Sunday, June 10, 2018

Blind Item #5 - A Dancing Boy Blind

This is all top secret for now but it looks like there's going to be a dancing boy feature too, and the way it's developing the idea is for this story to be the first in the dancing boy franchise franchise/universe (with movies, tv, and plays that take place over the course of my life cycle).
Another part of it I haven't mentioned is that a reoccurring theme in these stories - and it goes in a certain way to a central theme of CDAN (as in: are there any good elites?) - is the whole clash of the titans/war in the heavens/battle of the superheros motif. But in this case it involves the secret global elite - one side good, the other not - and those in their employ.

And, as it turns out - back in the 80s - one of the crack teams of operatives for the good elites are a group of Hollywood kids (think MI or Spy Kids, but for real), who were trained at a secret facility in the Hollywood Hills. Our last mission back then ended in failure, but we're about to be recalled into service by my French billionaire patron. Our mission? To break into the high security studio vault where a certain movie is stored (and which includes in particular certain footage - it's been sold for thousands a piece in the Hollywood underground for three decades), and steal the movie, ninja-like (to score leverage in getting me out of the NDA with the studio).

This is the stuff of the prologue to the dancing boy movie: we all arrive at the facility for the first since the 80s, which has been sealed like a vault or tomb. Everything there - the tech, furnishing - is straight out of the 80s, which is our limiting factor. As for who else, I think I've named a couple or few of the people, but also one from the most recent dancing boy blind, the dancing boy's parents (as themselves), a certain female co-star of the dad (yes, HER), and yes (rolls eyes) him (someone had to give him a job, because no one's going to give him that 10 million bucks), among others. Also: the token millennial (who as a tween/teen basically created his own brand out of that joke at your 8th birthday when one of your friends unties a balloon animal and sucks the gas out of it, starts talking, and it's pretty much the funniest thing ever; do you know how many page views those things got [before he got picked up I mean]? in some cases more than 70 million).

I've also someone specific in mind for the head villain in "the Little Drummer Boy" flick. This is a major child actor (of the 80s) turned adult actor (who was always a nice guy). Here's the giveaway: there was a blind about him and a certain female musician not too long ago. Something else? My sister has a similar story (this is the formerly religious one). It happened after the taping of Season 2, Episode 9 - I was there too.


  1. Wtf did I just read?

  2. I don't think Marvel is sweating this "universe."

  3. It gets tedious when it's this complicated.

  4. What the fuckity-fuck is this crap? A dancing boy franchise? NO ONE CARES!

  5. Does anyone remember the movie “Now and Then”? There’s a scene in it where a bunch of underage boys go swimming in the lake naked, and all the girls steal their clothes. Devon Sawa is one of the boys and you can see him naked pretty clearly. I’ve never heard anyone discuss this! Those boys were full on naked and it wasn’t even hidden that well. Maybe some Shadow was added in edit but they are clearly naked. It was directed by a woman named Lesli Linka Glatter. Does anyone have any stories about this or know anything more?

    1. @Youtoo,
      I haven't heard anything about the boys specifically.
      But there was something a few months ago, believed to be about Ashleigh Aston Moore (I think that's her name) being raped repeatedly on set by Thora Birch's dad.
      So, definitely some sketchiness.
      Personally, I haven't seen the movie, but if I had I'm sure that scene would not sit well with me.

    2. It is entirely possible, not to mention common, for nude/flesh-colored underwear to be worn for scenes like that.

  6. You're being paid by this guy right Entern?

  7. Lol,Dancing Boy is trolling us. But I'll work on the last part.

  8. This is going to be the first of the Holocaust Cinematic Universe/Geeljireverse cross over trilogy

  9. I look forward to the day where there are no more Dancing Boy blind items. They're long, boring and usually make zero sense.

  10. @Youtoo, after looking it up,I do remember. Quite the female cast. Hollywood loves "coming of age" movies, because that means sexualizing tweens.

  11. "Dancing Boy" is a powerful pair of words.
    It shatters the literacy of the world's self declared smartest people on the internet.
    Just like the words "Minecraft" or "Mr. Hedge."

  12. Could the actor in mind for head villain be Ricky Schroder? there was a blind about him & Whitney Houston not too long ago...

  13. Are we supposed to guess the actors that are supposed to play these roles or real people? I'm confused about what part of this is real and what part is just the movie plot.

  14. Yeah, OK, you're about to go on a secret mission to infiltrate a H-wood vault and get your hands on a highly damaging film. And to ensure success, you'll announce your intentions upfront because nothing will lead to success more than warning them in advance. Idiot.

  15. @Jack Rabbit
    This is his script. (or total delusion!)
    DB has a habit of jumping around between real to fictionalized events.

    That said, why break into a super secret vault when copies have been circulated for 'decades'?

    1. @Sher,
      They want the tape because it contains evidence of molesting. It's not about getting it out of circulation, but having proof. Which means leverage in getting out of his NDA.

      So this is basically the real Dancing Boy living vicariously through his on screen persona.
      He wishes he could tell his full story, but can't because of the NDA with the studio. He can't *really* break in and steal a tape (if there still is one to steal), but he can maybe get some closure if the fake him does it?

  16. Corey Feldman is somewhere in there, that's all I got

  17. Someone exploring the systemic abuse of themselves and others has gotten to discussing "franchise rights" before even the first stone's been cast towards public justice? That's where I get off the train.

    And, of course, let this be a lesson: the "good elites/bad elites" motif for this proposed storyline is just that. A story. Sure there's degrees but for the most part all these people are, on some level, probably fucked in the head in a way that disables their tether to the reality most of us share, because someone bought a transfer pass to the world of permanent psychodrama and megalomania.

    Good luck with finding justice, and, uhhhhh, "good luck" with the syndication and the lunchboxes and shit.

  18. I couldn't understand any of that but somehow when I saw the word "dancing boy" I got this vivid, intolerable image of the unwatchable movie "Billy Elliot".

    I only saw stills from it but the dancing boy in that movie strongly reminded me of not only the welfare projects alcohol fetal syndrome kids of single mothers that went to my elementary school, but also of the kids that beat Jamie Bulger to death by the railroad tracks in a British slum.

    Thanks for reopening a window into the hell I grew up in for me to gaze upon and contemplate.

  19. Ok got a few. No idea who DBs dad is or certain female costar. Corey Feldman $10 million guy, agree villain is Ricky Schroeder, and helium YouTuber sensation- Google produced name of Lucas Cruikshank (Never heard of him). What I really want to know is which movie is locked up with such high security in a vault with certain high dollar valued footage from the 80's. Any ideas?

  20. I know "Dancing Boy" reads these comments, so will only say that I hope you are getting the help that you need. Either for what has happened to you (if the stories are true) or for your writing style (if the stories are not true).

  21. Lucas Cruikshank - better known as Fred.

  22. These DB posts are all so freakin' all tl;dr, I just read the bitching replies 😏

  23. It's pretty obvious at this point Enty is destroying the site for some reason.

  24. So strange. What's actually going on here?

    Is it just flat out lies to help cover for the truths on the site? Is it a "hey, you're all being trolled!" message? A metaphor for something else? Telling us something has already happened, and the villains are being publicly tweaked? Is it giving space for a damaged but good-hearted and well-meaning victim to vent a redemption fantasy instead of a far darker one?

    I have no idea, but obviously this post has some sort of ulterior purpose well beyond the DB franchise that is never going to happen. Remember the Oscar-bait porn film that had everybody in Hollywood scrambling to get a spot in the cast? Whatever happened with that? Maybe just another red herring blind? Perhaps the Playboy mansion video post was also?

    Even if they all are, I don't particularly mind. I just read these things and move on, don't try to decipher the mystery. If they ever drop into to our version of reality, it's the type of thing where I could easily shrug off and laugh at being wrong.

  25. What utter bullshit! No more of this crappola, please!

  26. Rocky: Bullwinkle, do you know what an A-Bomb is?

    Bullwinkle: Sure, a bomb is what some people call our show.

    Rocky: I don't think that's very funny.

    Bullwinkle: Neither do they, apparently.

    Thank you, and enjoy the buffet.

    1. My father raised me on that shit.

    2. Anonymous4:39 AM

      Count your blessings it wasn’t the Dr Demento show

  27. I hope the movie contains less dribble

  28. I'm done and will now pass

  29. I assume the video is meant to be the tapes of the young actor(s) being molested (and dancing half naked).

    I don't think I have any guesses other than those already named.

  30. Anyone else totally lose track of these months ago? I have no idea whats going on here.

  31. Dancing Boy made it out of Hollywood alive. Jackson Odell did not. He was only 20 years old.RIP. (iCarly,The Goldbergs) Agree with the Ricky Schroeder guess,that's all I got.

  32. Nope. Not even gonna play. YUCK.

  33. Nope. Not even gonna play. YUCK.

  34. @Sara

    Yes I agree. What I meant by it being in "circulation' is that, according to the synopsis, the film evidence was copied and distributed over many years. There isn't just one single copy in a secure vault. There are more copies outside of that vault.

    e.g. If I wanted to steal someones tax records, I'm probably better off trying to find their local accountant than covertly infiltrating the IRS headquarters in D.C..

  35. Anonymous5:48 PM

    My take: DB went to see Ocean's 8 and now has visions of turning his oft talked about short film into a feature length heist pic in which a group of child stars, modeled/inspired by real life child stars like Corey Feldman, Lukas Ceuikshank and Frew Bsrrymore (yes, her!) are hired by a benevolent rich man to break into a vault and steal evidence of child molestation, a theft of a video no doubt inspired by the video of his own assault.

  36. If I think it through a bit more you'd want that studio-held copy to stay right where it is. Get an outside copy as evidence, then get a warrant to prove the studio had it and locked it away on their own property.

    But it sounds like this script plans to use the film for blackmail to get out of a personal NDA and not for criminal charges.
    And then what happens? The studio capitulates and lets him talk? Knowing he could have already made a thousand copies anyway? Ha! Not a chance.
    It just makes no sense as a strategy. Even by Hollywood standards.

  37. Anonymous6:10 PM

    I wonder if there is even a movie in the works, and DB is just playing a game, elliptically getting back at a series of abusive men who took advantage of him and others in the industry that he met and knew. Just a thought. Teasing things until its the right time to strike.

    I do know he reads these; I wish he would be as the Himmms were, talking to us.

  38. There was some pretty gratuitous nudity of a baby, toddler and young boy in one of the Tarzan films (can’t remember which one) that made me feel uncomfortable. Also the film of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn has a scene of the boys jumping naked into the water skinny dipping. Makes me shudder to think about how all 3 actors were treated on set and also the number of pedo’s who get off to scenes like that :-(

  39. I just checked. I think it’s Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan. Released in 1984, I think I heard that some of the most graphic nudity may have been cut now (or maybe that was just for showing it on TV) but it was there for a couple of decades at least. The 80’s were prime pedo time, so I hate to think of the number of boys who had to go through the audition process. I’m sure they would have to prove to the director and whoever else was casting that role that they would be ok with doing naked scenes :-(

  40. Anonymous7:12 PM

    Interestingly, I went to the public Facebook page of the man commonly thought of has DB and he has a post that reads VERY similar to a reader blind (the Maggie Haberman one) that was published.

    1. I have a feeling that's not the only non-Dancing Boy blind he's written. Remember the one thought to be about Timothy Leary? I think he wrote that one, too. I'd have to find it again to be sure though.

  41. My head hurt halfway through that, so had to skip down to the comments!

    Can we just get a cliff notes version of the dancing boy storyline?

  42. does schroeder still want the champ ?

  43. Wow! Too long? So you kids today have such short attention spans, you can't even read four paragraphs and need cliff notes? Holy christ on a cracker!

  44. As a writer myself, i think I understand what DB has done.

    In order to get a deal, you need to make a pitch. In order to get your pitch seriously considered, you need to have some type of clout, such as a large internet presence or social media following. If you have a ready made audience, people are more like to a risk on you. It is extremely difficult to get a social following these days, as things are so saturated and the algorithms are against indies.

    So DB wrote into CDAN with a supposed blind from when he was in an almost movie as a teen, and turned it into a series on the site.

    Now, when he makes his pitch for his film, he can say "I am the notorious and popular Dancing Boy off of one of the world's most famous gossip sites, CDAN, which is read by x millions each month. My blinds among the most discussed on the site. Other writers on the site include (allegedly RDJ), etc. etc etc

  45. I've said it before and I'll say it again: DB needs a proofreader. Himmmm blinds can be verbose, but Dancing Boy posts are just incomprehensible ramblings. They're not even written as blinds, they're rants with the details redacted.

  46. Maybe posting here is part of his editing process. I like this story idea. It's a means of taking back power.

  47. So confusing. Is this a script pitch?

  48. I will skip all Dancing Boy blinds from now on.

  49. De facto evidence of drug abuse or brain damage...

    Or serious misdirection.
    Could be a way of showing 'hey, we do fanciful fiction here...' to fend off actions against the site regarding true blinds.


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