Sunday, June 17, 2018

Blind Item #2

A few years ago when they split, this former A+ list tweener turned A- list celebrity got an abortion without telling her boyfriend she was pregnant. They had split when he cheated. Now, back together, she still hasn't told him but they are having a very hard time staying pregnant. Multiple miscarriages.


  1. Hilary Duff and Matthew Koma are the only ones coming to mind but I don’t think they split that long ago and she announced her pregnancy...unless she recently suffered a miscarriage?

    1. They’ve only been together since 2017 and would she be considered A list?

    2. Yeah that’s what tripped me up and the no rating on the boyfriend. But Anderson definitely has it I think. Sad for them though if they are trying hard and struggling.

  2. Miley Cyrus and Liam???

    1. First thought that came to mind

  3. Doesn't Hilary already have a child?

  4. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Mmm should not write about this subject. Its not nice to out miscarriages

    1. It's outing the abortion, which is totally different than a miscarriage

  5. This is gross. Miscarriages are none of our business.

  6. Yeah murdering an unborn child is likely to have fuck all to do with shitty fertility, unless it led to post op infection or trauma. So if it's Miley, cum bucket, Cyrus, banging thousands of dudes and snorting literally a mountain of coke (and crystal) is more the point. Shoot I bet that bitch is still using.

    1. I don't agree.

    2. @Vessimede Barstool Someone’s triggered. Reads like you’re jealous.

  7. @Alice by that logic none of all this stuff on here is any of our business cause most of it is details of celebrities' private lives so idk what makes eating disorders, drug abuse, relationship problems, cheating etc. any more of our business

  8. The fewer kids the better. ESPECIALLY Hollywood kids.

  9. Vessimede, drop dead. You are a rubbish human being.

  10. Women who have sex trigger "males" who can't get laid.

  11. this shouldnt be a blind.

  12. Hey Enty, being one that has suffered through six miscarriages (never aborted a baby), I find this blind beyond shitty. Outing abortions & miscarriages is just abhorrent!

  13. Hey Enty, being one that has suffered through six miscarriages (never aborted a baby), I find this blind beyond shitty. Outing abortions & miscarriages is just abhorrent!

  14. these hollywood bed jumpers keep the abortion clinics in business... They are getting more vile and disgusting to watch.

    1. @BabyDoll then stop watching, weirdo

  15. Connecting abortion with miscarriages is ignorant and none if your business. Tacky.

    1. @bestman
      +1111 seriously

    2. But it's a fact that having an abortion can lead to fertility issues and even the inability to become pregnant in the future so it is surely relevant

  16. this isnt gossip. this isnt salacious. stop putting up people's personal medical crises like suicide attempts or miscarriages or abortions as blinds. pls enty, srsly

  17. Is it the original Miley Cyrus or the replacement?

  18. God hates you when you abort a fetus but God loves you when you use an AK to gun down a high school. MAGA

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Yeah, abortions have zero effect on fertility, so stop writing blinds that seem to imply they do, ok?

  21. No one knows where the abortion may have taken place. It doesn’t shock me if a celeb who doesn’t want the public to know they were pregnant went to some hole in the wall abortion clinic and got the procedure and may have caused complications. So I don’t think this blind is trying to be anti abortion or anything.

  22. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Not playing ball with this blind. Most blinds are fun. This is ignorant

  23. OMG I've never seen so much whining here. "Miscarriages are private and nobody else's business but the people involved." Yeah, well so are sexual identity, affairs, prostitution, parenting...whatever else you've got. You're on a gossip site. If gossip makes you uncomfortable, by all means LEAVE. But enough with all the moral high ground when you're down here wallowing in the mud looking for dirt just like the rest of us.

  24. Abortion CAN cause miscarriages in future pregnancies. Look it up. It’s not uncommon to struggle with staying pregnant after having an abortion. I’ve known two people that have had this issue.

  25. @Kate
    Just because they had problems after, it doesn't mean one has to do with the other. There's any number of reasons a pregnancy doesn't carry to term. Seriously, anyone who tells you otherwise is misinformed.

    That really doesn't make sense to me.
    There's no reason someone with money and access to good care would use a "hole in the wall" clinic FFS.

    1. Infertility is a known and documented risk from having an abortion. Despite what we have been told, abortion is not completely safe and risk free!

  26. This is a contemptuous blind.

  27. I guess no one here is concerned about the poor guy who wasn't informed or included in the decision to end the life of his future child? How sad!

  28. Unless this actress went the coathanger route, her miscarriages are not related to an abortion. Stop it.

  29. "Medical research incorporating studies from 21 countries shows that abortion does not increase the risk of suffering major pregnancy complications during future pregnancies or deliveries.
    There is no added risk of infant mortality or of having a low birth weight infant, nor is there
    increased risk of infertility, ectopic pregnancy, or miscarriage following an abortion."
