Sunday, June 17, 2018

Blind Item #10 - MTV Movie Awards

An adult entertainer says that late last night after most of the after parties had ended, this current A list reality star from a very popular show that is currently filming, came into the club, wasted out of his mind. He said he wanted a private dance and when she started, began throwing money at her and asking how much it was going to take to get a blo*job. He then tried to grab her head and shove it down on him. When she backed away, he called her a wh**e and stormed out.


  1. Jax from vanderpump? Is he straight today?

  2. This behavior is unfitting for such a reputable, prestigious person as a reality tv star.

  3. Farrah Abraham and someone I could care less about?

  4. Sounds like Vinny G

  5. cant be jax from vanderpump, he pumps ass not pussy

    whats it called, 'bisexual-in-waiting' ?

  6. Someone should remind this stripper of the "cone of silence" that guards every titty bar everywhere. Blaze Starr and Tempest Storm conjured it up back in the '50s and the force is still strong.

    Can you imagine if every "artiste" blabbed about late night celebrity antics. Chairs would be empty. Remember the code, sweetie!

    1. Aw come on this whole website is about going off code

  7. Awww...Blaze Starr. Haven't heard that name in forever. My grandfather was friends with her when she lived in Baltimore.

  8. Ronnie on coke and roid rage. Can he even perform?

  9. Damn...first Tricia and now the Geej. Both ends of the spectrum. Now I know I have arrived.

    Thia - Yeah I met Ms. Starr at the Two O' Clock Club on the B'More Block back in the sixties. Had some wear and tear on her but she was a classy lady.

  10. There is a huge difference between "late night antics" and sexual assault and harassment. Equating the two is a logical fallacy. And a gaslighting tactic. And a perpetuation of rape culture.

    It is always ok to out sexual predators. This might not be the right site for those made uncomfortable by this.

  11. All due respect, Maude, but how many AM strip club appearances have you made, as a customer of course? It's a sub-culture unto itself, and there are unwritten rules.

    One of those is "never touch the talent", unless a deal is made in advance. Break that rule and you can expect an imminent visit from some very large, unfriendly men who will ungraciously escort you from the establishment, at the very least.

    I speak as a veteran of clubs on five continents and can attest that the rule is globally consistent. But...the "what happens in the club stays in the club" code is equally enforced.

    I do not condone assault either, but rest assured there are mechanisms in place to deal with the issue.

  12. Clearly you do. You made no mention of the fact she had been assaulted and verbally abused in your previous post. You were more concerned about the fact she had "blabbed." You sound like a cunt, to be honest.

    1. Worst commenter 2018 contender right here

    2. Ayyeee there ya go, viking! Get that gratuitous CUNT word out the way.
      Pure class, you.

  13. I hope he left the money.

  14. Is that a thing? Finally, something to strive for.

    1. You get it by answering questions such as "CDAN do you celebrate Mothers' Day or Fathers' Day more?" with complex exposing answers like:

      As there has been a cult of hatred against Mothers for the last 20 years, led by ungrateful, deluded, attention seeking scumbags, which has been normalised in the West, I honestly care more about Mothers day. 

      A few seconds of ejaculation is NOT equal to nine months pregnancy (while the Mother MADE the baby), life risking agonising childbirth, or the sleep deprivation and exhaustion of 24/7 breastfeeding and nappy changing while barely being able to walk or years of dedicated childcare. That's not forgetting women who also endured agonising miscarriages and/or painful IVF too. 

      Then there's the preferential treatment Fathers inexplicably get where they're not berated for being too young/too old, for staying at home/for working, for being single/unmarried/divorced etc. They don't get the blame for unwanted pregnancies/child's bad behaviour. And despite the fact that virtually every legal document/form/letter etc., lists the Father first, while the Mother is relegated to second place (if mentioned at all) and the fact that every TV show, film and advert etc., features the Father with the Mother in the background (if she features at all - hello, Disney..) today's spoiled, entitled, ungrateful, deluded, attention seeking Fathers cry faux victimhood and shit on Mothers every day on the internet, especially on Mothers day. They disgust me.

  15. Really it reads like a bitter British sket who just got her 4 year degree after 12 years

  16. Don't think I could ever reach that level of verbose scatology. Clearly not my category.

  17. He called her a whale?

  18. Jersey Shore is not currently filming. Must be a VPR guy.

  19. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Hi, Boldblond. Actually they are currently filming second season right now in Las Vegas.

  20. Ronnie - Jersey Shore

  21. As they say, sluts do it with everybody. Whores do it with everybody but YOU.

  22. Didnt ronnie's baby mama have videos of her getting buttfucked by her exboyfriend saved on her phone that ronnie caught her watching? Classic transference if this BI is him.
