Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Blind Item #16

Once again this intelligent B+ list mostly movie actress avoided any questions about her significant other and #metoo. Everyone has noticed he never shows up to red carpets any longer.


  1. If older Sharon Stone --young and intelligent???

  2. Bryce Dallas Howard?

  3. I vote for Emma. "Intelligent" being the clue with her college education. Hasn't she tried to avoid the whole MeToo movement? Or sidestep it?

  4. Why would it be Emma? She broke up with Chord Overstreet a few weeks ago. Why would there be questions regarding her significant other?

  5. Exactly, Garrison.

  6. I've yet to understand what makes her intelligent? Going to university doesn't make you smart. Plenty of dummies go.

  7. +1 Garrison, she's so boring no one noticed.


  8. Could it be Natalie Portman? Or is she above B+ list?

  9. Its because she is one of the few child actresses who didnt end up a THOT, so she seems like a genius in comparison

  10. +1 PghGirl, she's a good possible with the Francos.

  11. I like the Alison Bree guess! good job @pghgirl

  12. Possibly Alison Brie, she is currently promoting season 2 of GLOW.

  13. Anonymous1:31 PM

    I'm in for Amy Smart.

  14. Thanks Brayson87 and La-Juice...even a blind squirrel finds a nut occasionally. haha.

  15. Alison Brie is not mostly movie. I go with Amy Smart/Carter Oosterhouse

  16. Bingo!
    Nice one@hothotheat

  17. Seems like there was an Amy Smart blind recently...

  18. absolutely right @hothotheat, amber tamblyn fits!

    emma watson doesnt have a significant other thats interesting, and she has sort of spoken out about #metoo. also she 'coupled up' with chord overstreet bc she needs some relevance/publicity in a dismal career post-Potter, and - ding ding - they are both closeted.

    alison brie would fit but the whole 'intelligent' label sounds like more amber tamblyn. she's showed up w/dave franco but tamblyn hasnt. david cross is a POS, always has been. tamblyn, didnt she fall for him when she was a lot lot younger? like early 20s? maybe she's seen the light...

  19. I like Amber Tamblyn, mostly because of General Hospital lol. Her husband seems like a douchecanoe.

  20. @notthisagain I noticed that Dick Cross looks a LOT like Amber's dad when he played Dr. Jacoby in Twin Peaks. ew

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Thot = a slur hurled at women who get laid by triggered males who can't...

    Emma Watson's boring, eh? If she were snorting coke, yachting and screwing every cock in town like the others, you'd slag her off.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. THOT means that ho over there. Some women are thots, some men are creepers. Sleaziness is not a slur, it exists in real life in all genders. So saying that Emma is not a THOT is somehow misogynistic? People need to lighten up.

  25. Amber Tamblyn/David Cross

  26. Natalie Portman? Wasn't her husband accused of some misbehavior towards a colleague?

  27. hi,
    I don't think it could be amber tamblyn : she's a close friend of rose mcgowan, both can be seen talking for a long time in a new reality show rose is filming (citizen rose) ; and she mostly did tv

    like the brie guest but she's mostly tv too

  28. Amber Tamblyn called James Woods out, though.

  29. David Cross used to, (maybe still does), hang out w/a group of men that included the guys that started Vice mag, Shane Smith, Gavin McInness, and that other dude whose name I always forget. Also in their "man club" was Samantha Bee's hubby, whose name I never remember, either, because who cares?

    They were *all* always doing tons and tons of blow, getting falling down drunk, and screwing every young intern, writer, or whoever that crossed their paths in that scene, these were usually dirty hookups in bars, cars, and at the offices. The last of it, that I know about for sure, was going on in the 2000-2008 time frame. My insider was in the group, but got the boot, over some opinions he had that didn't fit w/the rest of the group, socially/politically.
    Patton Oswald was also tangentially connected, but he was usually on the wrong coast when the majority of it went down. Some other musicians & actors, as well, but I'd have to talk to my contact, as I don't remember all the stories that well, because he had so many of them.

    1. Jason Jones is Samantha Bee's husband...he is such a "bro".
