break up with my girlfriend, I was living with her, she went to walk the dog, while she was out for 15 minutes, I moved out everything.

    later, when she would see me walking down the street she would cross to the other side

    then again, an earlier time when we were together and making love, her 37 lb halfbreed mutt leaped from the bedroom floor directly onto my back and attacked me, so I guess it really wasn't meant to be...

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. If you find out someone has been lying, manipulating or gossiping about you, or after you get to know them find out they are just plain crazy or unstable, all you can do is ghost, sometimes you need to protect yourself.

    There are lot of sadistic, unhappy people out there who love destroying other people's lives, its the only way they can feel power
