Thursday, June 14, 2018

Blind Item #1

There is a reason why this foreign born A list singer said she was not going to do much promotion for any movie which she was in. It is because it is not her thing. So, no one should be shocked if she shows up late to any promotion she does agree to do and definitely shouldn't go apoplectic about it like this permanent A list mostly movie actress.


  1. Rihanna, is this to cover for the blind you write saying she was not gonna do any promotion for ocean's 8 when she was at the UK premiere last night.

    1. The blinds were saying she didn’t wanna do any promo... she didn’t. She just showed up to two of the premieres. The other women were doing interviews on every talk show and did numerous press junkets... Rihanna didn’t.

    2. Is it to cover that RiRi's acting was so bad most of her scenes were cut and she chucked a tantrum?

  2. How about a Lexx reboot with Rihanna as Xev
    Brayson you're someone moneyed and famous right?

  3. Rihanna did a lot of promotion for her fenty beauty line and has been promoting the movie. She is always late to everything.

  4. So what's the "reason"?

  5. Plus, we all know how weed destroys your sense of time. And your ambition.

  6. She's got the primadonna complex.

  7. Sandy's beard looks like he got an allowance increase.

  8. I hate when people are late. I've let employees go for it many times. Of course, I've let tons of other stuff go, but not that one. Hate it

  9. That being said... Sandy can be late to see me ANY time. Love love her

    1. Me too girl,me too. She’s truly one of the good ones❤️

  10. @Geel, Xev was a cool love slave/cluster lizard, I'd be interested in who would be cast as Kai the undead former Divine Assassin or security guard first class Stanley Tweedle! When Canadians and Germans work together crazy sh!t happens! :)

  11. @ rosie riveter

    Couldn't agree more with you. I loves me some Sandy B.

  12. me too i even stomached Oceans 8 because of Sandy B

    1. Aside from a brief personal exchange (in which I found her -lovely)everyone I know who works/worked with her cant really say a bad word. A good friend is still close with her from her early days of working at Canastels(NYC), and she the same salt of the earth/cover your shift/ come to work sick /strong Work ethic, humble person. I smile every time I see her and I hope this dude (Brian) makes her happy and is good to her kids... I reckon he is:)

  13. RiRi more relevant than any of those old hags

    1. You do realize that most of the people here are much older than you are, do you not "notthisagain?" Take your ageism and go play somewhere else with your own age. Your maturity is actually much younger than that.

  14. Rihanna is a huge star she honestly doesn't need the Ocean 8 movie but the other women in the film do. She is A list superstar who has a successful music career and cosmetic business.

  15. That's nice that rihanna sold makeup and has a stage show, great for her. To assert that she is relevant in any meaningful way is pretty funny. She can't possibly believe that, can she?
