Saturday, June 02, 2018

Blind Item #15

If the amount of coke consumed at the bachelor party is any indication, then the wedding reception being hosted by a reality family should be one for the ages. Will there be a buffet and will it be an option, or will it just be in front of the plates of people who wish to partake?


  1. This Coke is not Coca Cola, amirite?

  2. The top shelf coke you bust out for a wedding reception isn’t cheap. Have to go with Hilton family money for this one.

  3. Nah Brody got married today must be him he got married in a land far, far away.

  4. Cocaine in Bali?? That’s a definite no no!

  5. HoneyRyder said...
    The top shelf coke you bust out for a wedding reception isn’t cheap. Have to go with Hilton family money for this one.

    There's the wedding coke for the hoi polloi, then there's the dealer's private stash.
    Regardless of how much they pay for it, the wedding coke is cheap.

  6. theres no way they would use cocaine in bali

  7. they are not that stupid

  8. It's Barron, the wedding is today.

  9. Both with porn star sisters. We have Kim Kardashian with her cottage cheese ass at the White House and a yacht girl Meghan Markle at Buckingham. Hookers everywhere.

  10. No chance Brody is scoring anything in Bali. No way
