Friday, June 08, 2018

Blind Item #14

That feeling when your rich boyfriend's family has cut him off from his money because they know you, being the A- list mostly movie actress dating him have been joining him in massive drug binges all over the world. Our actress never pays for her own. Ever. She is very generous. One of the more generous people I have met, but her rule number one is never pay for your own drugs. If he can't get access back to his money, she will fly away in the wind.


  1. I want to say Amber Heard but not sure about the 'generous' description.

    1. I think because she donated her entire divorce settlement along with money of her own to charity

  2. I just want to comment that I love the way this Entern has been writing this week!

  3. Yeah London Fields looks like garbage.

  4. Vito Schnabel/Amber Heard?

  5. Only she hasn't, Unknown. She made one payment...or rather, Depp made the payment. She never married him for money. She married for opportunity in Hollywood. She's not sexually attracted to men as anyone in the know, well, knows..

  6. It was her divorce settlement, so it's her money she donated to charity, Johnny may have paid it directly to either imply that she wouldn't do it herself or for a tax break who knows.

    Some people are bisexual get over it!

    1. Many believe the "donation" was actually part of the negotiations stipulated by Depp's side,hence Johnny's money going to agreement that may have kept her from having to face consequences for lying. Notice she ran from depositions and didn't make it to court; not very smart and definitely not a generous person.

  7. Why are there so many amber heard blind items all the time btw? lol I'm not big on movies so I legit heard her name on here for the first time...

  8. Yes, some people are bisexual. She isn't though. She's gay. There's nothing wrong with that, but there's plenty wrong with using people to social climb (she has quite the reputation for it). So maybe get over yourself, yeah?

  9. Did she tell you she's gay herself or is it just speculation?

    I don't doubt she married him because of his fame and wealth that's how lot's of relationships work in Hollywood, that's what middle aged men rely on when they want to go out with attractive women at lot younger than them.

    I'm in no way a fan of hers I've never seen anything she's been in and I actively avoid any of his films because I find his acting unwatchable, they both seen insufferable (the dog apology video showed that) it's the narrative of him being some poor victim manipulated by her I find ridiculous, he was obviously having some mid-life crisis and their relationship seemed very toxic.
    Relationships like this are a trade off the wealthier older person gets the "benefits" of being with the younger less wealthy and connected person and they in turn get the lifestyle, fame, connections or whatever, they are both using what they have to get what they want, I find it funny that people judge the "gold digger" rather than the richer more powerful one in the relationship.

    1. Did she tell you all that herself Leanne? Or are you making ASSumptions while bashing anyone else who would dare do so?

      I never understand why people feel the need to so strongly defend strangers they will never meet simply because those people are "celebrities"! Get some friends!

  10. It's interesting that you brought up the dogs because it was Amber who forged the documents and smuggled them into Australia. My issue is that he has been portrayed as a monster, while she is made out to be a victim. While I don't dispute your point about young women hooking up with older men, I genuinely think he loved her, to be honest. As for Amber, it's been well known in gay circles for years that she's not into dudes. This is not news. She "married" her girlfriend Tasye and changed her surname to Van Ree. She wanted Tasye to move in with her and Depp after she married him and he, unsurprisingly, said no. So, she served him divorce papers (within days of Depp's Mother dying) and demanded he pay her $50k a month and when he refused she accused him of wife beating (literally within days before the premiere of Alice through the looking glass). At the end of the day, Depp is the one whose reputation has been dragged through the mud, while Amber has been given sympathy. She is a criminal with a violent history herself. If Depp is to be punished based on Heard's allegations, then why shouldn't the same apply to Heard given her history?

  11. I think Amber perfers women, but uses men to her advantage

  12. Either way, she is nasty.

  13. Exactly, Sandy. Sadly, her sycophants can't see that she has systematically lied, and lied and lied because none of them bother to actually examine the evidence. There's a reason why the allegations she hurled at Depp after he refused to pay her $50k a month were dropped with extreme prejudice. She wouldn't even sit for her deposition.

  14. He can't even help his own career is he going to help hers? No matter what that money to charity and walking away with nothing kinda blows up the gold digger crap .

  15. How do you know all this Viking? What "circles" know this info that you are apart of? And how do you know so much about Amber?

  16. Amber Heard comes across as a stereotypical sociopath. Something extremely cold and calculating about her.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. As said before, Silkprint, she didn't marry him for money. She married him for opportunity. Regardless of what you think of Depp, her movie career took off once she hooked up with him.

    Jae, she came out of the closet and announced she was a lesbian at the GLAAD 25th anniversary in 2010. In front of the press. She was there with her soon to be wife. She downgraded to bisexual when she hooked up with Depp. Her criminal record is public too. Although it's not up to current date. All the information I provided is in the public domain and has been for some considerable time.

  19. "downgraded to bisexual..." hah nice

  20. Yup. He had a lot of evidence on her that blew her "evidence" out of the water, such as the messages between Amber and her make-up artist, discussing faking "bruises." I'd love to know what the item Amber hid in her bed was which shocked the maid when she discovered it, but that's locked behind NDAs now. She's a nasty piece of work and it will all come out one day.
