Thursday, June 14, 2018

Blind Item #13

This permanent A list singer is going to screw up her whole lap band surgery thing. Yes, she barely eats now and basically leaves an untouched plate at every restaurant she goes to in town. However, she is drinking way more wine than she used to and doesn't seem to think liquid calories count as calories.


  1. Poor Mimi and her flasks of wine

  2. Lap band & GB patients are more susceptible to cirrhosis she better watch it now!

  3. Jeezus, b!tch thinks she's Cersei or something.

  4. Is this BeyoncĂ© with her “baby/wine” bulge?

  5. She had the sleeve lap band not performed any longer and it takes very little alcohol to get drunk after you've had the procedure

  6. The wine treats the bipolar disorder. Or something.

  7. There's an increase of alcoholism in those after gastric surgery

  8. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Read the same thing, Erin!

  9. Most obesity is a food addiction. If you take away one addiction, it's really easy to substitute it with another one. I had weight loss surgery and lost 130 lbs. over 10 years ago. I was very careful about this but I've seen others go to alcohol/drugs and even gambling.

  10. It's called transference, and is common in WLS patients. They can't/won't overeat, so their addiction transfers to sex, gambling, drugs, etc. However, in Mariah's case I think she's always had a problem with alcohol, so that's more of a continuation than a transfer.

  11. people really dont understand that this gastric surgery is basically a band-aid for their bad eating habits. NO ONE is obese bc of an illness or medication. they are obese because they consume more than they are burning - That. Is. It.

    mariah doesnt even look heavy enough to qualify for gastric bypass. any doctor would say no to her if she wasnt famous and had money to pay them off.

  12. if you dont change your lifestyle and your eating habits BEFORE THE SURGERY, then you will be just like carnie wilson....gain it all back and give up. change the way you eat, change your life. food is FUEL, not your treat.

  13. Either Xtina or Kelly Clarkson

  14. Gastric bypass is a tool not a cure for obesity u have 2 have a certain bmi 2 be approved for surgery not so for gastric sleeve which people r flocking 2 as a way 2 control their weight, it's an 18 month approval and diet and lifestyle change with a weight loss noted b4 surgery b4 u see the inside of an operating room.

  15. Mariah could easily give in and go with the weight thing. She's hanging on by her fingernails to a 25 year old image, stuffing herself into sausage-casing dresses while starving herself. I'd love to hear her voice with a few extra pounds on it. Aretha did it well and she's gorgeous.

  16. kelly clarkson!!!
