Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Blind Item #15 - A Dancing Boy Blind Item

Just wanted to share something fun (on the d/l for right now) that might be of interest: a friend in town, who is involved with one of the local film festivals, asked me to write and make something for it. I've been getting kind of restless focusing on projects that are at least months out, and have been wanting to get back into it one way or the other asap, so it sounded like fun. The story is: I've gone undercover as a homeless man to expose corruption, drug and sex trafficking, and money laundering in the area. Meanwhile, certain Very Bad Men in a particular industry town have gotten wind of me speaking out at Crazy Days and Nights, and have hired a Hollywood hit man to take care of me, and kidnap the teen boy who has been cast as the dancing boy, then sell him into the Hollywood underground (where he'll be passed around).

Do you remember that crack team of former Hollywood kids connected with my French billionaire patron? Fortunately, a couple of them, at least, are here too. Basically, they and the hit man (and maybe someone else) will be reprising roles they played in a particular movie back in the day.

Clue number 1? In my first encounter with the hit man, I am panhandling (in disguise) outside the local corner shop. He comes out and tells me to "get a job" when I ask him for change. (Here comes the clue.) After he walks past, I take out an 80s walky talky and tell my teammates: "he's here."

Clue number 2? When my teen likeness and I are cornered in the woods, the hit man (who in the earlier feature was a different kind of bad guy) - in this case brandishing a hunting knife rather than a gun - describes in some detail what he intends to do to me (cut my tongue out for talking, among other things) before he leaves me to die. He did basically the same thing to the young lead of the earlier movie. He said, and will say again, "do you know what I'm gonna do to you boy?" (Spoiler alert: said former young lead swoops in, ninja like, his former screen sidekick nearby.)

Clue number 3? The hit man had roles in multiple productions by a legendary director, beginning with a war movie, but maybe most famously as a candidate for high office.


  1. WTF?! Is life imitating art? Is that what you're saying DB? Seriously, SMH.

  2. *waves goodbye to the Dancing Boy b.s. storyteller and hopes he knows how to swim*

  3. Sounds fun.
    No guesses. But I hope this project takes off.

  4. I can't get through these Dancing Boy blinds.

  5. I couldn't understand the blind item all and honestly have no idea what the blind is even about. LOL! ....but for some the last clue#3: made me immediately think of Martin Sheen.

    He was in Apocalypse Now which was a huge war movie and then candidate for high office made me think of that popular show: West Wing.

  6. ????? you're telling me this is real? no way... Why would a hitman be famous?

  7. Ok. I'll play along. Is it someone connected to the Poltergeist movie?

  8. So I guess we are to figure out the film fest that is somewhat local to Nevada City area? But not too local, or the friend involved wouldn't be in town visiting?
    And nothing was said about filming, just writing, so maybe there's a screenplay contest? Hmmmm , when I have more time to devote to it, I'll start looking...

    1. Now it occurs to me, we've only heard a little about who could be producing and directing. More about plot and potential (dream) casting. So I'm curious how this will all pan out. There seems to be a deadline this time.

  9. Replies
    1. When fun means bat shit confusing

  10. I suppose Kenneth has a lot of time on his hands.

    1. @filmfanb,
      Well, there is that whole insomnia thing. Maybe he writes at 3am?

  11. is randy quaid writing this shit?

    1. This is what I'm laughing at for the rest of the night

  12. So, uh, does anyone else have any stories they'd like to tell?

  13. Either all of those Xanax I chewed up when I got home from work aren't doing their job, or somebody is playing an enormous prank on me (us).

    The first thing that came to mind when I finished reading this is:

    "No Mr. Bond, I expect you to die."

  14. The homeless disguise along with the 80s Vibe makes me think about the A-Team so I'm going to guess for one of these the ghost of George Peppard

  15. Not sure what I’m supposed to guess. I don’t mind DB BI so much. I just wish they were a little more concise. And maybe some fake names or acronyms attributed to the players would be helpful.

  16. Don't you guys get it? For fun,he wrote a script based on his appearance here. We need to cast Enty,and maybe ourselves! Go ahead, cast someone for yourself!

    1. @Guesser
      Bill Murray as Enty. But only his voice, Charlie's Angels style.
      I guess while we're at it, Crispin Glover as the fake homeless Dancing Boy.
      None of this based on clues of course, just who I'd cast.

    2. @Guesser
      Heather Langencamp to play me

  17. Wait? What? Is this blind current or past?? Ohhh...I'm seeing @Guesser's post.

  18. I’m new here. If the Blinds on this site are as annoyingly obtuse and confusing as this one, I’m outty!

    1. @Tom Jones, there's a couple dozen blinds in this series (Dancing Boy), dating back to January. If you've got time, read them from the start. Otherwise, skip past.

  19. Is this the CDAN movie? I’m gonna with John C. McGinley to play me.

  20. @Glue,I'm liking the Martin Sheen guess as well, maybe outing him as a bad guy is a clue. It goes with other blinds about movie sets,not just Dancing Boy.


  22. I read this three times, assumed there was an earlier blind that I have not yet read that helps make sense of it, and then my eyes just glazed over. My normal work day is complicated enough without trying to figure out what is even happening here, so I will just say that I really want Emma Thompson or J.Anniston to play me in the movie, if we are all getting cameos.

    1. LOL - I couldn’t agree more, La-juice.

      I’ll have Jennifer Coolidge play me since we share the same birthday and I like her.

  23. If I were Ronan Farrow who bravely exposed Harvey Weinstein in the New Yorker, I would be careful. Even if half of the stuff enty hints at is true. And the Russian government does the hit man thing all the time as if they were mafia. Trump even allegedly hired his friend Putins tea to off stormy Daniels . Lucky for her she evaded the ( alleged of course) Russian hitman. And now dt wants Russia in the g7. So many many favors owed to Vladimir. So what's not to believe here. We have become a nation of wealthy crooks who feel that they are untouchable. And yet we look down our noses at "corrupt" third world countries. I'm just really happy our potus gets along so well with despotic violent tyrants of communist countries. ( vladdy and Kimmy). Your grandfather died in the war to bring us to this proud moment in our history. 4chan Russian boys and incels living in your mom's basement do your thing: I love a good laugh reading those type things.

    1. You’re retarded. Putin isn’t putting Hollywood hits out. But ask Kate spade, she can point you in the right direction.

  24. Yes I enjoy a podcast or two and some of the things I hear make me uneasy about their safety

  25. 80s brick phone, teammates, corner place makes me think of A.C. Slater character name played by Mario Lopez on Saved By The Bell.
    Christian Slater and Martin Sheen do any films together?

    1. Beyond the Stars in ‘89 & Ask Me Anything in ‘14

  26. The only person I can think of for clue 3, is Michael Murphy, who made multiple movies with legendary Robert Altman. MASH (war) & Tanner 88 (candidate). But I am biased as Altman was one of my favorite directors. Murphy seems... random?

  27. This script was done as a joke, but it is by far the best. Great casting, BTW.

  28. Dancing Boy has haunted me since the first blind and I feel protective of him. It's nice to see him having a little fun with this.

  29. Ugh these are painful

  30. Clue 5: who cares

    Perhaps It’s time for dancing boy to just give up his big movie career and go on dancing (boy) with the stars.

  31. I wonder how many of the 10 people posting will leave their multiple blogger accounts to pay money to see this movie that will never be released?

    Actually wait, no I don't :)

  32. Bob Loblaw +1 they are relentless

  33. @Mo Thank you 😊

  34. I can absolutely see Clue 3 suggesting Martin Sheen. He can be a pretty great villain.

  35. They say life is stranger then fiction but I am starting to lose my interest in Dancing Boy. I gave it a chance....oh well.
