Friday, June 15, 2018

Blind Item #13

They told her parents when they found out that it was just some G rated version of voodoo. Not the case. Two cast members from this almost movie from a platform that does lots of almost television introduced this not yet a teenager B+ list dual threat actress to a Satanic ritual. It happened three times before she finally told her parents. They had warned her not to do so. Because the two cast members are vital to the film, they are still on set although being kept away from the girl. 


  1. Earth to Hollywood dumbfucks:

    Magic, Magick, Voodoo, Satanism, Astrology, etc., etc. don't work.

    The only practice which works is turdomancy, followed by turdophagy.

    Stick to these, and stop embarrassing everyone.

    1. Anonymous12:38 PM

      All excuse for s*x with as many dumb and young actresses as possible

  2. Magick is the use of language and other forces to impose your will upon others. It is very much on display every day, in media, on your money, in advertising and many other places.

    Low dimensional people take everything in the world at face value and have no idea there is another sphere, a spiritual world, laid atop this one.

    There are a lot of clowns who try it and come to bad ends. But there are others, far more adept, who become forces to be reckoned with. You can see the opposing factions battling right now without much squinting.

  3. Don’t Catholics have a ritual where they drink blood and practice cannibalism?

    1. Dude, that's zombies

    2. You’re thinking of transubstantiation. Upon blessing the wine & Eucharist transform into “the body & blood of Christ”. It’s still just wine & a bland stale cracker though.

    3. @lunchpaillefty I'm still waiting for most folks to wake up to that casual little ritual.

    4. That's that Cuban bullshit in Miami. Forgot the name.

    5. Do you mean santaria?

  4. Was it Dungeons & Dragons?

    P.S. This sounds like it was written at the height of Satanic Panic in the 80s

  5. Whoever this is has to have been born in 2006 at the latest, which left out everyone I could think of.

  6. Anonymous12:26 PM

    I still wanna figure this out, but I gotta Pandering much, Enty?

  7. Donna, you didn't disappoint. lol

  8. "a platform that does lots of almost television" sounds different than the usual Netflix or Amazon Prime description.

  9. Think I'll stick with God, you know he makes the best pizzas. It's Pizza Friday y'all! :)

  10. Satanists are angsty mall goths of magical thinking. We need a good 21st century Blavatsky or Crowley just to sort out the fucking wannabes.

    I'd love for Donna to explain more about the factions at work, of course.

  11. Isn't it obvious? There's another sphere. Physicists at Oxford and MIT don't see it or know how to manipulate it, but Donna has all that figured out.

    That's 'cuz she's not low-dimensional. I'd speculate, in fact, that she's pretty high-dementia-nal.

  12. Imaging which file DDonna puts each of us in...

    I'll jump right into the happily Magik Free from birth.

  13. Just as long as we don't start talking about spiritual frequencies or vibrations lol

  14. Too many upcoming Netflix original films for me to go through

  15. I see your not-so-veiled allusion, Plot. You don't intimidate me in the least, and your message discipline is slipping. Perhaps if it all went public the greater good would be served, hmmmm? Maybe I could even get a book out of it.

    I, too, would welcome "a good 21st century Blavatsky or Crowley," to shake out all these poseurs. More the former than the latter. A modern Edgar Cayce or Franz Bardon would be even better. But I suspect most of them are operating below-radar to stay alive. Nobody wants to make the Kate Spade fashion statement.

    Mark Passio, Kerth Barker, Jay Parker---all good places to start for anybody looking to dig deeper into this stuff. The writings of the late Franz Bardon, mentioned above, are essential. He's like the good guy version of Crowley, which is, of course, why almost nobody's heard of him.

    Meanwhile, I've been rattling around IMDB and have no clue who this could be. Wonder if it's either loaded with red herrings (there is a Lifetime movie in production with some suspect names) or clickbait for comment exchanges exactly like what we're seeing here.

    Either way, this has been fun! Do with it what you will (not the whole of the law, btw, just the service-to-self interpretation of it).

  16. "a platform that does lots of almost television" could be youtube red? All of youtube is alternative TV, and youtube red has original movies and series

  17. " You don't intimidate me in the least"

    Since that isn't my intention, great!

    Do you imagine otherwise?

  18. lolol. Spooooooooooooky.

  19. @DDonna, "Nobody wants to make the Kate Spade fashion statement" I like that, it's up there with the Sylvia Plath oven references.

  20. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Crowley was no more than a huckster, a sham, and a grifter. And I'm laughing my balls off that people who believe in woo woo magic are actually sneering at us "lower dimension" people with their cute little label.

    Virtue signalling with fairy tales. I've now seen it all.

    1. So you are saying, Crowley=Trump? Crowley was much smarter and braver. He climbed mountains at least.

  21. Is this Stranger Things?

  22. It doesn't say it's a reader submitted blind. Buy I still think Ddonna sent this one in.

  23. The problem with the "woo-woo shit" is that you still have to live in a world where other people believe it and will act accordingly, at which point it becomes "real" enough that you have to deal with it.

    Scientologists drain savings accounts, NXIVM members leave third degree burns in each other's flesh, 4chan frog retards babble about "meme magic" to each other, Freemasons buy real estate for temples, and stupid actors freak out their coworkers doing who knows what dumb shit. I don't have to believe a word of it (and I don't) but that's all still happening, isn't it?

    People who want a leg up from hidden knowledge and exclusive memberships will do a lot. Sure, all the light and dark and West and East shit is window dressing and sales pitches, but then your Crowley and (eugh) LaVey types are just Brand X here: like it or not, he must've done something that's kept them in business. Some like to think they're harnessing forbidden power, some like to think they're solving the ultimate puzzle for international justice, but Satanists and QAnon freaks are ultimately chasing the same high. (In very different ways, of course.)

    Meanwhile you can get a graduate degree in it if you know what the neutral approach to all this is called: semiotics. Maybe that's what I ought to go back to school for... as more people drown in a sea of disconnected information and struggle to fit the pieces together, it seems like the job market's only getting bigger.

  24. DDonna a lot of times when you stick to entertainment comments you are one of my favorite newbies. When you go off into shit like this, no. That's for InfoWars and 4chan imbeciles not us here. We're not into the dark web and the conspiracies here. We're mostly rational.

  25. Ugh..fairy tales all of religion...sorry if offended

  26. Pfffft. Oooo, it's all so scary. Puleeze. What a fuckin' joke these voodoo fools are. There is an easy way to fend all of this dark garbage off. Too bad the parents of this child don't have it/Him in their kids' life. Also too bad that the parents have sacrificed their kid to the filthy alter of Hollywood degenerates. It's all so dumb and disgusting.

  27. What is g-rated voodoo??

  28. I'm guessing G-rated voodoo is one step up from scary Halloween costumes.

    We're talking someone twelve or under here and I cannot help but wonder why, in the current pedo-enriched environment that is the entertainment industry, would any parent allow their kids to solo at even a mock Satanic ritual?

    I mean if I'm out and about, dancing with the Devil, and I see an unaccompanied minor in the mix my first thought would be sacrificial lamb, but hey, that's just me.

  29. Well done. This post has more haters than a Dancing Boy blind.

  30. @DDonna - First comment - good.
    Second comment - not so much.
    The world is run by (((satanists))) and their apron wearing servants.

  31. @Lunchpaillefty - Are you talking about Blood libel?

  32. Why can't they just subscribe to atheism if they hate god so much?

    1. You don’t need a subscription to be an atheist. Just don’t believe. It’s that simple.

  33. Stranger Things: Sean Astin...adopted son of actor John Ast8n aka Gomez Adams- a supernatural macabre show. We'll leave Patty Duke, his 2 sheets from the wind Mom out. Winona Ryder his sidekick in the ritual- star of countless occult themed films. Milly-their protege...mmmaybe?

    1. @karma. Patty Duke died a couple of years ago.

  34. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Jesus, Dddonna, you moved the goalposts so fast, you must have strapped wheels on them. Like most conspiracy theorists do.

  35. Anonymous5:54 PM

    @Karma. Dude. I've met Sean Astin. He's a fucking walking potato. He's so dim witted, I'm shocked he can remember his lines. Now he's involved in some woo woo satanic cult? Gimme a fucking break.

    1. @Unknown,
      According to Himmmm (& Enty), Sean Astin is a serial rapist and into BDSM. So don't sell him short.
      (However, this one isn't him because the "protege" in this blind is 12 yrs old, max.)

  36. @Bill Beard

    Do you seriously think anyone here who's reading all this shit doesn't know what you're talking about without having the balls to just say it? Parentheses, aprons; we all know what you mean! You think the Masons are a front organization for the Jews and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion; admit it and get it over with. You're not being coyly mysterious and you're not going to sweet-talk anyone into Nazi shit. Nobody's impressed. If that's your thing, at least own up to it, dude!

    There's no fucking SHOWMANSHIP anymore. That's the problem.

  37. @Poor Mick - On a blind entertainment site that coyly mysteriously alludes to child abuse without giving to much details? - surely not.
    You speak for everyone? It's not quite my thing no, Who funded them?
    I'm not getting the showmanship thing.

  38. So Aeltri,is Donna as well. It's soooo hard to keep track of her aliases. Never change,Aeltri,dear.

  39. Stranger things the main girl actress Eleven

    1. @Africa Gumba

      Thank you for sticking to the blind

    2. Stranger things is a tv show not a movie

  40. Author - You need to call Child Protective Services. If you know the minor is being coerced into doing these Satanic rituals, you have a duty to report the perpetrators and the show. If you don't, you can be held accountable for allowing this known or suspected abuse. The parents need to be reported too because they shouldn't allow that kid to be working in that environment.

  41. @UniversalEnergy

    It might behoove you to know that Enty invents the significance of certain things. Remember when as children we looked in the mirror and called on Bloody Mary? Or spent hours over Ouija Boards? Yeah, Enty turns that into SATANISM! Because certain posters can't get enough of that shit, believing with their whole hearts that we are fighting an invisible war with The Debil.

    He is pandering. That is all.

  42. @SD Auntie Santeria is the latino voodoo

    1. Thank you @ gsuloise and la la lady. Forgetting stuff really bugs me!

  43. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Actually, it does "work". That's why santeria, voodoo, etc have been practiced for so long.
    I have some unfortunate experience in this area, due to someone I was married to, who was fascinated by game boards and rituals.
    I saw some things one night, objects flying across the room by themselves, a plastic object spelling out words on a board by itself in answer to questions. He had opened a portal of some kind. Unfortunately, the phenomena did not stop, when he put the board away. It continued every night.
    In fact, we sold the place soon afterward.
    We are not alone.

  44. Ask the Beatles (left) or Jimmy Page is Crowley is just 'make believe' game playing/ pretend nonsense.

    Ask Robert Plant what he thinks about it all...

  45. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Show me proof of Jimmy Page casting a spell that actually does something, then you might have a point.

    If there's one thing I've learned in my years on this mudball, it's how well humans can delude themselves, believing all kinds of idiotic and ridiculous shit. Proof positive: this thread, especially with the 4chan snowflakes chiming in.

  46. I've met wiccans and satanists. Wiccans are harmless but the satanists really shook me up and I could not wait to get away from them. And luckily I have never seen them again. I do not think they are that bbnpopular but they do exist. Not mj y cup of tea.

  47. @Unknown

    "Show me proof of Jimmy Page casting a spell that actually does something, then you might have a point. "

    Ha! Oh don't you worry, they'll have some convoluted Satanic spell imagined that made Page a third tier guitar god and saved McCartney from his own John Hinkley.

  48. Lunchpaillefty we call it the Holy eucharist, it is in the form of bread and wine, not actual blood and flesh. It comes from John John 6:54, if your not Christian I understand it would sound way out there, but rest assured we dont eat flesh and drink real blood.

  49. "platform that does lots of almost television" = streaming services that produce/distribute their own shows = Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, Youtube Red. I think there are a couple of others however I don't think they are very popular and/or produce/distribute too much of their own content.

    "almost movie" = distributed via streaming services i.e. modern version of "direct to video". Of the above, I believe Netflix is the one to do most if not all of the direct movie releases...Amazon Prime has some as well I believe. Not sure on Hulu or YoutubeRed.

    Most likely a Netflix movie, however no idea which one.

  50. Whether it's "real" or not, doesn't matter to those who are adherents.
    If you haven't ever seen a Santeria ritual, then you don't realize to the degree these people take this seriously, and just how gory/bloody they are.
